Evergreen ground cover plants are a good alternative if you want to make your garden easy to care for. The ground cover plants also have the advantage that they prevent weeds and provide vegetation on steep slopes. Most ground cover plants are wintergreen and delight us with colorful flowers in spring or summer. In today's article we will introduce you to some of the best-known evergreen ground covers that grow quickly and require very little care.
Evergreen ground cover that requires very little care
The Japanese creeping juniper is very popular as a ground cover because it is hardy, sturdy and robust. Juniperus procumbens Nana is its botanical name. He likes to grow in raised beds and in JapaneseRock gardensused. As a disadvantage, it should be mentioned that the creeping juniper is one of the slow-growing ground cover plants.
Evergreen ground cover for every garden situation
– The evergreen creeping spindle (Euonymus fortunei) is available in many colorful and green-leaved varieties and is also often used as a ground cover in the garden. The two-tone Emerald n Gold variety is particularly attractive with its small, golden yellow-edged leaves.
– Ivy is a fast-growing, hardy ground cover. It is very undemanding, vigorous and is perfect as an undergrowth plant.
– The hazelroot enchants with its kidney-shaped, shiny leaves. The native wild perennial is suitable for shady locations.
– The fat man (Pachysandra terminalis) forms dense natural carpets under trees and is considered undemanding.
– The small-leaved periwinkle is an undemanding ground cover that thrives anywhere – in a sunny or shady location. The evergreen flowers in purple from May to September.
– The cotoneaster is a classic, evergreen ground cover that is also used as a hedge in many gardens. Very easy to care for, robust and with a very dense growth.
Fat Man and Funkia
Hazelroot and boxwood balls
Creeping juniper Blue Star
Ivy is popular as a climbing plant and ground cover
Dickmännchen is suitable for larger areas
Sternjasmin Trachelospermum asiaticum
Shallon Scheinbeere