Autumn doesn't have to be gray and dreary! With the right bed planting, you can transform your garden into a sea of color that will bring joy well into late autumn. This fall-flowering bed is ideal for those who want an easy-care, yet impressive perennial bed. The plants presented here are also hardy, so you can experience the joy of blooms year after year.
Planting planning: What grows where?
In this bed, the plants are arranged according to height and structure to create a harmonious overall picture. In the background, tall ornamental grasses and evergreen plants provide structure, while in the foreground the flowering perennials and lower plants play the main role.
- In the background: Evergreen coniferous tree, miscanthus, riding grass 'Karl Foerster'
- Middle range: Barberry 'Orange Rocket', aster, chrysanthemums
- foreground: Stonecrop, Blue Fescue, Sempervivum
This herbaceous bed was planned so that it develops its full blooms, especially in late summer and autumn. The clever combination of colorful perennials and ornamental grasses creates a balance between bright flowers and a variety of structures. While the grasses and perennialsTransform your garden into a sea of color in autumn, evergreen plants provide structure that doesn't fade even in winter.
Plant overview
Here is a detailed overview of the plants that are in yourautumn flowering bedshouldn't be missing. This way you know exactly when and how the plants bloom and how hardy they are.
*If you cannot find the varieties mentioned, look for similar plants that match the color, shape and size to achieve the desired appearance.
Dwarf pine or spruce
- Height: Up to 2 meters
- flowering time: No flowers, green all year round
- Winter hardiness: Very hardy
- Features: These evergreen conifers bring structure and height to the bed. They are easy to care for and retain their fresh green color all year round.
Miscanthus sinensis (Chinaschilf)
- Height: 1.5 to 2 meters
- flowering time: Late summer to autumn (August to October)
- Winter hardiness: Very hardy
- Features: Miscanthus sinensis gives the bed height and movement. The tall, feathery inflorescences catch the light beautifully and remain attractive even in winter.
Reitgras ‘Karl Foerster’ (Calamagrostis acutiflora)
- Height: 1 to 1.5 meters
- flowering time: Early summer to fall (June to October)
- Winter hardiness: Very hardy
- Features: This sturdy ornamental grass provides structure year-round. It retains its shape even in winter, making it a valuable part of hardy bed planting.
Berberis thunbergii 'Golden Rocket' (Barberry)
- Height: Up to 1.2 meters
- flowering time: early summer (May to June)
- Winter hardiness: Very hardy
- Features: This barberry brings fantastic color to the garden with its bright yellow-red, especially in autumn. It is easy to care for and can withstand even the coldest winter temperatures.
Aster (autumn aster)
- Height: 0.5 to 1 meter
- flowering time: Late summer to autumn (August to October)
- Winter hardiness: Hardy
- Features: With its strong, purple flowers, the aster brings life into the bed when other plants are already withdrawing. It is one of the hardy autumn perennials that decorate the garden until frost.
- Height: 0.5 to 1 meter
- flowering time: Late summer to autumn (August to November)
- Winter hardiness: Partly hardy
- Features: Chrysanthemums are the stars of autumn. Their strong colors and large flower heads give the bed the finishing touch. In severe frost, winter protection can be useful.
Fetthenne (Sedum)
- Height: 0.3 to 0.6 meters
- flowering time: Late summer to autumn (August to October)
- Winter hardiness: Very hardy
- Features: The sedum is an indispensable part of every winter-hardy bed planting. Their fleshy leaves store water and make them extremely robust. The pink flowers attract bees and butterflies.
Blue fescue (Festuca glauca)
- Height: 0.2 to 0.3 meters
- flowering time: early summer (June to July)
- Winter hardiness: Hardy
- Features: Blue fescue is a small, compact perennial with striking, blue-green foliage. It remains attractive even in winter and provides structure in the foreground.
Sempervivum (Hauswurz)
- Height: Up to 0.2 meters
- flowering time: Summer (June to August)
- Winter hardiness: Very hardy
- Features: Sempervivum, also called houseleek, is perfect for the rock garden or as a filler plant. The rosette-shaped leaves are attractive all year round, and the plant survives even the harshest winters.
The bed is ideal for sunny to semi-shady locations. Dry to well-drained soils are ideal, allowing the plants to develop optimally. Thanks to the robust and easy-care plants, this bed is a wonderful choice for natural gardens, rock gardens or even modern landscapes. It not only offers flowers in autumn, but also a beautiful structure all year round.
You may be wondering...
1. What are fall blooming perennials?
Perennials are perennial plants that come back every year. Even if your autumn perennials don't bloom over the winter, they will sprout again in the spring and provide new flowers every fall. So it is not necessary to replant them.
2. When should you create an autumn bed?
You can plant a fall bed as soon as the soil is workable. However, it is best to plant hardy autumn bloomers in spring or early summer so that they develop well and are in all their glory in autumn. In any case, you should make sure to plant at least a month before the first frost.
3. Are all fall perennials hardy?
Most of the plants mentioned in this perennial bed planting plan are hardy and can handle low temperatures well. Such as sedum, aster and many ornamental grasses. Chrysanthemums, on the other hand, may require additional protection with mulch during very cold winters.
4. Should I still water in autumn?
Yes, make sure your plants get enough water until the first hard frost or until the ground freezes. This encourages root growth and prepares the plants for the winter months. Be sure to cut back the ornamental grasses in the spring. Otherwise, the plants require little care.
Would you like even more inspiration for your garden design? Check out our other articles:
- Perennial bed planting plan – free for replanting
- Creating an ever-flowering bed: Planting plan for small, narrow gardens
- Create a bee-friendly bed: planting plan for perennials and flowers
Be inspired and design your dream bed for every season!