Garden instructions – tips and tricks for successful garden care

Welcome to our gardening instructions for the coming spring days. Learn the most important tips and tricks that will be of significant help to you in gardening.

Cutting work

The first step is planned for late winter and early spring. First, cut down the fruit trees. Most trees such as apple, pear, cherry, and peach are thinned every year and benefit from it. This promotes more space and open space to keep the trees healthy and the fruit products easier to harvest. The best time to prune is before growth has started.

Pull back the winter mulch

This second step is scheduled to take place earlier in the spring. If you have spread a layer of winter mulch to protect plants, you will want to remove it when thePlantstart to grow. Just keep some of the mulch nearby in case winter lasts longer than expected or suddenly returns.

Prune the roses

In most cases, you will want to prune the roses just before new growth from the rushes emerges. Pruning roses encourages strong, healthy growth that will produce many flowers. Pruning makes the plants more adaptable and morediseasesresistant.

Plant trees and bushes

The climate conditions in spring are particularly suitable for planting trees and bushes. These plants have many benefits for your garden: they add beauty and provide shade in the hot summer days. The best result is the delicious fruits for your table. When planting trees, you should be careful not to plant them too deep in the ground. The place where the roots meet the tree trunk should be above ground level.

Start with cool-season annuals

Annual plants fall into two categories – varieties that like warmth and those that are suitable for cold weather. Most cold season plant varieties can tolerate a bit of frost. Plant these in beds or containers and enjoy the blooms a few weeks before spring arrives. Most annual plants that like the cold will die off with the heat of summer. Then replace these with plants that are suitable for warmth.

Prune the ornamental grass

An important tip is to prune the decorative grass at the beginning of spring. Do not allow the height of the grass to exceed 10cm when it begins to grow. Now is also the time to cut off decorative grass if you choose to do so. When you cut the grass, don't throw away the leftovers. Leave these in the compost heap so the birds can make nests out of them.

Divide the overgrown perennials

You can start cutting off the older perennial plants around mid-spring. Dig up different varieties that form a tight clump and separate them. The plants will grow better if they are not close together and you will end up with several plants in your garden. The plant varieties that do not need separation are peonies, bleeding hearts, amsonias and Christmas roses.

Start sowing

Our garden instructions continue with the next step. Growing plants from seeds can be very inexpensive. You can sow the seeds in house conditions a few weeks earlier or sprinkle them outside on moist soil in the garden as normal. If you can't use all the seeds, store the rest in the freezer for next year.

Grow vegetables in spring

Some vegetables are quite suitable for the cool temperatures in spring. Examples include carrots, radishes and spinach. These vegetables will survive light frosts but should be covered if temperatures get too cold.

Stop weeding in time

Weeding is one of the most unpleasant tasks of gardening. You should no longer postpone pulling weeds. Remove the plants while they are still small. This will make your gardening tasks much easier later on.

Prune the summer flowering bushes

Prune summer flowering bushes in early spring. This will not have any negative effects on your flowers because they will grow back up.

Start with the potatoes

An interesting point from the garden guide is that spring is the best time for potatoes. You can plant these in the ground earlier than expected. Just wait until the temperature reaches 7 or 8 degrees. Plant most potatoes 6 inches deep in the soil and about 8 inches apart.

Reports on the garden development

The reports and observations are very important. The flower bulbs that bloom in spring are planted in autumn. If you need more color to fill the empty spaces in your garden, include even more types of plants. Feel free to take photos and reports so that you can look at the notes in the fall and plan the garden design for next spring.

Sprinkle mulch

In the middle of spring the ground slowly becomes warm and dry. Then you can sprinkle about a 5 cm thick layer of mulch. In this way you prevent weeds from growing and retain the moisture in the soil for the hot summer days.

Prune the spring flowering bushes

The final task is pruning the flowering bushes at the end of spring. After the bushes have already bloomed for the season, feel free to give them a cold cut. The bushes begin producing new flowers a few weeks after the old ones fall. That's why they need careful pruning.

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