Are you wondering how you should prepare your garden for the winter? Complete these 10 garden tasks before the first frost so that your property will stay in the best form in this and next year.
Like most gardeners, you probably spent a lot of time preparing your garden in spring. Then they harvested the numerous fruits in summer and admired the beautiful flowers and now, it is time for gardening in autumn to prepare the property for winter. With these 10 tasks you can get the best out of your garden and ensure a rich next season.
While summer says goodbye, autumn brings a variety of rusty colors, falling leaves and fresh temperatures. If you are among the lucky ones who have your own garden, you know that gardening in autumn is far from over. The new season offers an excellent opportunity to prepare our gardens on the colder, rainy months. It is really important to do these 10 tasks in autumn to make our work easier in spring and to have a better overview of the condition of our garden.
Prepare the lawn for the winter
When the weather becomes cooler, the lawn should be tidied up and new growth should be encouraged. Although they shouldn't mow him as often as in summer, they should continue until the grass no longer grows. So you not only ensure a nicer look, but also make it easier to rake.
First remove weeds, moss, dead grass and leaves to have a lush and green lawn in spring and summer. Collect fall fruit to prevent pests from hiberating in the waste and the plants will affect the plants next year.
The cool temperatures and the existing moisture offer the perfect conditions to regenerate the bare spots in the lawn. Simply loosen the floor, sprinkle the grass seeds and easily cover the area with straw or other mulch. Thraw the seeds regularly until the grass has established itself.
Ventilate your lawn to avoid soil compression and so that water and nutrients can spread deeper in the ground.Fertilize the lawn afterwards, to strengthen the turf for winter.
Bring container plants into the house
Most container plants cannot survive the winter outside. First of all, make sure that they are free of pests and illnesses before bringing them into the house so that they do not endanger their houseplants.
Make a location in the house where you get enough light. You can put container plants that go in rest in winter in the garage or in the basement.
Also remember to cover sensitive plants in the garden to protect them from winter weather and avoid frost damage.
Collect seeds
Instead of buying seeds in spring, you can collect your own in autumn.Harn vegetable and flower seedsAnd keep them for use next year. Place them in paper envelopes that you carefully label so as not to confuse them next year. Put the parcels into a glass vessel and store the seeds in a dry place until spring. Remember that only old varieties can be pulled out of seeds.
Prepare garden beds for spring
The garden is both part of the landscape and an area of cultivation for products. In autumn it is time to remove all plant remains to prevent pests and diseases from hiberating in your garden and returning in spring and affecting the plants.
Check the plant material carefully and bring all the plant remains that have no signs of pests or diseases on the compost heap. All others should be carefully disposed of.
Dig out sensitive onion and tubers
Remember to dig out all sensitive onion and tubers in good time before the first frost to protect them from the cold winter weather. Cut the stems back and carefully lift the tubers out of the ground. First let them dry for a few days, remove the excess earth and then store it in a box or a saucepan with sawdust or compost in a cooler point, so that only the tip is visible.
Plant flower bulbs
Now start planting the early bloomers for the next year so that the bulbs can be established in the ground before the cold weather starts. Tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and even garlic are planted in autumn.
Make sure that each onion should be in a depth that is three times larger than the onion itself. A little work now will be rewarded next spring when your garden is in full bloom.
Gardening in autumn: Create compost
Although most people reserve this activity to spring, autumn is actually the best time to prepare their garden for spring. If you create the compost now, it has more time to break down and enrich the ground.
Spread a 5-7 cm thick layer of compost on the beds before the first frost. Then create a light layer of straw to prevent erosion, nutrient washout and the development of weeds. This will also protect the weather -sensitive plants from the colder temperatures.
Care trees and shrubs in autumn
Autumn is the perfect time to grow new trees and shrubs. The floor is still warm enough so that the roots can grow a little before winter. In addition, you can now maintain your existing trees and shrubs to help you get through the colder months better.
Remove the dead branches of trees and shrubs in the garden. But do not cut them back if you are not sure that the cuts have time to heal until the cold arrives. Another reason against the pruning in autumn is that the trees are stimulated to grow new growth. However, the new shoots cannot harden in autumn and will probably die.
Wrap the tree trunks of young trees with JuteBand or tree protection film to avoid frost tears and frost blasting. Also protect the shrubs by wrapping them in sack linen.
Implement compost
When gardening in autumn, there is always a lot of plant material for the compost heap. In addition, the material composted in summer is probably ripe. Therefore, the ideal time is now to empty the compost of the past year and to distribute it in the garden and to create space for this year's waste.
Read too:Implement compost in autumn: Why is it worth it and how is it right?
Maintain the garden tool properly
In spring and summer, if you have so much to do in the garden, there is no time to maintain the tools. Hence autumn is a good way to get yoursTo sharpen garden helpersand to clean.
Remove the dirt and sharpen the blades so that you are ready for use in spring. Then rub them in with some vegetable oil to prevent rust during the colder months.
Empty hoses and irrigation lines before the frost uses.
Wash the spray devices with water and soap and let them dry in the air.
Now that when we prepare for autumn, it is only a matter of time before the inevitable cold weather comes. Therefore, it is particularly important to plan and take a little time to keep the garden in top shape before it is too late.
Read too:Which vegetables plant in October? These 10 species can now go into the bed