Monthly horoscope February 2025: This is how the stars stand for your zodiac sign this month

This brings February 2025 for its zodiac sign ...

Zodiac sign Aquarius:They are facing a fresh start - and yes, that can intimidate. Fortunately, Merkur encourages you to make really important decisions. Think about what you leave behind. Then it says: Curtain up for the next act of life!Sodica fish:A great passion is going on - despite the foreseeable end. You have the choice: do you do without or do you create beautiful memories? Your heart already knows the answer.Sodica Aries:Old feelings are reactivated by a reunion. Is that the second chance now? Trust your intuition, because the declining Mars ensures a clear view.Tier sign:A long -dreamed dream comes true. Sounds too good? Your skepticism is one thing, but sometimes you just have to trust happiness. Now is such a moment.Zodiac sign twins:In the next few weeks, your life will be picking up: you will pursue your goals with high pressure. You will reach one in mid -February, but: don't be slowed down by it. Because yes, it goes on ...Soda sign Cancer:The planets open doors to the future and past. You decide whether you want to take new ways or straighten old ones. Above all, it is important: do not stop!Löwe zodiac sign:There is no lack of good advice. Accepting them, but at the same time, means to hand over control. Not a good idea for born leaders like her. Better, you make your own decisions.Zodiac sign:She brought her diligence to the schedule. Now you have time to ask yourself whether your job fulfills you or just paid for the bills ... At the end of January there is a knowledge.Libra zodiac sign:Do you interpret as a confessing romantic omen more into this relationship than is there? If you are unsure, remain as non -binding as possible. So nobody is injured.Soda symbol scorpion:An important project has almost been completed, but the last few meters on the home stretch require enormous strength. Are you ready? Only when your inner voice calls "yes!" Does the time are right.Zodiac sign Sagittarius:The cosmic balance shifts in its favor. Even if everything is not perfect: Jupiter lets you feel that you are on the right track.Zodiac ibex:In the event of money, the friendship stops? Not if you clarify the matter with tact. The best thing about it: you feel really free again afterwards.