Is a hedgehog in the garden good or bad for the plants?

Many hobby gardeners might be interested in whether hedgehogs in the garden are good or bad for their plant growth or could prove to be pest control. This spiky, but very cute living being generally does not pose a danger to people. Unless they try to false the wild animal. Many garden owners can actually count themselves lucky if such an animal decides to find a home in their garden. Because of their ability to keep pests away, hedgehogs have deserved the term "best friend of the gardener". In this article, find out how you could also make the mammals the friends and helpers in the garden area.

How to find out whether hedgehogs in the garden have a good or bad effect on the plants

Hedgehogs can actually be incredibly helpful for gardeners, as they eat snails and a variety of other insects that can harm plants and harvests. They are considered harmless animals that oneNatural pest controlcan promote in the wild. The all -eating mammals feed on caterpillars and other enemies of the gardeners. Although it is not common or even forbidden to keep hedgehogs as pets, you can welcome the wild animals in your vegetable garden. You only have to make it easier for you to find an apartment. In addition, they enable them to create an optimal biodiversity in the garden area.

The hedgehog is a very appreciated hunting animal that can help you get rid of trunk beetles, grasshoppers, snails, naked snails, caterpillars or even cockchafer. Accordingly, this animal could be a suitable ecological answer to pests. It is even able to keep snakes that venture into their green areas. Hedgehogs are experienced warriors who actively fight many pests. In the shortest possible time, they eliminate all small beasts that attack their plants. If you don't know whether hedgehogs are good or bad in the garden, but would like to welcome a small family, there are some tips. However, you have to be patient to youTo lure into their outdoor area.

Enable the hedgehog to enter the garden area

A simple yes or no is not the answer to the question of whether hedgehogs are good or bad in the garden and should live there. However, if you want your shaped friend to come to the garden area, he may need help when entering and leaving your property. For this reason, it is acceptable to create tunnels to create the garden, remove stones from walls or drill holes in them. If your garden landscape consists of natural trees, bushes and hedges and offers refuge for beetles, these could be ideal as a feast for the palate for hedgehogs. However, what are the signs of a hedgehog in the courtyard? First you see traces, similar to the footprint of a large rodent. Pay attention to the information listed below.

The front feet of a hedgehog are considerably more comprehensive and shorter than the hind feet, creating two different impressions that are of the same living being. The feces of these animals are black, with a dark green color to freshness. Before you spotted a hedgehog at night, it is common to encounter movement and sniffing or snorting noises. You may discover damaged shrubs and less snails than usual, or the cat food on your veranda disappears overnight. Well, like any other animal, hedgehogs need food, protection, security and water to feel that they can turn their garden a home.

Is the hedgehog in the garden to be good or bad for gardeners?

Regardless of whether hedgehogs are pests or friends, the topic is rather delicate. On the one hand, you can dig holes in your estimated garden, which is usually undesirable. You can also house externally harmful parasites, which is never good. Depending on the food supply, a hedgehog can attract unwanted friends such as rodents.

For predators, hedgehogs in most regions of the world are rather less interesting. The fox and certain corner teeth are wild enough to handle the needles, and several big game birds, such as hawk, falcons and owls, can feed on them. As a result, the hedgehog has proven to be a small problem in different world regions.

How you can attract hedgehog to the garden area

No hedgehog stays in your garden all the time. These tiny creatures love to pull from one garden to another to make sure that they find enough food for survival. In fact, you can travel up to a mile every night. So you really don't appreciate not to feel trapped in your outdoor area. Food and shelter are the two most important things that hedgehogs need to feel encouraged to return to their garden. And you can offer them both byPlace a homemade hedgehog house. If you want to lure more hedgehogs into your outdoor area, install more houses. However, try to place the hedgehogs in separate corners of your garden because hedgehogs are loners and prefer to travel and live alone.

On hot summer days as well as on cold winter nights, hedgehogs and many other wild animals will really appreciate clean, fresh water. Even if there are not enough pests for a hedgehog to eat a hearty meal, you should encourage it, stay or often come back with some additional feeding. So what you can do is to leave special food in your garden during the night. Even cat or dog food can work for these short-legged creatures.

What hedgehogs can eat and what could be poisonous for them

Insects and invertebrates such as snails and worms make up a large part of the hedgehog's diet. That is why they are put on by gardens with low plants and flowers. However, they also like meat-based cat and dog food (not fish) and eat everything that remains in the garden. Occasionally they eat bird eggs, but that's not as common as some studies have said. Overall, beetles, worms, snails, etc. make up a much larger percentage of your diet. Some people like to put a plate of milk to their locals, but this is a bad idea and inevitably leads to stomach upset and diarrhea in the animals.

TheFeeding hingesis okay because you do not depend on you as a source of food and simply look for food somewhere else if you forget to leave something to you. However, you should make sure not to be too generous and overfeed them, otherwise you will become overweight and lead to complications. One of them is that they become too thick to roll together into a ball to protect themselves from predators. Avoid delicacies such as grapes and guacamole. Although some people give the animals nuts and raisins, they are generally classified as a risk of suffocation because they are caught on the top of their neck and make them suffocate. Do not feed insects on hedgehogs that you have caught yourself because you may have metabolized pesticides. Some treats are also not suitable for the wild animals.

Are hedgehogs in the garden good or bad for permaculture?

For permaculture enthusiasts, hedgehogs are essential because they do not have to use chemical treatments to keep different pests away. The provision of a suitable environment for these animals only brings you advantages and natural solutions for yourcreated permaculture garden. Once installed in your garden, the hedgehog family quickly becomes an indispensable profit for the durability of your plantations.

A green area in permaculture also enables you to work in the garden and at the same time respect the planet and biodiversity. This means that they use fewer pesticides and benefit more from healthy harvests and a harmful to a harmful substance. In addition, the benefits of permaculture can no longer be proven. You will eat healthy and enjoy better health.