These are the 8 best documentary series in the ARD media library

    In addition to all the streaming platforms such as,,,& Co. you quickly forget that theof the public law, some of which have great offers in the repertoire. We therefore looked at whichworth seeing documentary series in the ARD media librarycan be found.

    The ARD media library does not have to hide from the streaming providers like Netflix & Co. and has some great documentary series in the program

    We can therefore only recommend that we look at what is going on in the media libraries. Some treasures have already been raised there. Estimate like this ...

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    It was one of the largest police scandals in German history: The then 36-year-old Oury Jalloh burned almost exactly twenty years ago-during his stay in a police custody cell in Dessau. And not only that: skull fractures were discovered on the body, Jalloh was tied up. So it is very obvious that Jalloh's agony and his death were brought about by the local police. Only: Nobody was held responsible for this. There was obviously lacking the will to educate from the police officers from Saxony-Anhalt, who made this incomprehensibly terrible act of their colleagues. The 6-part documentary seriesWhy burned Oury Jalloh?feel this crime. This is how to trace Oury Jalloh's last hours before his death, research the police's attempts to cover up and reveal the complete state failure. A shameful case that - especially in times like these, in which a right -wing populist party like theIn surveys, over twenty percent (!!!) lies - still leaves you stunned.

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    We come to something more positive, namely the 4-part documentary seriesPoetry and truth - how hip hop came to Germany. What it is about is self -explanatory from the title. Of course, this does not mean that the series is also good - but it is. This is not only due to the comparatively well-ranked processing of the beginnings (which is a fairly difficult undertaking with almost two hours of play), but also because of the good selection of protagonists who really have something to say. However, the makers concentrate on hip -hop from the Frankfurt region in the series and do not shed light on the overall German beginnings. In the course of this, protagonists from Frankfurt and the surrounding area also have their say, Azad, Sabrina Setlur, D-Flame, arrest warrant, Celo & Abdi, Liz etc. But either way: A very nice and remarkable documentary series for everyone who is interested in the topic.

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    The research formatDirty Little Secretsof the Bavarian Radio is devoted to a new season of the question,Why we keep drinking. In it, the editors feel the river of alcohol in Germany, which at least is considered a high consumer country when it comes to per thousand. So it is about the permanent struggle between science, alcohol lobby and people who “do not want to be forbidden their freedom” - consciously accepted that they do not only harm itself, but also to society. In the end, as always, it is mainly about money. However, it is exciting to track down the alcohol problem in Germany in the three parts of the documentary series.

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    It was a little sad when Vice Germany explained at the beginning of last year that both the magazine and everything related to it would be stopped. Because in fact, Vice - not only in Germany, but primarily also from North America - whirled journalism properly from the mid -nineties. And that was sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes outstanding, often provocative, often funny, mostly exciting and very often brave. The 3-part documentary seriesThe Vice story - Gosse. Gonzo. Megalomania.traces the path of the magazine, whereby a whole lot of participants (mainly, but not only, from Germany) have their say. Above all, the thematic division of the consequences with the titlesHumor & hedonism,Coups & CashandLorney & crashgive the whole a comprehensible framework. Really interesting.

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    It has been back for over forty years, but the (press)Germany still employs today: In 1983, the news magazine Stern, which was seriously considered to be serious, published the so-called Hitler diaries. Her reporter Gerd Heidemann was supposedly reached Hitler's secret diaries, bought it for more than nine million D-Marks and began to publish excerpts without prior authenticity test (for example by the Federal Criminal Police). After this spectacular coup, however, it only took a few days until it was clear: the star had been fell into mistake. Because the diaries came from the pen of the painter and art counter Konrad Kujau. One can roughly imagine what influence this scandal had on the credibility and reputation of the star. In three parts in the documentary seriesThe Hitler-Fake: History of a Century CenterRoll up the story again from different sides. Still completely incredible today.

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    What about the documentary seriesMy Song, Our History - Germany, your songsThe basic idea is above all as great: namely to tell German contemporary history based on songs through which formative developments and/or social moments have been processed or become clear. Sure, there are definitely some songs that were more influential than the three in the three episodes so far, but: First, they are also very important, secondly, this gives the creators the opportunity to build on it - because there is a lot of potential in there . In the first three episodes the songs wereGirlvon Yaennifer feat. Luci van Org),A year (it is progressing)of bad colors as well asIt burnstreated by Eko Fresh and Brings, and that's really interesting and worth seeing. Gladly more of it!

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    The documentary seriesOn the pass - stories from the top kitchenIt has already brought it to four seasons and follows star chefs in their work in each episode and tries to work out what makes her, what drives her, where you want to go. Also included are cookies such as Silio del Fabro, Cornelia Fischer, Boris Rommel, Niclas Nussbaumer and many more. A great series that gives a good impression of how hard the work in top gastronomy is.

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    It has been over twenty years since the group has really dissolved. The band may no longer know younger ones, although they were really big in the nineties and with songs likeYou don't wear love in you,Weigh youand the Rio-Reiser coverJunimondhad a few immensely big hits. Also really brought out three studio albums, but: The members of the time started as a school band and were all incredibly young when the huge success started. The band was captured by the Bravo and suddenly saw itself exposed to an industry, for which the band members were all actually too young - and ultimately broke out. The crazy thing, however, is: you can see the career course of real as a 3-part documentary series in the ARD media library, because singer Kim Frank had a camera from the start (it was still the pre-smartphone time) and and has received an incredible amount of Behind-the scenes material for posterity-and that is a really great, rare and touching time document. And not just for and over the band, but also over the entire time. An incredibly great, moving documentary series that works like a journey through time and which you should definitely see.