Garden pansies guide – 20 tips for proper planting and care

Garden pansies are among the most popular and well-known ornamental plants of all. This is a bred cross between four species of violets: common pansy (Viola tricolor), Altai pansy (Viola altaica), Olympic violet (Viola olympica) and Vosges violet (Viola lutea). The robust early bloomers are very popular in the garden, but also for grave planting, because of their colorful flowers. Although they are not particularly demanding, there are a few things you should pay attention to when planting, caring for and designing your garden.

Short profile

General profile:Perennial, biennial, clump-forming

Flowering time:March to May, September to November

Flower color:blue, yellow, orange, red, pink, violet, white or multicolored

Winter hardiness:conditional

Use:Plant containers, bedding plants, group planting, underplanting, grave planting, borders, street greenery, not very suitable as a cut flower

Boden:sandy to loamy, rich in humus and nutrients, slightly alkaline to neutral, fresh, tolerant to lime

Location:sunny to partially shaded

The long-flowering plant in the garden

Pansies may be small, but they make a differencetrue explosion of colorin your garden. The plant is usually around 20 centimeters long, but almost half of that is actually its pretty 'face'. It often follows the sun and is therefore also known as the 'beautiful face'. Thanks to their characteristically bright colors, they are real messengers of spring. The pansy's color range is overwhelming and includes yellow, red, blue violet and white tones, but can also be multicolored and patterned. Pansies are annual or biennial, so you can change colors and varieties from season to season.

Garden pansies are hardy and bloom almost all year round - there are both summer bloomers and autumn and winter bloomers. Depending on the flowering time, the plants need a suitable location. Early bloomers prefer a partially shaded location, and late bloomers - a full sun location. They are not particularly demanding when it comes to substrate and a mixed, well-drained soil is ideal for abundant flower production.

To thrive, garden pansies require very little care, which is why theymany ornamental gardenscannot be imagined without. For this reason and because of their variety of colors, they are often used in landscaping of private and public outdoor areas. In addition, the plants are suitable as a container culture and for planting under others. Beautiful faces can be added to an existing flower garden and will delight any gardener's heart almost all year round.

Garden pansies are propagated by sowing. You can buy the seeds or produce them yourself. For this purpose, seeds are taken from the faded flowers after they have bloomed, dried and stored in a warm and dark place. The seeds are sown under glass at room temperature from February and the late bloomers are planted in the summer. During the flowering period, the plants must be fertilized with a complete liquid fertilizer every two weeks. In October they are torn up and put on the compost.



Pre-grow the seeds from March to May in seed trays with a little potting soil mixed with sand. The seeds appear after about 10 days at a maximum of 18 degrees and the seedlings appear. Sow the young plants directly into the bed at a distance of around 20 centimeters. Since garden pansies are sensitive to cold, they should be protected during the frost period. Spring plants are grown in pots with all-round winter protection. Garden plants can be overwintered in boxes or covered with pine branches. The pansies can be planted in the flower bed from mid-March.


If you leave enough space between the plants when growing, this increases their flowering potential. This is supported and extended even further if the damaged leaves are plucked out regularly. The substrate should always be moist but not wet. Water the plants regularly with low-lime water. For vascular cultures, fertilizer needs to be added every two to four weeks. As with other annual plants, it does not grow well in the same place for more than three years.

Watering usually takes place in the morning. If you water in the late afternoon or evening, they may become infected with diseases and pests. To harden the plants, a decoction of wormwood, horsetail or horseradish (500 grams) can be prepared and boiled in five liters of water, left to infuse for two days and only then sprayed on the pansies. This can be repeated up to three times every two weeks.

usein the garden

The options for where garden pansies can find a place are very extensive. The colorful flowers always find a good presence in pots, window boxes, hanging baskets and all containers. When inserted into the garden, they improve the landscape and in the living room they provide a fresh spring feeling. Pansies are just not suitable for shady places because they need sunshine to bloom.

Garden pansies can be added to an existing garden landscape. Depending on the remaining plants in the bed and also on the color scheme, different varieties are used. Pansies get along well with other spring plants such as tulips, daffodils, ranunculus, horned violets, bellis and snowdrops.

The beautiful little garden flowers can be used both as soloists and as gap fillers. They are ideally combined for colorful underplanting of evergreens and tall stems or as a bed border. In autumn they like to join silver leaf and Christmas roses and in winter their beautiful faces delight in the bed.

Because of their decorative appearance, garden pansies serve as atmospheric garden decorations when placed in a variety of pots, bowls and boxes. Here they reveal all their colorful splendor in an elevated position. We will help you find out how best to combine the different colors and varieties with a few garden design tips.

Varieties in purple or blue look really good with yellow pansies. If you place blue flowers next to orange, the color intensity increases and this spot in the garden immediately becomes the visual centerpiece. Bright colors complement each other and attract attention, but also all insects. It is therefore better not to grow plants with intense, warm shades next to garden paths or as borders.

If you want several eye-catching spots in the flower bed, then pansies are the perfect solution to give your outdoor area a boost. Inserted between green plants, the low-growing flowers look like a rich mosaic that provides lasting joy. If more intensity is needed, wonderful multi-colored and patterned varieties are available.

Traditionally, garden pansies are used primarily as a complement to spring flowers. In addition to evergreen plants such as conifers and shrubs, it is difficult to miss the colorful little flowers. The fresh green serves more or less as a background and the accent falls on the color of the flowers. But you should not forget that beautiful faces are sensitive to cold and can only offer a seasonal addition to the outdoor area - from mid-March to October.

Pansies are small and when placed in unusual containers they look really idyllic. Cheerful colors and unique containers are a nice change from traditional bouquets. Placed on the workplace, a nice arrangement of pansies and fresh greenery will bring a good mood for several days after the happy event. What more could you want for an anniversary, for example?

Thanks to their colorful appearance, beautiful faces inspire playful and experiment-friendly garden design. They look really good in groups, or tufts, but can be creatively displayed in a variety of containers, some even homemade. Old wheelbarrows, zinc tubs, wooden barrels and all the boxes make the little flowers look like real pieces of jewelry.

Long-blooming garden pansies are becoming very popular in rural gardens because of their informal and easy-going appearance. This means that any unsightly corner in the garden, as long as it is in a sunny location, can be livened up and brightened up without much gardening. Pansies are also a good spring variety in the rock garden. Even if there is no exact plan and color scheme, different varieties of violets can be grown next to each other. They bring a fresh touch between the boulders in the garden. In addition, it makes sense to protect the small, beautiful flowers from being run over. A bed border is advisable here.

With edible petals, pansies fit right into the salad. What is little known is that pansies can actually be used as medicinal plants. Its flowers and roots are used in medicinal medicine for skin diseases to purify the blood. A tea, tinctures and ointments are prepared for use. Even children can drink tea made from this plant.

Instead of relying on an unlimited color palette, the low-growing flowers can only be grown in one color or, for example, in two shades of it. It is advisable to present the plants at a certain height so that they can be shown to their best advantage. Vessels on a pedestal or with a base are a good alternative. It is particularly important that the plants get enough sunshine. Optionally, you can simply place the container on the windowsill.

Although garden pansies are considered to be sensitive to cold, there are also varieties that generally survive the winter well. It is best to ask gardeners which varieties have good winter hardiness. Nevertheless, we recommend playing it safe and providing adequate protection against the cold so that the plants can delight you with colorful flowers in spring as desired.

Planted in simple, ground-level containers, pansies quickly become the undisputed stars of the show. For the round or oval ones, you should refer to a circular design. Blue fescue stands out in the middle and purple verbena stretches to one side. The yellow pansies complete the picture and create a true work of art. Other ornamental grasses, such as dwarf sedge, would be good neighbors to the colorful small plants. Other good-looking companions are Sedum species and magic bells (Calibrachoa).