Which vegetables can you consume without a guilty conscience and where is caution? We'll tell you how many calories are in vegetables.
Table of contents
- Vegetables with few calories
- Vegetables with many calories
- Color and oil also make vegetables rich in calories
- Only low -calorie vegetables are not healthy
- Avoid raw food in the event of indigestion
- Raw vegetables partially inedible
- "Good" calories in vegetables
Vegetables are a real miracle cure: Popeye has already shown it in which he ate tons of spinach in order to develop unexpected powers. But vegetables can also bring some advantages for the average man.
Especially for people who are in a diet or want to lose a few kilos, zucchini, paprika & Co. can be an enormous remedy - provided you do without calorie -rich dressing or a butter marinade.
According to theGerman Nutrition SocietyShould we take three portions of vegetables and two portions of fruit a day. If we stick to this guideline, we are well supplied with vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances.
Avoid carbohydrates: this happens to the body
Vegetables with few calories
The vegetables with very few calories are the cucumber. It almost only consists of water and is therefore simply healthy for the human body and delivers just 12 kcal per 100 g. These vegetables can also be taken without a guilty conscience:
Groceries | Profurbs pro 100 g |
Rhabarber | 12 kcal |
Lettuce | 14 kcal |
Chinakohl | 16 kcal |
Eisbergsalat | 16 kcal |
radish | 17 kcal |
Saddlery | 17 kcal |
Zucchini | 19 kcal |
Paprika | 20 kcal |
Tomato | 21 kcal |
Mushrooms | 22 kcal |
Spinach | 23 kcal |
Aubergine | 23 kcal |
asparagus | 23 kcal |
Muscat pumpkin | 24 kcal |

They are suitable for calorie burning, but they have to be prepared raw. The calorie content changes naturally in a cooked condition and with the addition of oil or the other fat.
Vegetables with many calories
Vegetables that deliver many calories are often avoided at low carb diets. However, this does not mean that you should avoid these vegetables. With 72 kcal per 100 grams, potatoes have more calories than other vegetables, but still provide many carbohydrates, which is particularly advantageous for athletes and athletes.
Groceries | Profurbs pro 100 g |
Brussels sprouts | 43 kcal |
Kale | 49 kcal |
Salsify | 54 kcal |
Paramedic | 59 kcal |
Peas | 81 kcal |
Corn | 86 kcal |
sweet potato | 86 kcal |
Kochbanane | 122 kcal |
Garlic | 122 kcal |
Color and oil also make vegetables rich in calories
For example, the preparation of spinach, chard, cauliflower, beans, carrots, etc. should only be made with little fat. In order to maintain the negative calorie balance for weight reduction, one should completely avoid the addition of cream or flour for tying a sauce.
Vegetables such as onions (32 kcal/ 100 g), radish (20 kcal/ 100 g) or radishes (17 kcal/ 100 g) are a tasty and low -calorie addition. Of course, due to their sharpness, they cannot be consumed in the same amounts as, for example, cucumbers.
Only low -calorie vegetables are not healthy
In principle, the following applies:There is no good or bad vegetables. All types of vegetables are not only low in calories, but also deliver fiber and other important nutrients and are very healthy and can be enjoyed without a guilty conscience.
Of course, when eating vegetables, you shouldn't just pay attention to the calories. For example, if you only feed on cucumbers all day, you make a kind of fasting cure in this case, but take enough liquid, but neglect vitamins, minerals or trace elements. Anyone who feeds mainly from low -calorie vegetables runs the risk of developing deficiency symptoms that are difficult to burden the organism.
It is better to choose a healthy and balanced diet that supplies the body with all important nutrient components.
Also read:
Avoid raw food in the event of indigestion
It is not fundamentally that raw vegetables are healthier than cookies. Enjoyed in the evening, raw vegetables hit many people on digestion. You get digestive problems, some even cramps because the stomach largely hires its work overnight. The vegetables in the stomach begin to ferment, cause flatulence and pain.
Raw vegetables partially inedible
In addition, there are vegetables whose ingredients of people in raw state cannot be fully enjoyed. Tomatoes, for example, contain the fabric lycopine, which we can absorb much better in cooked tomatoes. It binds the harmful free radicals in the body and is even said to have a cancer -preventive effect.
Potatoes, rhubarb and legumes such as lentils and beans also have to be cooked before they are enjoyable for humans. However, you have to make sure to find a gentle cooking form that does not destroy the vitamins it contains.
"Good" calories in vegetables
Many calories contain vegetables with high oil content, for example corn. Vegetables with a high carbohydrate content such as potatoes are also much more calorie than others.
Vegetables with a few calories contain no oil and only a few carbohydrates, instead water. Basically, you shouldn't worry about the calorie content if you consume plenty of it. An exception is the avocado*, it is very fatty and significantly stresses the calorie balance.
*However, the Avocado is very careful of the fruit.
The calories contained in vegetables are colloquially referred to as "good" calories because their base are filling fiber. In the meat, on the other hand, the "bad" fat calories or trans fats are hidden, which the body stores immediately.
In any case, vegetables are one of the healthy foods. It contains vitamins and minerals and is simply good for the body compared to many other foods - even in large quantities.
Tipp: If you are interested in a healthy and balanced diet and would like to learn even more about vegetables & Co., we recommend the book "Healing power of fruit and vegetables: eat healthy with colors and vital substances" (Order here from Amazon*).
Season calendar vegetables: when is there what?
Shaders: May - December
Fresh German corn salad from outdoor cultivation will be available in May from May. From December to April it comes from protected cultivation.
Image: © iStock
Tomatoes: March - October
From March to October there are German tomatoes from the glass house.
Image: © iStock
Important note at the end:A active lifestyle with a balanced diet and a lot of movement is still the best way to stay fit permanently and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight.