Without bees there is no harvest - everyone knows how important bees are for the environment. They ensure a rich harvest, do a large part of the pollination of our plants and help them spread. But unfortunately the useful helpers and especially the honey bee and the wild bee are increasingly threatened and the death of bees will have serious consequences. A bee-friendly garden is much more than just a trend - by doing so we are doing something good for the environment and creating a habitat and food supply for the small insects. Since bees need water like all other people, a bee trough in the garden would be very useful. Building a bee trough like this is much easier than you think and looks decorative. In today's article we will explain to you how you can create a little water paradise for the busy bees.
Just like humans and other animals, bees need pollen and food as well as water. Especially in spring and in the summer heat as well as in densely populated areas in the city, the little ones are thirsty but often don't get enough water. They cover a large part of their water needs through the nectar they collect and the morning dew drops are also used for water supply. However, bees don't just need water to feed their brood and satisfy their thirst. On very hot days they also cool the hive. With a beer trough in the garden, you can ensure that the beneficial insects meet their water needs.
Build your own bee trough: It's that easy
Building a bee trough yourself in the garden is actually not that complicated. The most important thing is that it is weatherproof and made from natural materials if possible. Bees reach water particularly easily in shallow bowls or plates - otherwise they can quickly drown. To prevent this, place small branches as a swimming aid for the insects. Alternatively, you can fill the bowl with some expanded clay and moss. A small mixture of small and large pebbles and stones is also suitable for the bee trough and is also very easy to care for. Pond plants such as water lilies are also great helpers and look really beautiful. However, remember that cork and wood become saturated with water over time and should be replaced again and again.
Where to place the bee trough in the garden?
In order to help the little ones, it is also important where we place the bee trough in the garden. Since bees don't like cold water, a warm place in the sun is considered optimal. Also make sure that the place is protected from precipitation and wind. If possible, position the bee drinker nearbee-friendly plants– this gives the insects the opportunity to feed themselves and quench their thirst at the same time. If you have your own beehive in the garden, it is advisable to place the bee trough at least 40 meters away.
Use the right water
Yes, the water used for bee troughs in the garden is also very important. The first thing you should pay attention to is that this is not too cold. Tap water is not a suitable choice for the leg waterer - it is much better to use water from the garden pond or, if possible, from a nearby lake or stream. Rainwater would also be a suitable alternative, but it spoils much more quickly and should therefore be replaced daily. If you still need tap water for one reason or another, let it sit at room temperature for 2 to 3 days beforehand. And if you have a pool in your garden, consider yourself lucky becauseBees drinkalso chlorinated water. So you can easily take the bee trough with you in the waterChlorinated water from the poolfill.
How to make bees aware of the watering hole?
In order for the bees to use the bee trough in the garden, they of course have to know that it is even there. It can sometimes take a while for the protégés to discover the new water source and trust it. Fortunately, there is a very simple trick how you can draw the bees' attention to the bee drinker. A few drops of anise essential oil are perfect for attracting small insects to the watering hole. You can now find essential anise oil in almost every drugstore or pharmacy. Under no circumstances should you fill the bee trough with honey or sugar water, as this often attracts bees from another apiary and the insects begin to fight or sting each other. And we don't want that, do we?