Wintering the gemonia: This is how the exotic surpasses the cold

Regardless of whether you grow the exotic flower in a pot or in the bed when the winter is at the door, it needs a little attention. Learn how to hibernate gestures and you will reward them with a nice bloom next summer.

Begonia are popular because of their bright flowers and their lush leaves and are often grown in the garden or in the pot. Depending on the type, you have different requirements when it comes to hard winter conditions. In order to successfully bring the delicate flower over the winter, wintering is essential. In the following you will find detailed instructions on how to hibernate commonia.

Hibernate: bring the exotic plant properly over the winter

Photo: Eva Bronzini/ Pexels

Most of the begonia are considered as one year, but if they are properly maintained and hibernated, they can enjoy these wonderful plants every year. If you follow our tips and know the specific needs of your plant, you can make sure that you survive the winter. In order to choose the right method, you should first check whether your Begonie is tuber -shaped.

Bring potted plants over the winter

Foto: @pepper_tooth/ Instagram

If you grow beggars in pots, you can simply hibernate them inside. Bring them into the house before the temperatures fall below 0 ° C. Do not forget to ensure that they are free of pests and diseases.

Room concepts such as Rex hybrids can be kept as a houseplant over the winter as long as they get enough light and moisture. It is possible that you will lose your leaves at first, but with a weekly watering and the right location you will usually show new growth in a few weeks.

Ensure a humus -rich, well -permeable soil, but fertilize thePlants in winternot.

However, if you grow a tuber geg in the pot, it is much easier to put it in a natural rest phase by placing it to a cold location and adjusting it.

Hibernate gardens

Foto: Guzel’s/ Pexels

Tuberand icebingons thatTo be grown outdoors should be cut back and excavated after the first frost. Shake the plant lightly to remove the earth and let it dry for 2-3 weeks in a warm place. When the tubers are completely dry, remove the stems with garden scissors and clean them with a cloth.


Place them in a box with sawdust by wrapping every single tuber in newspaper. This prevents pests and diseases from being transmitted. Label them carefully so that you can properly plan the planting in spring. If you do not know the individual varieties, the color and shape are sufficient.

Check the tubers monthly and remove everyone that shows the signs of putrefaction.

To hibernate the tubers, you need a protected, dry, but not very cold location, since Begonia are tropical plants and are not very well tolerated even in retirement at low temperatures. A temperature between 5 ° C and 12 ° C is optimal.

However, if you don't have a cool place for wintering, you can store the tubers in the house by spraying them with water once a month so that they do not dry out. Although tubers are traditionally stored dark, this is not absolutely necessary.

Maintain hardy varieties

Foto: Leeloo Thefirst/ Pexels

There are some of the hardy varieties such as Begonia Sinensis SSP Evansiana and Begonia Grandis SSP Evansiana, which can be wintered outdoors with frost protection. Cover them with a thick layer of leaves or mulch so that the tubers do not freeze. But remember that this is not enough in regions with low temperatures and that they should best be brought into the house.

Free out again in spring

Photo: Verba0711/ Envato Elements

Bring your potted plants back outside after the last frost in spring. Put them firstTo a shady, protected place and let them get used to the new conditions for a few weeks before placing them at their usual location in the garden.

When the tubers have growth while they are stored, cut it off before planting them again. Wait until the floor temperature reaches at least 15 ° C before planting the tubers back into bed. So that you can awaken yourself from the resting phase, put them in the sun first. Pour them only until the new growth starts.