As the days become shorter and colder in fall, most deciduous trees and shrubs begin to shed their leaves. And while all the colorful fall leaves are a wonderful sight when they're still hanging on the trees, they're not nearly as spectacular when they're scattered across the lawn, waiting for you to rake them up. Some people enjoy thesetypical autumn activity, but for most it's just another task to squeeze into an already busy weekend. But this inevitable fall chore can be made easier if you follow a few practical tips. Here's what to do and what not to do when raking leaves.
Don't: Don't skip leaf raking
While it may be tempting to skip raking leaves in the fall (after all, no one rakes in the woods), if you want a healthy and lush lawn next year, you need to rake the leaves and not leave them lying around. A thick layer of fallen leaves on your lawn, especially fall bluegrass (Sesleria autumnalis) and tall fescue (Festuca), prevents the sun from reaching the lawn and usually provides ideal conditions for mold, bacteria, pests and weed seeds. If you don't take care of the foliage, your lawn will be patchy and less healthy come spring. However, it is okay to wait to rake until most of the leaves have fallen, otherwise you will have to rake several times throughout the fall.
Do: Process the leaves into mulch
If you want to improve the health of your lawn but don't want to rake up the leaves, don't despair. Instead, turn the leaves into mulch. If your lawn mower does not have a mulching function, set the blades to the highest setting and mow directly over the leaves. The resulting shredded leaves slowly decompose over the winter and provide nutrients to the grass underneath.
Don't: Don't strain your back while raking leaves
This is a common scenario: When you're done raking, your yard looks great, but your lower back hurts. Prevent back pain by working smart and starting with a rake that's long enough so you don't have to bend over. Keep your knees slightly bent and your back straight. Reach with your arms instead of bending from the hips. Pull the leaf broom towards you in small movements rather than pushing it far away. Every 10 minutes or so, take a break, stand upright, and then gently stretch backwards for a few seconds to relax your back muscles.
Do: Use proper equipment for leaf raking
A leaf rake is the basic tool for raking up leaves and grass. In contrast to garden rakes, which have short, hard tines and are suitable for leveling soil, sand, gravel or similar, leaf rakes have long, somewhat flexible, light tines. The best leaf rakes have ergonomic handles to protect your hands, a working width of 60 cm to 75 cm, and “clog-free” tines that move leaves without skewering them. Also, make sure that the rake you choose is long enough so that you can work comfortably without hurting your back. But rakes aren't the only option. If your property is large and has a lot of leaves falling, it might be worth investing in a leaf blower. With these loud but effective devices you can dryQuickly blow leaves into pilesand thus make cleaning easier.
Don't: Don't forget to protect yourself
Raking leaves is not dangerous, but it is a dirty job that stirs up a lot of dust and pollen. If you suffer from allergies, wear a dust mask while working to avoid sneezing and runny noses, and shower after work to wash off pollen and dust. Also, put on a pair of gardening or work gloves to prevent blisters.
Do: Sweep the leaves onto a tarp
Make it easier on yourself by raking the leaves onto a tarp instead of leaving them in a big pile on the lawn. When the tarp is full, you can take the entire bundle to the compost heap or trash can for disposal or put it in a bag.
Don't: Do not burn leaves
Although setting fire to leaves seems to be the easiest way to get rid of them, it has been banned since January 1, 2015, according to the Circular Economy Act (KrWG). Burning leaves not only poses a major fire hazard, as even a light wind can easily spread the flames, but it also releases a lot of smoke and pollutants that can irritate the eyes and lungs and harm the environment.
Do: Get your children involved
While most adults find raking leaves to be a chore, many children find it a lot of fun. If your children fall into this category, consider including them. We have for youin this articleGreat ideas collected on how you can get the little ones excited about gardening.
Don't: Don't forget to check the weather
The perfect day for raking leaves is dry, cool and calm. If rain is forecast, you should rake the leaves together in advance if possible, as wet leaves are heavy and clump together when raked. If there is a strong wind, you shouldn't rake, but if there is only a light breeze, you should let it work for you by raking in the same direction the wind is blowing.
Do: Compost the leaves
If youhave a compost, do not throw the leaves in the trash! Instead, add it to the compost pile, where it will provide food as a carbon-rich brown material for the microorganisms that are busy converting the greens—vegetable or fruit scraps, plant and grass clippings, eggshells and coffee grounds—into nitrogen and other plant-boosting nutrients . What else you can do with the autumn leavesread this article.