Spring cleaning in the garden – tips for the start of the gardening season

I'm always ready to start some major spring cleaning in my house! And when it comes to refreshing the entire living area, I usually start outside, in the outdoor area. We had a very cold winter, one of the coldest in years. Let's just say, the plants in my garden have suffered more than usual over the last few months, despite my best efforts to protect them during the cold winter season. Actually, the whole farm needs some revitalization, so today we are giving you someTips for spring cleaning in the garden.

Spring cleaning in the garden - There's a lot to do!

It's exciting to see new green grass growing! These signals of the new season convince me that the coldest days are already in the past. So, the time has now come, today we want to take a look at some simple tips for spring cleaning andRevitalization of the outdoor area. I plan to follow all the steps described below in my work and I promise you, then I will share the results of my activity here. But until then feel free, do you want to accept the following suggestions or not, it totally depends on you…..

Remove dead leaves, stray branches and other debris

Start by looking critically at your garden. You will then notice lots of leaves that need to be blown, outlying branches that need to be removed, and possibly even litter. Now imagine a clean, uncluttered outdoor space and focus on the end goal: a beautiful garden ready for spring! This isn't a dream, it's possible!

Clean up the front yard and sidewalk

Don't forget all your outdoor spaces, start with the back yard and move to the front and walkways. Do you need some extra motivation to get started? Take a look at our pictures, they will definitely help you! Or call oneGarden maintenance– a company that will do all the work for you. This option also exists if you find it difficult to deal with spring cleaning. Or maybe you don't have the time or desire for it?

Trim your bushes and plants

If you take a quick tour of your garden, you'll probably see the dead bushes and dying plants? You would be surprised how quickly pruning can bring new life to the greenery.

Cape leadwort in the garden

Consult an expert for advice on proper pruning techniques, which vary for each plant. For example, I have a Cape plumbago bush in my garden and it is absolutely lifeless. That's why I read a lot and look for ideas on how I can bring some wilted plants back to life. I hope for fabulous results in the following months.

Bring plants back to life

So now back to the section: you can cut back and remove the dead plant parts, the living plants in your garden will give you new beauty. You may even feel inspired to plant some new flowers to make your outdoor space even more beautiful!

Evaluate the design of your garden

You've already gotten rid of dirt and dead plant parts, now you can concentrate on designing your outdoor area. Consider the layout of the yard, from the paths and seating to the lawn to the bushes.

Refill gravel

Maybe gravel needs to be refilled in some places? Or do you need new stepping stones somewhere in the yard?

high wooden garden fence

Now you can designate a new, better spot in the yard and place your dining table there. Such changes are easier to make in the spring before the weather gets very hot, then moving heavy pieces becomes annoying and boring, doesn't it?

Improve your landscaping

Spring cleaning usually involves clearing space for new flowers and plants. So now is the time to start choosing new varieties. Personally, I moved here last June and planted some native grasses and plants in the front yard. Not all of them survived the cold winter. But now I know, I need hardy plants here, and I intend to fill the empty spaces with hardy varieties. Live and learn, right?

Renew your planters

Many of us certainly don't have large yards, but we still probably have enough space for a few planters. Your balconies and covered terraces can also revel in beauty, with carefully selected plants in pots, flower containers or planters that complement the space.

Build raised beds out of wood

Exactly what you did in your garden is what you need to do here: remove all dead plants from their containers and buy new ones if necessary. Now would be a good time to replace the plants that are not doing well with new ones.

A Japanese pine brings color into play

Are there potted plants that need pruning and trimming? Can you afford to buy a new pot? Perhaps your garden could benefit from a new color, as shown in the example below, the rust colored plant in a matching planter! A great eye-catcher in the garden!

See the silver shower with leaves cascading over the edges of the tall planters? Perhaps this plant does better in planters than in the ground, as the flower containers can easily be covered with a layer of frost protection in case of future cold snaps! I think I now know where my Silver Rain thrives!

Do you also like interesting planters? Then don't hesitate to add eye-catching elements to the exterior that reflect your style, and choose ones like the plant containers below with mid-century flair. This fabulous selection comes from Hip Haven.

I want to end today's article here soon, but before that, just a quick reminder: Be proud of every square inch in your garden, even if it is small. And don't worry about what your neighbors are doing in their yard. And don't think that your garden is too small to create a beautiful landscape. The image below shows you, even in a limited space you can still achieve some fabulous design choices. I don't know about you personally, but the pictures featured today really got me in the mood for gardening! I can't wait to start cleaning and redesigning my yard. I promise to write about the experience here in the following weeks and keep you updated on any big changes in my garden. Now I would also like to wish you many pleasant hours of gardening!