Growing peppers: Tips on which mistakes you should definitely avoid in order to achieve the best results

Peppers are one of the most commonly grown vegetables in many gardens. However, many gardeners have difficulty getting their plants to grow the way they want. If you're having trouble growing peppers, you've come to the right place. This article describes some of the most common mistakes and difficulties when growing peppers. Their solutions are also presented.

Planting too early and too densely

Planted too early:It's completely normal to feel itchy when planting. The weather is getting warmer, you've been indoors all winter, and you're ready to grow peppers in your garden. However, don't let your haste ruin your pepper harvest before it even begins. Waiting to sow until the time is right can make all the difference.

How to avoid this mistake:You should grow peppers when night temperatures are not lower than 13 degrees Celsius. The reason:These plants love the heat. However, you can start growing peppers indoors eight weeks before the last cold snap. They can be grown indoors all year round.

Planted too close:Another problem gardeners face is planting peppers too densely. To avoid disease, they must have enough space to grow and be surrounded by enough air.

How to avoid this mistake:Place the pepper plants at least 60 cm apart. The distance between the individual rows of peppers should also be 60 cm. This ensures that the plants have enough space to breathe. When growing peppers in pots, you should only plant one plant per container.

Inadequate irrigation and over-fertilization

Overfertilization:Gardeners tend tofertilizingone way or another - either they don't feed their plants enough or they overfeed them. It's important to know the needs of each variety you grow. When it comes to peppers, make sure you know the right amount of fertilizer and the right time to apply it.

How to avoid this error:Pepper plants are usually over-fertilized. You actually only need to fertilize them twice - before planting and when the plants produce peppers.

Inadequate irrigation:Watering is another area that gardeners either overdo or don't do enough. The way you water can make a big difference in your harvest.

How to avoid this error:Peppers should be watered deeply to avoid over or under watering. Deep watering means you water the plants over a longer period of time and fewer days per week. Use the finger test before adding more water. Stick your finger into the soil next to your plant. If the soil is dry to the first knuckle, water more. If not, wait a day or two before repeating the test. This allows the pepper plants to grow a deeper root system while remaining healthy.

Insufficient soil and disease prevention

Insufficient soil:Soil plays an important role in the growth of any plant. Peppers are no exception, so make sure you know what they need before sowing. This way you can avoid many mishaps.

How to avoid this error:Pepper plants should be planted in well-drained soil. This ensures that the necessary nutrients reach the growing space before planting. This also ensures that the soil is well-drained. Peppers need soil that can absorb moisture but also quickly drain it away again. This will avoid waterlogged roots and potential disease problems.

Ignoring illnesses:It's easy to get lost in the daily chores of gardening and not pay attention to what's going on at the microscopic level with your pepper plants. Pests and diseases can attack them faster than you think. So be careful. This may be the deciding factor in their survival or demise.

How to avoid this error:Insects that commonly damage pods include mites, whiteflies, grasshoppers and hornworms. In most cases they can be treated with insecticides. Most diseases that affect pepper plantsare fungal diseases. Remove all infected parts and treat with a fungicide. Also make sure that the plants are not waterlogged and that there is enough space between them to ensure good air circulation.

Grow your own peppers – be patient and get a good harvest

Harvest on time:If you can't wait to harvest fresh pods, you're not alone. However, there is a good time to harvest sweet peppers. It's important to know the sensitive time window to ensure you don't harvest too early or too late.

How to avoid this error:Wait until the peppers are the desired color before harvesting. When the peppers start to turn a different color, you know you've missed the right time to pick them.

Green peppers, for example, turn red when the harvest season is over. Also, be sure to cut the pod from the plant instead of picking it. In this way, damage to the crops is avoided. This can also prevent disease outbreaks.