The numerous benefits of blueberries make them a preferred choice for any garden, but can blueberries be planted in the fall? This type of shrub thrives primarily in temperate climates, although its growth can be seasonal. Depending on the variety and region, you can grow blueberry bushes in either fall or spring. If you choose the first option, there are factors related to location and soil care to consider, which are particularly important for beginner gardeners to avoid potential mistakes. Here is some useful information and steps you can follow to help your plants grow healthily.
There are good reasons to plant blueberries in the fall
Juicy blueberries are not only delicious, but alsorich in nutrients, antioxidants, fiber and vitamins. Fortunately, these fruits are easy to grow with little effort provided the right soil conditions exist. In addition, blueberry bushes do not take up much space and any gardener with a medium-sized garden can grow their own bushes. There are several blueberry varieties for colder climates that can withstand moderate lower temperatures. However, spring frost can still damage young buds and some stems of the plant. Therefore, it is also possible to plant blueberries in the fall, although many experts would recommend growing them in the spring as the preferred planting time.
If you decide to grow blueberries in the fall, it should be done in late September or early October. The roots of these shrubs will continue to grow until the soil reaches temperatures below 7 degrees. Another advantage of planting blueberries in the fall is that these crops will already be in place when the spring rains arrive. Wet weather can often delay planting in spring. In contrast, blueberries planted in the fall are already established and can enjoy the burst of spring growth that can make a difference to the season. If you plant blueberries in the fall, you also need to plant the bushes in the ground and dress them with mulch before the onset of winter. This is particularly recommended for areas with severe frost.
Before you start growing
First, do a soil test to make sure your soil is acidic enough to grow blueberries in. You can purchase soil tests at your local garden center, and the garden soil pH should be between 3.5 and 5.2. If it is too high, you can use fertilizers and additives to lower it. If the value is around 7.0, you might consider building a raised bed for the bushes with a highly acidic soil. Also lower the pH by using peat moss or organic compost to prevent drainage problems. Adding some straw or pine needles also helps maintain acidity and keeps the soil loose and airy.
Select and prepare a site for planting in the fall to allow time for pH adjustment if necessary. You should also suppress or completely eliminate weeds before cultivation in order to reduce their competition with the blueberry plants. If accomplished in the fall, a cover crop such as annual rye can be planted and plowed under in the spring to reduce weed growth and increase organic matter for the soil. Additionally, once blueberry plants are established, adding a blanket of straw around each plant helps with water retention and also prevents unwanted growths.
Simplify autumn planting by choosing the right variety of blueberries
Blueberry varieties should be selected based on climate, soil and taste preference. Two or more plants flowering at the same time also ensure cross-pollination and larger fruits for certain varieties, meaning they do not need cross-pollination to set fruit. In general, there are several types of blueberries. Half-bush blueberries are the result of interspecific hybridization between the low and tall growing species to improve winter cold tolerance and fruit size while adjusting the height of a shrub to about 1.3 meters. Northern varieties offer high yields once established. Size, flavor and disease or insect resistance also depend on the specific variety selected.
Site selection and preparation
Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil that is free of weeds and well tilled. It is best to locate your blueberry plants in an area where irrigation is readily available, as best results are achieved when the root zone is kept moist throughout the growing season. Where the soil is less than ideal or has poor drainage, raised beds are an excellent option. Blueberries also do well in patio containers, providing a great way for city dwellers and those with small or balcony gardens to enjoy them.
In addition, blueberries prefer acidic soils. A fail-safe way to grow blueberries in almost any soil is to incorporate peat moss into the planting container. To plant directly into the ground, prepare a planting area approximately 60-70 cm in diameter and approximately 30 cm deep for each crop. Remove 1/3 to 1/2 of the soil and add an equal amount of moistened peat moss, mixing well. For raised beds, mix equal amounts of peat moss with bark, compost or potting mix. However, you can also check directly with your local garden center and ask experts in the field about the best soil conditions for your location.
This is how blueberries can be grown and cared for
It's best to get 2- to 3-year-old plants from a local nursery. They begin producing berries during your first growing season and are much stronger than younger blueberry bushes. Dig the growing hole twice the diameter and approximately 10 cm deeper than the root ball. Add some of the enriched soil and place the plant in the hole. Gently spread the roots and fill them with the amended soil. Press down firmly to ensure the plant stands upright. Here are the main steps you should follow when growing:
- Water themPlants when first grownthorough. The bushes need to be watered once a week for an extended period of time. This ensures that the roots receive enough water without sitting in it for very long periods of time, which can lead to root rot. Increase the amount of water to twice a week in the spring and throughout the growing season.
- Add mulch around the plants. This increases soil acidity while helping to retain moisture and suppress weeds. Blueberries do not compete well with weeds or grass, so keep them a few feet away from the plant's trunk.
- Fertilize the plants with an acidic fertilizer in the fall when you first notice buds swelling. Repeat once during the growing season and again at the end of summer or in spring. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to apply fertilizer and how much to use depending on the number of blueberry bushes and the pH of your soil.
- Cut off any dead or diseased wood in early spring. If the bush becomes very crowded, you may also want to trim some of the branches from the inside to allow air circulation.
How to harvest and store blueberries
Blueberries are usually ready to harvest between June and August. However, do not rush to pick the berries as soon as they turn blue and rather wait a few days. When the fruit is ripe and ready, it should fall right into your hand. When growing biennial blueberry bushes, they should begin bearing within a year or two.
Pick any flowers that form in the first year or two after planting to allow the bush to develop. Please also note that full production is only achieved after around 6 years, depending on the variety. After harvesting, these can be usedFreeze berries, so you can enjoy the fruits even during the winter.
Also interesting:Pruning Blueberries: When and How to Prune Your Blueberry Bush for a Bountiful Harvest!