If you're looking for a natural and inexpensive way to fertilize your plants, you'll probably be surprised to find it already under your sink. Inexpensive Epsom salt has proven its effectiveness as a natural fertilizer and is many gardeners' secret weapon for lush blooms and tasty fruits and vegetables. Below we will explain to you which plants fertilizing with Epsom salt is best suited and how you should use it correctly.
Epsom salt has been used to fertilize gardens for centuries because it is a popular supplement in organic gardening. It helps the plants bloom profusely and the greenery stands out better. Plants even become bushier when fertilized with Epsom salt. In this article, find out which plants should be fertilized with the effective home remedy and which are the easiest methods to use.
What is Epsom Salt?
Epsom salt is a natural mineral composed almost entirely of magnesium and sulfur. These two nutrients are very important for healthy plant growth.
The sulfur promotes chlorophyll formation, supports nitrogen utilization and makes plants more resistant to diseases.
The magnesium improves the cell structure of the plants and helps them to absorb other nutrients better.
Unlike traditional fertilizers, Epsom salt is much safer because it does not build up in the soil over time.
Fertilize the soil directly with Epsom salt
The first method of fertilizing with Epsom salt is to apply it directly to the soil. Use two tablespoons per square meter or sprinkle the home remedy around the base of the plant. Repeat the process once a month. This method is for both the garden andfor houseplants such as orchidsuseful and is particularly helpful before sowing or after transplanting in the garden.
You can fertilize the following plants using this method:
- Azaleas and Rhododendrons:Sprinkle the root area with a tablespoon of Epsom salt every two to four weeks.
- Rosen:For lush, green foliage, sprinkle 4 ounces of Epsom salt around the base of the plant.
- Tomatoes and peppers:To get these vegetable plants off to a good start, add a tablespoon of Epsom salt to each planting hole before planting the seedlings and continue to fertilize them twice weekly with the natural remedy.
- Trees:Fertilize the trees in your garden with Epsom salt at the beginning of each season. Sotake the tree rootsmore minerals and the production of flowers and fruits is increased.
Mix Epsom salt with water
Use an Epsom salt solution to fertilize garden and houseplants. Mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt with 4 liters of warm water and water the plants once a month during the growing season.
This solution can also be used as a foliar spray by spraying the leaves once in spring and once after flowering.
- Rosen:Drench the soil with the solution to encourage lush green leaves and lush blooms. Avoid spraying the leaves or they may burn.
- Race:To prevent yellowing of the lawn and promote more lush, green growth, spray the lawn with the solution using a tank sprayer or a hose with a spray attachment.
- Tomatoes:Once the tomatoes bloom and bear fruit, mist them weekly with the foliar spray.
- Houseplants:Spray houseplants with a solution of Epsom salts and water if you notice a magnesium deficiency. One sign is that the leaves turn yellow between the green veins.
Add to the compost
If the compost contains magnesium, it helps break down organic matter and makes it easier for plants to access the nutrients they need.
You can add Epsom salts to compost to promote plant growth and prevent nutrient deficiencies. Water it with a solution of 1 tablespoon of water and 2 liters of water to enrich it.
Test the soil before fertilizing
Before using Epsom salt as fertilizer, you shouldIt's best to test the soilto determine whether he has a magnesium deficiency. If your soil is sandy or very acidic, it is likely that it is low in magnesium. However, most soils contain plenty of magnesium and sulfur if you add some compost regularly.
Also be aware that there are many plants, such as beans and leafy greens, that thrive in soil with low magnesium levels.