In order to maintain the balance of your pond and avoid nitrates, you can make a natural fertilizer for pond plants yourself. Water lilies and othersAquatic plants in the gardenneed the right nutrients to bloom all season. However, buying commercially available tablets or bags with fertilizers for pond plants can be quite expensive. This is especially true when you have many plants in your water garden. However, it can be very easy to produce your own fertilizer from normal compost or dry chicken or cow manure.
Make fertilizer for pond plants yourself - practical tips
Plants need nutrients to survive and thrive, and fertilizer is a way to supply them. The fertilization of plants in ponds is a slightly different matter than thatFertilization of garden plants. It requires different products and procedures. The fertilization of pond plants is not always necessary depending on the condition of their pond. However, if you decide to do so, you need to know how and when you can fertilize aquatic plants. In addition, you can find out some details for adding fertilizers for pond plants.
If a water element like a pond or lake is part of your garden, ask yourself whether it is necessary to fertilize the aquatic plants. This depends above all on the quality of the water, just as the fertilization of your vegetable garden depends on the quality of your ground. There are fertilizers for pond plants in different shapes, just like ground fertilizers. This includes liquid fertilizers, tablets and granular products. Another way to fertilize plants in ponds is to use tools to incorporate fertilizers into the pond floor.
If you ask yourself what kind of fertilizer is the easiest to use for beginners, these may be the specially prepared fertilizer tablets. However, don't even think about throwing normal ground fertilizers into the water. You can do thatEcosystem in the garden pondVictim a strong damage by feeding pond plants with products that are intended for the soil.
Instead, use a special fertilizer for pond plants. Gardeners who want to fertilize pond plants with a special product must follow the instructions on the label. Otherwise the plants can die.
Use compost
In order to breed stronger, healthier and better plants in your pond garden, it is important to use fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Gardeners can use alternative fertilizers when they bottled the aquatic plants.
Filling the flower pot with a part of heavy garden soil and 2 tablespoons of bone meal fertilizers, followed by two parts of well -composed manure, delivers all nutrients that such a plant needs during the vegetation period. As soon as you plant the plant or the rhizome into a pot, you can add more garden soil to the edge.
After the soil is stamped firmly, put stones over it to keep it in place. In the course of the vegetation period, you can add a liquid addition to the water in the pond if the plants have signs of an iron or potassium lack. Liquid additives are intended to add additional iron and potassium to support the foliage and flower development of the pond plants. The weekly adding of 2 tablespoons of liquid per 230 liters delivers 3 percent soluble potash and 0.10 percent iron to the water. The plants can then absorb these nutrients directly from the water.
However, if your pond has weeds or excessive algae growth, you avoid adding additional fertilizers to the water. Because instead of fertilizing their pond plants, they will cause the weeds to thrive in this way. While composted manure may not be used in large agricultural ponds, there is a risk that dangerous bacteria such as E. coli or salmonella are added to the water in a small sea pond, a koi pond or when using an aquaponic system.
Make water lily fertilizers yourself and maintain the plants
Seerose is a beautiful, fragrant addition to each pond. Although thatPlants of water lilies in the pondIt is quite simple, the knowledge helps how to fertilize and maintain this aquatic plant, to thrive it. As soon as the plant has reached the water surface, start fertilization to promote strong and healthy flowers. To get most of the flowers, you should fertilize the water lilies every 10 days.
You should feed the water lilies until the days in October shorten. Let the plants rest in winter and start fertilization again in spring. If you also make a fertilizer for pond plants yourself, this routine ensures that you will have beautifully flowering water lilies all summer.
Instructions on how to make fertilizer for pond plants yourself
- First, simply cut a few paper towels into the quarter.
- Then put a tablespoon of the normal fertilizer from compost or chicken manure in the middle of each piece.
- Fold all four sides of the paper in the middle and make a package the size of a typical tea bag. No sealing is required.
- Simply turn the bag so that it does not open.
- Place all the bags in a small plastic box that floats on the water.
- Then put them in the pond to bring the fertilizer into the sunken floor tub in which every plant is located.
More tips and steps
For these bags, use paper towels because they can be biodegraded under water very quickly. This is ecologically good, but also means that you have to work quickly when inserting every bag. If you do not get it quickly enough into the bottom of the pond, the paper can dissolve and release the fertilizer to the water instead of the floor. This introduction of nutrients could lead to thread -like algae such as weeds or the unicellular algae that make the water green, nourish and bloom vigorously. The easiest way to avoid this is to use a garden trowel.
- Guide the tip with the concave side of the trowel against the inner wall of the tub and press it down to create a hollow bag between the tub and the floor.
- With the other hand, quickly press the bag into the bottom of the hole with the fertilizer. Then pull the trowel back and quickly push the floor back over the bag as you remove your hand.
- Depending on the size of the plant that you fertilize, you can always use several of these bags deep into the scope of each tub.
- Place the fertilizer on the outer edges of the ground instead of putting it close to the plant center.
- The roots have to grab the food, which stretches and grow out in order to occupy all parts of the soil.
- The fertilization of the aquatic plants in this way can give your pond a lush, tropical look with very little effort.