Many garden owners are familiar with the sight of weeds overgrowing their outdoor area. The unwanted plants between the paving stones can be a real nuisance, especially on patio slabs. As the weather begins to turn more spring-like, they are some of the first to sprout from the ground. What causes them? How can you seal the joints against weeds?
Why do weeds sprout between joints?
Spring will soon be here and with it the battle with the weeds will begin again. Its growth on lawns and beds is somehow clear and expected, but why does it also grow on pavement? The main cause of this growth is moisture, which allows the weeds to multiply quickly and spread across the pavement. Through wind, animals and other influences, the seeds of the plants get into the joints and find optimal conditions for growth there. The paving joints are protected from direct sunlight and retain moisture, which promotes weed growth.
Simply pulling the weeds will only solve the problem in the short term, but will not prevent the underlying problem that is causing their growth.
What helps against weeds on the patio and driveway?
To combat annoying weeds between the paving stones on your patio, driveway or sidewalk, not all methods are permitted. You should definitely avoid chemicals, as the use of weed killers on paved areas is prohibited by the Plant Protection Act and the Federal Nature Conservation Act and is punishable with a fine of up to 50,000 euros. Also homemade herbicides such as a mixture ofVinegar, baking soda and saltare considered a violation of the law.
There are still some ways to solve the problem with dandelions, plantains, etc. between the joints. You can combat unwanted growth with both a gas burner and hot water. Weeding and scraping the joints with special mechanical devices is also allowed. However, these methods only work in the short term. For a long-term solution, you can seal the joints against weeds.
Sealing the paving joints against weeds: This is how it works
Grass, moss and weeds between the patio tiles are a real thorn in the side of many garden owners. To prevent unwanted growth this year, you can seal your patio joints. This is an effective weed control measure that can keep the patio weed-free for years.
The best way to seal joints against weeds is paving grout. It is a mixture of water, fine quartz sand and cement or synthetic resin that offers high strength and flexibility. The joint mortar is not only effective against annoying weeds, but can also additionally stabilize thin or loose paving stones by hardening directly in the joints. The seal still protectsagainst ant infestationin paving joints.
First remove weeds and clean the joints
Before you seal the joints with grout, they must be cleaned and free of weeds.
Important to note! Do not use weed killer on sealed surfaces! This is prohibited in Germany and is punished with high fines.
It works best manually with a joint scraper. Although this method is more laborious, it does not pollute the environment. You can also use a pressure washer for faster weed removal. You can use the special brush for paved surfaces.
Seal with grout
There are two options for this depending on the material used.
- Cement-based paving joint mortar: The sand-cement mixture is spread dry over the joints to be filled and swept with a broom until the mortar has completely settled into the joints. Then the excess mortar is removed with a soft broom. Only then do you spray the joints with water mist. This takes some time. The mortar must dry completely before you can use the terrace again - between 24 and 48 hours.
- Epoxy resin-based joint mortar: The area is pre-wetted. The paving grout is mixed according to the instructions and then poured onto the wet area. It is worked into the joints using a moistened rubber squeegee. After 10-15 minutes, the terrace is swept with a coarse broom and then cleaned with a fine hand broom until no mortar residue remains. Curing depends on the temperatures. It takes longer at low temperatures.
The sealed surface can be walked on again after 1 to 2 days, although full loading is recommended after approx. 1 week. While the grout is curing, drizzle is not a problem. If it rains constantly, you may want to cover the area with a tarpaulin. Make sure air can circulate freely underneath.
When selecting paving joint mortar, pay attention to a material that remains permeable to water after processing. Water must be able to seep away.
Sealing joints against weeds: What about joint sand and the like?
Of course, there are also other options for sealing the paving joints. You can go nutrient deficientWork joint sand into the joints, so that the plant seeds do not find good growing conditions. However, this should be done regularly, as the amount of sand can be significantly reduced by weather influences. The effect wears off significantly after a maximum of one gardening season. For small garden areas that do not have a lot of impact, this method is preferable as it is cheaper and more environmentally friendly.
The joints can then be sealed with a special joint sealer. This is sprayed directly onto the joints with a pressure sprayer and serves as a binding agent that stabilizes the joints.