Perennial bed planting plan: Free sketches for sunny, partially shaded and shady locations!

We like to spend time outdoors in spring and summer. The garden becomes a popular retreat where we can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and relax among the cozy plants. We'll show you ideas for perennial bed planting plans that will transform the outdoor area into a green oasis. The perennial ensembles are suitable for both small and large gardens and ensure constant garden joy from spring to late autumn. In the article you will also find helpful care tips and suggestions for sunny, semi-shaded and shady locations.

Perennial bed planting plan for shady and semi-shady locations: These plants come into question

In the first perennial bed planting plan that we propose to you, 15 perennial flowering perennials are planted. The perennial bed is designed so that it looks beautiful from three sides, namely the front, right and left. Perfect for oneshady allotment gardenor as an accent in front of the house entrance. To replant this planting plan you need a free area measuring 1.5 meters x 3 meters.

Planting care instructions:All plants love shady locations, but can thrive just as well in partial shade. A humus-rich, permeable soil offers the best conditions for their rapid growth. You can start planting in spring. You can create the perennial bed from April. It is important to leave a minimum distance of 50-60 cm between the plants.

List of all plants in the perennial bed

1. Parrot Alstroemeria, variety “Royal Star” x 2

2. Inkalilie, Sorte "Inca Vito" x 1

3. Shiny Tube Star x 2

4. Caucasus Forget-me-not x 2

5. Yellow Foxglove x 3

6. Elfenblume x 3

7. Cranesbill, white, variety “Album” x 1

8. Cranesbill, variety “Rozanne” x 2

9. Japanese Mountain Grass x 2

10. Nieswurz, Sorte “Spring velvet”

11. Funkien x 2

12. Lily cluster x 1

13. Shadow Flowers x 2

14. White Root x 2

15. Lungwort, variety “Samurai” x 2

Below we will explain in detail how the perennial bed in spring, summer,Autumn and winter looks like.

In spring there is a splendor of flowers in the garden

In the springYou can look forward to a wonderful display of flowers. The elf flower (6) looks exotic with its small pink flowers and delicate stems. The Caucasus forget-me-not (4) attracts attention with its panicle-shaped flowers in bright blue. The lungwort (15), which bears purple-red, funnel-shaped flowers from the beginning of March to the end of May, effectively rounds off the charming ensemble. Ornamental grasses and plants with decorative leaves such as Japanese mountain grass (9), hellebore (10), shade flowers (13) and white root (14) form the perfect background and make the perennial bed appear voluminous.

Care tips:Now is the right time to give the plants liquid fertilizer. Water the perennial bed every two weeks, but try to avoid waterlogging.

In summer the garden is particularly colorful

In summer the perennial bed reveals its true beauty. The deep red flowers of the parrot alkali lily (1) are real eye-catchers that add color accents to the bed. The large purple flowers of the cranesbill variety “Rozanne” (8) are extremely long-lasting. This is the only variety that blooms from the beginning of summer until autumn.

Check out our articleColorful autumn bed for replantingand get valuable tips for your autumn planting!

The alkaline lily of the “Inca Vito” variety (2) gives the garden an additional splash of color with its wine-red flowers and can be displayed particularly effectively in the middle of the perennial bed. The heart-shaped leaves of hostas (11) are the reason why the plants are among the most beautiful foliage perennials.

Care tip:Water the perennial bed regularly. At the beginning of summer you can still administer liquid fertilizer.

The garden also has its charm in autumn

Alsoin autumnthe perennial bed has its charm. Bright yellow nuances and color accents in wine red and purple make the garden a beautiful oasis. The shiny green leaves of the Shiny Tubular Star (3), for example, turn golden yellow in autumn. Together with the striking purple flower clusters of the lily raceme (12), the tube star forms a particularly harmonious picture. The shadow flowers (13) with their white flowers fade discreetly into the background and make the garden appear natural.

Care tips:Most perennials are extremely easy to care for. However, in autumn you should think about a windbreak. Only water the plants when necessary, otherwise the roots may rot.

Perennial bed planting plan for shady locations in winter

In winter, the perennial bed continues to attract attention. The wintergreen elf flower (6) fascinates with its heart-shaped leaves, which remain green on the inside and turn reddish-brown on the edges. The hellebore (10) has a long flowering period, which begins in January and ends in early May. With its palm-like leaves, it is a real eye-catcher outdoors, even in the cold winter. The Japanese mountain grass (9) is perfect for planting along the edges of perennial beds. The plant comes into its own particularly well in the winter months.

Care tips:Since all plants are hardy, you don't need to think about overwintering. However, it is worth covering the bed with brushwood in spring, when late frosts could damage the perennials.

Perennial bed planting plan for sunny locations – choose the right plants

We will show you another perennial bed planting plan for sunny and partially shaded locations and explain what you need to consider when planting. We also show you sketches and pictures of how the garden changes every season - spring, summer, autumn and winter. The bed is suitable for planting directly in front of the wooden fence or in front of the garden wall. It is also perfect for narrow and long properties. You can also transform sunny corners into cozy areas in the large garden.

List of all plants in the perennial bed:

1. Fäberkamille x 3

2. Beautiful candle, Sorte "Rosy Shimmers" x 3

3. Storchschnabel – Hybride “Brookside” x 2

4. Garden Blood Cranesbill x 2

5. Nelkenwurz “Scarlet Tempest” x 2

6. Nelkenwurz “Totally Tangerine” x 2

7. Margerite x 2

8. Chinaschilf “Morning Light” x 2

9. Moor-Pfeifengras x 2

10. Common Coneflower x 2

11. Grove Sage x 2

12. Aster, Sorte “Little Carlow” x 1

13. Vernonia x 1

14. Candebaler Honorary Award “Diane” x 2

Spring: Clove root as an eye-catcher

In spring the carnation “Scarlet Tempest” (5) and the carnation “Totally Tangerine” begin to bloom. With its red and orange flowers it will add a splash of color to the garden in the coming months. Plant the flowers at the beginning of spring to enjoy the wonderful blooms for longer.

Care tips:The flowers feel extremely comfortable in normal, moderately dry garden soil. If the soil is low in humus, it is recommended to mix in additional compost at the beginning of spring. Otherwise, the plant is extremely easy to care for.

In summer there is pure floral splendor

In summer there is a wonderful display of flowers in the sunny garden. The camomile (1) produces medium-sized yellowish flowers, the magnificent candle (2) enchants with its large pink flowers, the purple-blue cranesbill (3) presents itself delicately and the daisy (7) adds a natural touch to the garden picture.

The candelabra speedwell (14) and the grove sage attract birds and insects to the garden. Easy to care for and undemanding, the perennials are the perfect addition to the country house garden.

Care tips:Cut back the candelabra speedwell at the beginning of summer so it will bloom a second time in the summer. Otherwise, all flowering perennials are not particularly demanding. Just make sure that the soil is moderately moist and doesn't dry out completely in the summer months. If you mixed the soil with compost in spring, you can completely avoid liquid fertilizer.

Perennial bed planting plan for autumn

The candelabra speedwell (14) cuts a fine figure in the garden not only in summer but also in autumn. It reaches a maximum height of 2 meters and is therefore the optimal choice for border planting. Whether as an accent in a corner or as part of an ensemble with other tall perennials - it fits harmoniously into the autumnal garden picture.

The small, autumn-flowering aster “Little Carlow” gives the outdoor area a romantic touch with its tender purple-blue flowers. Together with the common coneflower, which attracts everyone's attention with its bright yellow flowers, the aster forms a contrasting duo. Ornamental grasses are also used in autumn to loosen up the ensemble and give the bed structure.

Care tips:All plants are perennial and winter-hardy. So they don't need wintering. Even the tall perennials do not require pruning in autumn. However, you must ensure that the soil remains evenly moist at this time of year. Most plants can only tolerate waterlogging to a limited extent. If it rains too much in autumn, you can consider adding a drainage layer. But normally this is not necessary.

Ornamental grasses in winter

Ornamental grasses bring variety to the garden not only in the summer but also in the winter months. Miscanthus of the “Morning Light” variety (8) and moor grass (9) are perfect for sunny locations. Even frost, rain and wind cannot harm the ornamental grasses. They easily withstand bad weather.

Care tips:In January / February you have to cut back the miscanthus and the moss pipe grass close to the ground. Otherwise, the ornamental grasses do not require winter protection. To be on the safe side, you can wrap the roots of the plant with fleece in November. You can also water the plants less frequently in the winter months and only when necessary. Avoid waterlogging, as this can lead to rot, especially in the cold season.

We offer you further planting plans for perennial beds in the photo gallery below.

Perennial bed for replanting: pink flowers for the romantic garden

Beautiful pink flowers that will bring you joy from late summer to autumn. All plants are ideal for sunny and wind-protected locations, love nutrient-rich soil and need to be watered abundantly once a week. The flowering period begins in July and ends in October. The perennials reach a maximum height of 150 cm.

These perennials form an attractive ensemble:

1. Rosa Rispenhortensie “Little Quick Fire” x 1

2. Snakehead “Hot Lips” x 3

3. Fetthenne “Autumn Joy” x 3

4. Herbst-Anemone x 3

Do you have a small garden or would you like to surprise your guests with a display of flowers in front of the entrance to your house? You will definitely like the next suggestion for a compact perennial bed!

Care tips:All perennials are compact, but grow up to 2 meters in height. They need a sunny to partially shaded location and a humus-rich, dry soil that offers the best conditions for their rapid growth. The optimal planting time is in April. Before you plant the perennial bed, you can also mix the soil with compost or liquid fertilizer.

List of plants:

1. Rutenhirse “Rubby Ribbons” x 1

2. Girl’s Eye “Summer Sunshine” x 2

3. Silber-Perowskie x 1

4. Sun hat x 3

5. Fetthenne “Autumn Joy” x 2

Create an autumn-flowering perennial bed with red color accents: Free planting plan for sunny locations

The next suggestion is a planting plan for fall-flowering plants that you can use to attract birds to the garden. The optimal location is in the sun or partial shade. You can also place a birdbath in the center of the flower bed.


1. American Winterberry x 2

2. American Rosemary Willow x 1

3. Chrysanthemen “Pumpkin Igloo” x 2

4. Herbst-Anemone x 2

Create a perennial bed next to the garden fountain

Do you have a garden fountain that you would like to showcase effectively? With the next planting plan you will certainly succeed in showcasing the water features.


1. Chinaschilf x 1

2. Common coneflower x 2

3. Hubricht's Tube Star x 2

4. Aster oblongifolius “October Skies” x 2

Regardless of whether it is for a sunny, semi-shady or shady location: if carefully considered and carefully put together, a perennial bed will quickly become an eye-catcher in your own garden. In order to transform your outdoor area into a green oasis, you must adhere to a few basic rules. Combine 10 to 15 perennial hardy flowers, ornamental grasses and ground covers that have similar soil and location requirements. Plant the bed with perennials that bloom in spring, summer and fall. Fragrant plants can also attract birds and beneficial insects to the garden. Don't forget to add plants with decorative foliage as these will brighten up the outdoor area even in the winter months.