Do you want to significantly increase the crop yield of your garden? Yes, sure! Then you should better inquire about the so -called raised beds. Actually, it is very simple: the frequent earth in a low wall has a better floor quality, so you can better control the weeds and working in the garden becomes much easier. Experienced gardeners use raised beds for theVegetablesCultivation, but also to show decorative ornaments. Since they control over theConstruction of the raised bedsyou can determine the design yourself. It can be purely utilitarian or add an elegant feature to your garden.
Raised beds in the garden - wire mesh as protection
The raised beds should be at least twenty centimeters deep and filled with rich soil earth. A mixture of a third rotted fertilizer or compost to two thirds ventilated floor is a good start. Make sure that further changes are just as good when filling your bed. TheRaised bedsShouldn't be more than 1.22 meters wide, so you can easily work anywhere inside without having to climb into bed.
Before building the raised bed, take the appropriate measures as required so that no weeds grow there or no pests like earth hearing. It is better to keep them outside. Here are a few ideas on how toRaised beds in the garden can wall in. Stay with us, now the specialist information follows!
Build upholstery in the garden - boards and poles
You can quickly wall up your raised beds and build simple sides with coniferous wood. This material is easy to use and has an advantage: it is solid. Nevertheless, you have to renew the wall of your raised beds every five years. Natural spruce or pine wood is perfect for this. The structure simply works according to the groove and spring principle and you only need a hammer.
Up beds made of cedar or redwood
Zeder or Redwood Planks are ideal for raised beds because they are weather -resistant and endure well against pests. Such raised beds are far longer durable than those made from conifers. But every wooden bed is environmentally friendly and rich in benefits can also be used. Flower, herbs and vegetables thrive better and an abundant harvest is made possible. In addition, raised beds made of wood are perfect for small gardens and balcony, hardly take up space and ensure a natural effect.
You need long slim branches like woven branches to weave between piles in the floor at a distance of about 45 centimeters to form a wall. When the wall is about 25 cm high, a few 5 cm sticks bend over it in an inverse “U” and put the ends into the ground to anchor the wall in place. Draw the inside of the wall with garden film or sack linen to keep the floor inside the walls. A raised bed made of network is an eye -catcher, especially on the balcony and terrace. It looks very decorative and enables you to cultivate small plants, such as fresh herbs, vegetables and pretty flowers.
Bricks or cement blocks
If wood and braid does not look durable enough or is too complicated to build yourself, remaining blocks or bricks can also be used for this purpose. Before the start of construction, the weeds are removed, then a little soil in bed size and you put a weed fleece on it. Then fill in a quarter of the bed with sand or gravel as drainage. You can also lay the floor inside with a rabbit wire so that no voles occur. A raised bed made of bricks can withstand the pressure from inside even without mortar. For this, it should be almost imperceptibly closer to the top. Of course, it can only grow to a limited extent.
High bed made of plant stones
It is certainly easier to build a raised bed as a dry stone with concrete formwork stones or so -called planting stones yourself. First, a favorable location should be chosen by wind and weather. The high bed in north-south will be created best. This enables the plants to benefit optimally from sunlight. The shape is mostly box -shaped, whereby plant stones, still called BIMs, are available in relevant shapes, such as Ellipse or irregular. After all, the bed should not be very wide so that you can conveniently garden from all sides. Depending on the shape of the planting stone, plastering with mortar is required or not. If the raised bed is not very large, you can leave the mortar out.
Hochbet made of concrete scarf stones
Because they are small and rectangular, it is easy to build short wall with bricks and slag stones. In fact, they are so easy to work on, it is very easy to lay them and best use the limited space. Many gardeners prefer theRaised bedsto wall with it.
Like bricks, sandbags are narrow and easy to handle. If you always stack two sandbags, you will quickly build your raised bed wall. But this is a temporary solution and is particularly suitable for annual plants. In winter and storms, the sacks do not stick together. To do this, it is advisable to design the sandbag high bed on a solid wall and to benefit from your stable hold.
Tree trunks and tree stumps
Exactly tree trunks, about 30 cm in diameter thick, are perfect for natural walls for their raised beds in the garden. Irregular tree stumps and branches can also be used for thick walls if you want to give your raised beds an irregular shape, which will surely give your garden an interesting look. Here, too, one should not forget that a raised bed consumes more water, especially in summer.
Small hay bales are large and wide enough for the raised bed walls, you can also offer a good place to rest for tired gardeners. They decompose relatively quickly, so that these raised beds have to be rebuilt every few years. A good mulch also becomes a good mulch from the hay.
Jut bags
You can fill large jute bags with soil and leave them free. At the top you can make some slots and plant something as you wish. However, this cannot really be described as a raised bed, but it is a great idea as an alternative to conventional flower tubs and plant vessels. In addition, you can simply put a bucket plant, the bucket of which is not particularly pretty, put it into the jute sac, put it nicely in the garden somewhere and sprinkle mulch over it.
High bed made of corrugated iron
They have already convinced themselves of what is written above that theyRaised beds in the gardenare very simple in the concept, but can increase the productivity of your garden space in an incredibly versatile way. They can be built according to very simple designs or they can be professionally composed of fine materials so that they endure for many years. Either way, you can make your gardening easier and improve your earnings. In addition, the raised beds will make your garden landscape even more impressive. Follow our suggestions, give your imagination wild and consider your raised bed - design.
If there is not much space available for a generous bed, a herbal spiral or a box bed is the perfect solution. It serves more or less than decoration, but creates a great eye -catcher. It is also very easy to build yourself and you can even make it out of wood residues. Additional elements that are reminiscent of a correct box, such as key holes and buttons, will only strengthen the cute effect.
Whether in the home garden or on the balcony, the raised bed is an alternative to the utility garden that is easier to maintain and harvest. For hobby gardeners, nature lovers and urban hipsters, who like to consume self -bred cress on their cheese bread. With a bit of manual skill and some creativity, n´Man made of almost any material that is at hand can design a raised bed. Euro pallets, old boxes, stones and used clinker are simply perfect for this. Because more and more people in the city do not have a large garden, but still do not want to do without flower splendor and fresh herbs.
And here is a good tip from our editorial team especially for you:
If your design makes it possible, you should hang a bar on the edge of the raised beds: "Caution, short wall"! This also actually results in a very comfortable space for tools and other garden materials. We wish you many pleasant hours of physical work and mental relaxation in your garden!
Building raised beds in the garden - Zeder or Redwood Planks