Simple yoga exercises for a good mood and more energy in winter

In winter you often feel tired and without energy. The bad weather leads to depression. We offer you three simple yoga exercises that will put you in a good mood - and of course also train your body at the same time.

These yoga exercises will improve blood circulation - for optimal effect it is recommended to do the training after waking up in a bright room. Watching the sunrise while exercising will help you completely relax.

Stand up, legsStand shoulder-width apart, knees pointing forward. Inhale and stretch your hands above your head. Exhale, bend down, keep your head as close to your knees as possible, stretch your arms forward/down. Try to touch the ground with your fingers.

Start the day

Now squat, move your arms as you inhale - stretch the left arm and fingers forward, the right arm - backwards. Exhale and bend again.

For beginners

Inhale, stand straight, your back is straight. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Rest for 15 seconds and then repeat the three exercises 5 more times. At the end, sit down on the yoga mat. Watch the sunrise. Then close your eyes and imagine that you are hugging the sun. Feel the warm rays of the sun and the solar energy. We wish you a wonderful day and a good mood!