Are you looking for natural garden pest control? Tips and strategies for organic gardening? In this article we will show you how to combat pests in the garden without chemicals. You can use these strategies and recipes right away.
There are a number of measures you can take in the garden to combat the pests and insects that see the vegetable patch as a treat. Companion plants, attracting birds and good insects, and even picking up some bugs by hand. Then there are the bugs that you don't always see, like the ones with holes in themEating potato plants. Then get out the homemade, ecological spray.
Kitchen soap as a natural control agent
Aphids can kill your plants by depriving them of vital moisture. If you have oneDetermine aphid infestation, spray your plants with a mixture of liquid dish soap and warm water. This mixture will not harm your plants but will kill aphids and other pests. If you use kitchen soap, make sure it does not contain bleach. Use soft (distilled or filtered) water. Add a little vegetable oil to help the soap mixture adhere better to the plant leaves. Another good option is castile soap, which is widely available. You can make a homemade insecticide spray using castile soap in a few easy steps.
Make castile soap yourself
Mix one tablespoon of liquid soap with one liter of warm water and pour it into a spray bottle. If possible, you should use distilled water. If you don't have liquid soap, use hard soap! Add a piece to 4 liters of water and leave it overnight. In the morning, remove any solid residue and shake well before use.
Fight pests in the garden without chemicals: use insects
Ladybugs eatlike aphids and do not harm your plants. So if you see ladybugs around, leave them alone. They can also attract ground beetles, parasitic wasps, hoverflies, praying mantises and lacewings. This allows you to combat pests in the garden without chemicals.
Keep bugs away with delicious herbs
Bugs generally hate fresh herbs. So by planting herbs like parsley, fennel, lemon balm, sage, dill, basil, lavender, thyme, and cilantro, you can deter pests from invading your lawn and garden. Herbs are another mobile potted plant that you can move to get rid of pests in the garden immediately. Dill also attracts hoverflies, which feed on the pests every day.
Remove larger bugs by hand
Some pests are so large that it is best to remove them yourself using gardening gloves.
This list includes:
Japanese beetles
Potato beetles
Tomato hornworms
You should control these pests at sunset. Many larger bugs become active when the sun goes down.
Fight pests in the garden without chemicals: garlic spray
Homemade garden sprays are usually effective and will not harm your pets, children, or the environment. Sometimes they even work better than the deadly store-bought insecticides. If you want to make a garlic spray, the egg-laying onerepels pests, we'll show you how to do it.
- Take 10 cloves of garlic, puree them and mix them with a liter of water.
- Leave the whole thing overnight.
- The next day, strain the mixture through cheesecloth and mix it with 200g vegetable oil and 200g cayenne pepper.
- Leave the mixture for another day.
- Then dilute them with water (4 liters of water to 120 ml of solution).
- Fill a spray bottle and mist the plants you want to protect at least once a week.
Essential Oils: Your Natural Bug Repellent
Ordinary essential oils can be used for many things - you can also use them to combat pests in the garden without chemicals. You just need to make a mixture:
First, purchase an essential oil such as citronella, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, or tea tree. Then mix your essential oil with a little witch hazel and some avocado oil. Now you have the perfect natural insect spray for your plants, without any chemicals. You'll need to experiment with different oils to find which one works best for your plants.
Improve your garden soil
Homemade compost is a little time consuming, but it is the best natural pest control for garden bugs.
You must have oneBuild a compost binor buy. This is a container in which the organic material used for compost can be decomposed. Once your compost bin is ready, you can add organic waste such as fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, sawdust and even eggshells. Fill the bin and time will do the rest. Compost adds nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, iodine, boron, copper and cobalt to the soil. These nutrients go directly to the roots of your plants, making them less susceptible to pests.
Fight pests in the garden without chemicals: diatomaceous earth
Diatomaceous earth is simply the ground up skeletal remains of diatoms, tiny sea creatures. Diatomaceous earth is a very effective, natural pest control agent in powder form. If you need a more concentrated application, you can mix 4 tablespoons of diatomaceous earth with 4 L of water and apply with a spray bottle. The best thing about diatomaceous earth is that it is completely safe for all plants.
Use beer against snails
One of the easiest ways to get rid of snails is to pour them a beer. Literally. Bury a small bowl in your garden, near the plants that seem to attract the slugs. The edge of the bowl should be level with the ground. Now open a beer and fill the bowl. Snails are attracted to the beer and eventually drown in it.
Make your own eggshell powder
Simply place clean eggshells on a paper towel and let them dry for a few days. To grind eggshells into powder, you can use a small food processor or coffee grinder. After grinding the eggshells into powder, you can take them into the garden and sprinkle the powder directly on the pest insect.