Protecting flowers from frost in spring: simple measures + what to do if the plants have been damaged by cold

Spring frosts in the garden can cause many problems. Various flowers often freeze. It's important to keep an eye on weather forecasts to anticipate when frost may occur. How can you prevent frost damage to plants? Here you will find proven methods on how to protect flowers from frost in spring.

Foto: Denis Achberger shutterstock

What should you consider when planting flowers?

The first point to consider is certainly the choice of plants. About the probabilityof frost damage to the plantsTo minimize in your garden, you should focus primarily on species that are generally typical and thrive in your area.

Of course, you don't just have to choose native plants. It is also important to know some features of the plant. For example, if it only thrives in a mountainous environment and you live in a place with lower altitude, in some cases this may be another reason why the plant has difficulty adapting.

To reduce the risk, it is best to examine the plant you want to plant beforehand. Find out what temperature it needs, how much moisture, what soil and anything else that might be important. This way you have a better chance of preserving what you planted.

How some plants protect themselves from frost

Photo: M. Schauer / shutterstock

Plants have developed various methods to mitigate the unpleasant effects of freezing temperatures. Onion plants are the most adept in this regard. They burrow deep enough into the ground and use special, shortening roots that gradually drive them into the depths in autumn and to the surface in spring.
But not all plants have developed such mechanisms to combat frost. We'll show you some simple ways to protect your flowers from frost in spring.

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How to protect flowers from frost in spring

Foto: Tim photo-video / shutterstock

The danger becomes particularly clear after short-term winter warming and during spring frosts. It is therefore important to know when and under what conditions damage to plants is possible and to take appropriate measures.

Flowers are protected from frost with mulching material. Mulch forms a layer that protects the roots from cold and temperature changes.
You can also use additional preparations for the treatment of the root system. These funds strengthen the root system and increase resistance to unfavorable conditions in the spring period, especially unexpected frosts.

A lightweight fleece is an easy way to protect plants from frost.
The non-woven fabric forms a barrier that protects the plants from cold wind and frost. It can be used both to cover the entire bed and to wrap individual plants.

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Photo: Kristi Blokhin / shutterstock

Frost-damaged plants must thaw slowly (otherwise the rapid thaw will destroy the structure of the plant cells). The rapid rise in temperature is mainly due to warming from sunlight. Plants that thaw slowly and in the dark have a better chance of returning to normal development. If plants are less productive due to frost damage, nitrogen fertilization should be limited.

It is recommended to cover frozen plants with hay, straw or rags. They will warm up and slowly thaw. It is hoped they will make a full recovery.

Read more:Which potted plants can tolerate frost? These three will enchant your balcony or garden!