Cucumber pests: which ones are the most common and how can you recognize and combat them?

Cucumbers are one of the best summer vegetables because they are easy to grow, versatile and delicious. Cucumber plants are very productive, but even the most experienced gardener can encounter pests that affect the harvest. Cucumber pests can seriously endanger your plants and not only reduce the yield, but even kill the plants. That's why it's important to know what pests you may face and how to deal with them. Here are the most common types to look out for.

Cucumber Pests to Watch Out For

Aphids threaten your cucumber plants

Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that like to reside on the underside of the leaves and stems of plants. Most aphids are green or yellow, others are pink, brown, red or black. In small numbers, aphids cause little problem, but heavy infestations result in yellow or misshapen leaves, necrotic spots on the leaves, or stunted growth. Aphids also secrete a sticky, sugary substance called honeydew. This substance attracts ants and promotes sooty mold, which causes a black coating on all plants.

Dealing with aphids
Here are some suggestions for aphid control.

  • When the plants are robust and healthy, spray them with a strong stream of water to drive the aphids away from the leaves.
    Cut off branches and leaves that are heavily infested with aphids.
  • Try spreading reflective mulching materials, such as silver-colored plastic, around the base of your plants to deter aphids from landing on and feeding on your plants.
    In extreme cases, insecticides are required to treat the problem. Use organic agents such as insecticidal soap or neem oil.

How to fight aphids with natural remedies, you canread here!

Cucumber beetles feed on plants

One of the hardest cucumber pests to control are cucumber beetles. Depending on where you live, you will face one of these two types:

  • Striped cucumber beetles (Acalymma vittatum)
  • Spotted cucumber beetles (Diabrotica undecimpunctata)

These two species feed on cucumber plants and eat holes in your plant's leaves and flowers. The larvae feed on the plant roots. Cucumber beetles cause a variety of symptoms and problems, some of which are similar to bacterial wilt. Examples of symptoms caused by cucumber beetles include:

  • Stunted seedlings and growth
  • Damaged leaves, stems or petioles
  • Reduced strength of the plant
  • Scars on the fruits

How to get rid of cucumber beetles
Controlling cucumber beetles is challenging, but there are a few things you can do.

  • Plant beetle-resistant varieties. Two options are “Saladin” and “Gemini,” both of which are excellent.
  • After seeds have germinated, cover plants with a floating row cover until flowering. Then remove them so pollinators have access to your plants.
  • Catch the beetles with yellow sticky traps. But be careful! This method also traps pollinators and beneficial insects.

Cutworms are also pests for cucumbers

Cutworms destroy the stems of young plants or seedlings and cause irregular holes on the surface of the plants. The larvae are active at night and hide during the day, making it difficult to detect these pests. They hide in the soil or in plant remains. When found, they tend to curl up in a C-shape when disturbed.

These pests attack a number of vegetables, including but not limited to cucumbers. Cutworms also attack asparagus, beans, cabbage, carrots and peasand peppers.

How to get rid of cutworms

  • Place a plastic or foil collar around the plant stems, extending three inches into the soil and three inches above the ground.
  • Go into your garden at night and pick off any larvae you find by hand.
  • Spread diatomaceous earth around the base of your plant. Diatomaceous earth creates a sharp, uncomfortable barrier for the larvae to crawl over and cut off.
  • If the infestation is severe, insecticides can be applied to the affected areas.

Flea beetles are tiny pests on cucumbers

Flea beetles are tiny pests that are about 1.5 to 3 mm long and dark in color. They often have a shiny, iridescent shell. These pests get their name from the fact that they jump like fleas when disturbed, giving them the name flea beetles. Young plants are more susceptible to flea beetles than mature plants; Older plants can usually cope with a flea beetle infestation. These pests leave small holes or pits in the leaves, and the damage can result in impaired plant growth. If the infestation is severe, the plants die.

How to get rid of flea beetles

  • Using floating row covers prior to infestation can help prevent flea beetles from emerging.
  • Plant trap plants nearby as a preventive measure; Cruciferous vegetables attract flea beetles the most.
  • Place a layer of mulch underneath your plants to prevent them from reaching the soil surface.
  • Use diatomaceous earth or neem oil as an effective population control measure.

How to plant cucumbers in pots, find outout here!