How to measure soil pH yourself: How to test for nutrients for your garden plants

In order to determine the requirements of the plants, you as a professional or hobby gardener should first measure the pH value of the soil with a test. Such a test is important because certain types of plants only properly absorb the nutrients from the garden soil in the appropriate garden area. Not even adding plant food or fertilizer will help if your garden soil is outside the plant's preferred level. So here are some gardening tips that might help you accomplish this task.

Why you should measure soil pH to test it

Technically, a soil pH (potential hydrogen) test measures how many hydrogen ions are in the soil. A pH less than 7 is acidic, 7 is neutral, and anything above 7 is alkaline. However, acidic or alkaline garden soil is not necessarily bad. It all depends on what you dogrow in your gardenwant. Most plants can adapt to a soil pH between 6 and 7.5. However, some plant species have different preferences. For example, blueberries prefer acidic soil, while asparagus prefers alkaline soil.

When you should carry out a garden soil analysis

If you measure soil pH, you should also choose the right time to do it. In this way you can, for example, prepare the garden soil before winter or immediatelyin spring before plantingchange. Additionally, this is a good time to note any weeds that have grown throughout the summer. This could also give you clues about the pH of your soil. For example, dandelions, wild strawberries and plantains reproduce in acidic soils, while common chickweed, bishop's weed and chicory prefer alkaline soils.

In addition, conducting such a test in the fall will give you enough time to grow fixative plants for mild winter climates or adjust next year's planting to your measurements. If the soil is alkaline, you can lower the pH byorganic materials such as horse manureor add peat. You can also neutralize acidic soil by adding lime. The amount you add depends on how much you need to change your pH.

How you can measure the pH value in the soil with home remedies

An acidic solution generally reacts when added to something basic. Therefore, you can use vinegar (acidic) and baking soda (basic) to quickly measure the pH of your soil. This test reveals general soil composition and is recommended for those who have relatively healthy garden soils that are a littlemore targeted garden carecould benefit. To do this, first dig 10 to 15 centimeters below the surface of your garden with a hand shovel to get a soil sample. As you do this, remove rocks, sticks and other debris from the soil, taking care to break up any large clumps. Next, place about 1 cup of soil in a clean glass container and add enough water to turn it into mud. Next, add 1/2 cup vinegar and stir the mixture. If the soil bubbles, foams, or bubbles, it is alkaline. However, if no bubbling occurs, you can simply repeat the process.

Measure soil pH with test strips

A vinegar and baking soda test can tell you which end of the pH scale your soil is at. However, for a more accurate measurement, a soil pH test kit is the way to go. You can purchase test kits at most garden centers. To carry out such a test, you should again use a hand shovel to dig 10 to 15 centimeters below the surface of your garden to obtain a soil sample. Then add 1 to 3 teaspoons of soil into a clean jar. In this case, too, remove stones and other deposits. Then fill the jar with distilled water to the same level as the soil sample. Stir the mixture vigorously and let the solution sit for 30 minutes. Then pour the soil sample through a coffee filter and into another clean glass. However, when doing this, make sure you catch the solids and let the liquid pass through.

Next, dip the test strip into the liquid. Pay close attention to the instructions on how long to leave the strip in. Compare the color that the test strip turns to the table on the manufacturer's packaging to determine the pH value. If you are measuring soil pH yourself, repeat the process several times with samples from different parts of your garden. This allows you to better determine the average value.

More tips when testing a garden soil

If you test the garden soil with vinegar and baking soda and neither test shows much effect, your sample is probably in the neutral range. No further testing is required. You can mix soil from several different samples from a small garden for the vinegar-baking soda test. However, if you have a large garden, it is better to test several soil samples separately. For garden soil that won't grow, it's best to send a soil sample to a lab for testing for a small fee. Based on the results, the experts can make recommendations to get you back on track.