Gardening in spring - important tasks at the beginning of spring

It can start soon - the days will be longer, the temperatures rise almost continuously and you would like to make yourself comfortable on a couch in the garden. Before we can make ourselves comfortable in a really nice garden in summer, there are still some important work to do. In most gardens, the winter has moved in without the leaves from the previous year - but they should definitely free your garden from it, otherwise it could leave very unsightly stains with sick spots in the grass. In any case, the lawn should be well ventilated so that no mushrooms form under the foliage and no diseases are favored. In today's article, we will tell you which gardening should be done in spring.

The right time is now also for the sowing of new grass seeds. In this way you can now close smaller holes or quirks in the grass for the summer and then really sitting in the countryside later a year. Please do not miss the first due lawn cut of the year: In mild temperatures and from a height of four to five centimeters, you should bring out the lawn mower for the first time - from mid -March it is often so far.

As a last step after the first mowing of the lawn, you should definitely do something good for your garden and add the freshly cut lawn lime, or fertilize it: It is best to use a fertilizer with a high content of iron sulfate. This is particularly good for places in the garden that the sun cannot reach so well. Due to the absence of enough sun, a higher acidity in the ground is created at these areas, which unfortunately promotes the growth of moss in the ground - and of course we don't want to see moss on our lawn.

Depending on the gardening, suitable work trousers or a safety shoe is recommended, for example. Matching equipment is usually available in well -stocked hardware stores on site or on the Internet inShops like Tragardo.deHow quickly it happens and you get a stone whirled up when mowing the lawn, or you can drop a heavy dangerous device in front of your legs and get it in the middle of the foot - caution should be offered with the gardening with both heavy, but also with the smaller and apparently supposedly safe devices. Even rose scissors do not make up so well in your foot if you go into the bed when the weather is nice and then accidentally falls the scissors through a false or relaxed handle on your foot in the sandals. Therefore: take care and do not forget your health. Appropriate work shoes prevent and prevent injuries.

Good garden tools do not necessarily have to be expensive, but there are also a few things to consider when buying. Below we would like to give you a few tips so that you really hold a good garden tool in your hands:

• Pay attention to the "Tested Security" seal. This seal says that your product meets the requirements of the product security law

• If you are looking for garden tools where you will enjoy for a long time, you should value the lowest possible plastic content on the devices. Enjoy a high proportion of stainless steel: stainless steel is considered to be particularly durable, is very robust and will serve you well for years

• In addition to the right material, you should also pay attention to the correct steal length of your garden tools: the spade or the grave tabs should definitely have a minimum height of 70 to 75 centimeters, with devices such as rakes and chopping it should be around 150 centimeters.

Now we only have a successful and above all safe garden season. Taking these different tips into account, your garden will become a green paradise in which you will certainly be happy to spend your time, whether alone or at the barbecue with friends and family - devote yourself to your garden, the season is open!