Make your own fat food for birds: This is how you can make bird dumplings with fat in simple steps

If you want to help your feathered friends survive the winter, you can make your own fatty food for birds. There is a wide range of fat balls, suet balls and pellets that you can purchase to feed your garden birds. However, a cheaper and pet-friendly option is to make your own bird dumplings. In addition, this can be an enjoyable activity for both adults and children. Below you'll find which fat is suitable for bird seed, as well as some simple preparation methods and ingredients you'll need to make homemade suet balls.

What should you consider when making your own fatty food for birds?

Wild birds love energy-packed dumplings that provide them with all the calories they need to get them through cold winter days and nights. As mentioned, these are available in stores, but you can also make them at home without much effort.Easy to reuse kitchen wastesuch as cheese, crumbs or dry porridge, mix with melted lard or suet and place in the refrigerator overnight.

Additionally, you can use lard, tallow, or beef fat as core ingredients. However, also note that butter, margarine, coconut oil, peanut butter, etc. are NOT suitable for birds. They don't provide you with the right saturated fats and don't freeze as solidly as the animal fats mentioned. This also means that grease and oil can get onto the birds' feathers, affecting their thermal insulating abilities and can even be fatal. So don't risk it and, for the same reason, avoid using drippings after preparing turkey or chicken.

What other ingredients are suitable for bird dumplings?

What you add next is up to you and there is no hard and fast rule as to what exactly needs to go into the fatty food. You can add raisins and sultanas, oatmeal, mixed seeds, peanuts, grated cheese, breadcrumbs, etc. in any quantities. Some of these are ingredients you may already have in your cupboard. Regarding peanuts, you can chop or crush them in a food processor before adding them. In other words, you should combine two parts dry ingredients to one part fat. However, don't use anything with salt in it either, as this can make garden birds sick. Likewise, you should not use anything with mold.

So add dried fruits such as raisins, currants and sultanas, small pieces of apple or pear or grated cheese. Ground nuts and even mealworms are also suitable for this. Otherwise, you'll need something to throw them in. It's worth checking your trash afterwards! Old plastic takeaway containers work very well, as do yogurt cups and similar plastic containers, or even old coconut shells. If you don't have a feeding cage or...own feeding place for birdsIf you have one, perhaps you could drill a hole in the bottom of the container and use a string to hang it up once you're done. Here are a few more instructions to keep in mind:

  • You should avoid raisins and sultanas if you have a pet, as they are poisonous to some animals. Because some dogs and cats react badly to raisins, you should not expose them to places where these animals could reach them.
  • Also remember that mealworms are harmful to hedgehogs. So only add these if you make your own fatty food for birds in winter, when the hedgehogs are hibernating.
  • Making bird seed is also not recommended for children with nut allergies.
  • Keep in mind that some of the ingredients you buy for birds are not suitable for human consumption.

What preparation methods can you use to make your own fatty food for birds?

First, you'll need either a large bowl (Method 1 below) or a saucepan and a spoon (Method 2). So there are two ways to do this. If the whole family helps, you should choose method 1. However, if you want something more efficient and less “involved” as a DIY project, then the second preparation method is more suitable for you. Here are the materials and ingredients you can use:

  • Hard fat, such as lard or tallow, at room temperature
  • 1 handful of bird seed
  • 1 handful of unsalted peanuts
  • Grated cheese or raisins
  • Dry leftovers like oatmeal or bread
  • Old, clean recyclable yogurt cups or coconut shells as a plastic-free alternative
  • cord
  • Small stick, about 7–12 cm long
  • Depending on the size, this makes one to four fat bird dumplings.

Make your own fatty food for birds using method 1 with children

  • First, take out the lard, chop it into a few pieces and start squeezing it between your hands over the bowl.
  • It starts out solid but then warms up quickly and is easy to process and puree.
  • Once the fat has warmed up a bit, you can add the dry ingredients.
  • Take a handful and add it to the bird dumpling over and over again until everything is well combined.
  • Then add more bird seed and continue to add dry ingredients, but stop before it becomes crumbly.
  • Make sure everything stays together. When you think the dumpling is ready, squeeze it into your plastic container.
  • Place the homemade bird seed in the refrigerator overnight to keep it fresh.

Efficient cooking method 2 on the hob

  • First, place your lard in a pot and heat it on the stove.
  • Once melted, add the dry ingredients and stir. This ensures that everything is well covered with the melted fat.
  • When finished, pour the mixture into a container, being careful not to make it too hot.
  • Let the mixture solidify in the fridge overnight.
  • You can then form the bird seed into balls at room temperature.

So watching your garden birds eat something you made yourself can be easy, cheap and really rewarding. However, be patient as it may take a few days for the wildlife to try something new. But once they get used to it, they will keep coming back. Additionally, keep in mind that this type of food is great for garden birds during the cold winter months, but don't put it out when the temperature warms up in the spring and summer. Here are a few more tips you can follow to do everything right.

Follow other tips and make your own fatty food for birds

Always avoid feeding such bird food to waterfowl such as ducks and swans. To feed garden birds safely, follow the tips below:

  • Hang the fat ball on a tree or bush and wait for the birds to come and eat.
  • Buy approved bird food from reputable sources.
  • Only provide food for a few days and feed it in moderation to avoid ingredients spoiling.
  • Keep birdhouses or bird feeders separate so that birds are not in too close contact.
  • Clean and disinfect feeding areas regularly.
  • Wash your and your children's hands thoroughly after handling bird seed and droppings.