The topic of raised beds is extremely exciting for many garden and balcony owners. There are a whole range of tips and tricks toRaised beds made from a wide variety of materialsto build. Whether made of stone, with the help of a wicker fence or brick, the variety of possibilities is almost inexhaustible. A simple and uncomplicated variant is to build oneRaised bed made of Douglas fir woodThis wood is weather-resistant and only warps slightly, even when exposed to a lot of rain and strong sunlight. Cut to size directly from the hardware store, the simple raised bed can be assembled at home in a short time and placed in the designated place. Once the bed has been built and the layers have been laid out, you can finally plant the raised bed.
Planting raised beds – tips for choosing the right place
If you have the opportunity to place the bed in a sunny to partially shaded location, you should do so. This opens up a wide range of possibilities for planting the raised bed. There are countless vegetable plants that prefer sun or partial shade. There are also herbs, spring bloomers and summer flowers in abundance. If you choose a shady location or have no other choice, you will still enjoy it. Of course, a location in full sun can also be the case, then the issue of watering plays an even greater role than it already does.
Plant communities for sunny to partially shaded locations
Vegetables generally need a lot of sun. The less sun there is, the more limited the selection of species becomes. Mixed cultures are perfect for raised beds. Simply explained: Mixed cultures are plant communities that do each other good. Detailed information about mixed culture can be found in the article “Pea loves radishesto read.
The right mix makes it all, and when compatible plants are planted together, pest infestation is kept to a minimum. The basic rule is that many different cultures should grow together in a small area. Monocultures, on the other hand, are susceptible to pests. That's why consumers should avoid, for example, completely equipping the bed with cabbage varieties.
This mixed culture is suitable for raised beds in sunny to semi-shady locations:
• Dill
• Onions
• Cucumbers
• Salat
• Carrots
• Tomatoes
• Chives
Plant edible flowers in raised herbs and vegetables beds
The plants should be planted alternately in rows. The different scents that the plants emit confuse pests that can no longer orientate themselves. The result is that they don't happen. A useful addition are additional herbs and flowers that not only enhance the visual appearance of the raised bed. They are also important for attracting bees and butterflies as well as ladybirds etc. Consumers support biological diversity with a mixed culture bed. Edible flowers are best suited to raised beds for herbs and vegetables. Are recommended
• Nasturtiums
• Pansies
• Forget-me-nots
The flowers of nasturtium taste spicy, pansies taste spicy and forget-me-nots taste sweet. Flowers add that certain something extra to a home-harvested salad and give the healthy snack an extra dose of individuality.
Plant communities for shady locations
Beds in a shady location do not necessarily have to do without vegetables. There is a special selection of salads, vegetables, herbs and flowering plants that also ensure a profitable harvest here. These plants are suitable for shady locations:
• Leafy salads
• Kohlarten
• Spinach
• Kohlrabi
• Peas
• Garden cress
• Oregano
• Wild garlic
• Garlic
As a flowering companion in shady beds are alongside the herbs
• Ruprechtskraut
• Lerchensporn
• Memorial
recommended. Ruprechtskraut in particular is a real shadow artist. The specialist for dark locations develops very delicate leaves and subtle, pink flowers. It blooms from May to October and can cope with 0.25% of the normal daylight dose. It suffers if its roots are damaged, so it is best kept in the corners and edges of the raised bed.
Lots of helpful information andVegetable growing tables, herbs and salads are on the website of the aid information service nutrition, agriculture, consumer protection e. V. to find.
When the soil is right, the plants thrive
In order for vegetables, herbs and flowering plants to thrive, it is not enough to give them the right location and combine the best possible companion plants. The soil must be right so that growth is lush. The bed is a special framework for plants and should be constructed correctly.
1. There should be a wire mesh on the bottom of the raised bed, not too dense and not too coarse-meshed. Mice and other animals should not be able to get through the soil into the raised bed.
2. The layer on the wire mesh consists of pottery shards and pebbles and works like a drainage system.
3. A layer of soil must be placed on top of this drainage.
4. The next layer consists of branches. This can be, for example, hedge trimming or tree trimming. Branches, twigs, shrub waste and pieces of roots are ideal.
5. This layer is also filled with earth.
6. On top there should be a layer of shrubs consisting of chopped branches. This is again covered with earth.
7. In the penultimate layer, users can apply green waste and leaves that are then mixed with soil and covered.
8. Finally, the soil is added at the top and is then planted with vegetables, flowers and herbs. This can be a mixture of garden and potting soil; adding compost is also useful. The final layer should be at least 10-15 cm.
With such good preparation, cultivation should be successful.
Water regularly and reap a rich harvest
The sunnier the location, the more frequently the beds need to be watered. Vegetables use an enormous amount of water and anyone who grows lettuce should use the watering can at least twice a day. The soil should be dripping wet and the plants must have enough time to dry out before the sun comes. Because if there is water on the leaves and the sun hits them, burn marks can occur. In order to avoid this problem, the purchase of drip irrigation should definitely be reconsidered. With drip irrigation, fine tubes lie on the surface of the bed. These hoses have small holes. When consumers turn on the tap, the water trickles onto the beds with little pressure. The plant parts are not sprayed wet, the risk of “sunburn” is averted.
For those who cannot or do not want to install drip irrigation, this practical tip helps: incorporate a watering edge when planting the rows. When watering in the morning, use a watering can without an attachment and pour the water into the watering edge. In the evening you can water with the attachment. The plant parts dry out at night and early in the morning to such an extent that the sun cannot harm them.
Image 1: pixabay © condesign (CCO Public Domain)
Image 7: pixabay © MIH83 (CCO Public Domain)