Fighting ragwort: tips on how to recognize and destroy the poisonous weed (+ pictures)!

How can I control and recognize ragwort? Is the weed really that poisonous to animals and people? It is important that you know what to do if you notice ragweed in your garden.

Grasslands, roadside ditches, abandoned lots, and pastures are just a few of the many places where ragwort can be found. ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) is a biennial, poisonous plant that serves as a food source for various species of insects. Jacob's wort is the most common species of the genusJacobaea, which includes several deadly plants. This plant can become a serious weed in abandoned or fallow areas. When ragweed takes over a garden, this article will discuss the alternatives available to the gardener.

How you can combat and recognize ragwort

Ragwort grows 30 to 120 cm tall and produces huge clusters of yellow, flat-topped, daisy-like flowers in June, July and August. It has a rosette of deeply dissected, toothed leaves at the base and leaves that are finely split higher up. A rosette is a collection of leaves radiating from the same location, generally around a stem, or a circular arrangement of petals.

However, if the plant's root system is disturbed, it can behave like a perennial (which can live indefinitely) and produce flowers in its third year.

Is St. James' wort poisonous?

Secondary plant chemicals called pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) help plants ward off herbivores. Long-term exposure to these substances is harmful for both humans and...dangerous for animals. Even a small dose of pyrrolizidine alkaloids can cause liver damage. The gastrointestinal tract is the first place where symptoms appear, with bloody diarrhea being one sign. Muscle cramps, dizziness and restlessness occur. Excessive consumption can lead to liver failure and possibly death. While the lethal doses for horses, cows, sheep and goats are known, this information is still missing for humans. Seek medical attention immediately if you have ingested the plant.

Fight ragwort with home remedies

Note the following:To eliminate this stubborn plant, you should not use vinegar, salt and baking soda becausethese home remediesare helpless. Unfortunately, homemade, natural sprays do not help against this weed.

Effective herbicides against St. James's weed

For advice on effective and safe herbicides for ragweed, it is best to consult a professional agronomist. Using herbicides is particularly difficult when the weeds are near bodies of water.

Preventing weeds in the pasture

The key to preventing this weed from establishing itself in a pasture is good grassland management. Maintaining conditions unfavorable to ragweed can be supported by a balanced grazing plan. The turf should remain at a height of about 5 cm for most of the grazing season. In a well-maintained turf, ragwort has little chance of establishing itself. Severe infestations can be avoided by pulling out and removing the ragweed by hand. This helps keep the plant population in check but must be done regularly for optimal results.

Jacob's weed control - methods

  • Cut

This is an immediate solution to the problem of sowing ragweed. It is important to control weeds by cutting them off before the seed heads develop. It is possible that cutting encourages the development of new shoots and a growth spurt the following year. To prevent seed ripening and possible harm to livestock, all weeds should be removed.

  • Dig up

You should use gloves when using this method. For best results, use this strategy early in the summer, before the flower heads are fully developed, and when the soil is moist. Since even a tiny piece of root can grow into a new plant, the entire plant can be pulled out without any worries. When the soil is dry, the roots are more likely to break, which can lead to the proliferation of new plants around the removed parent plant. On the other hand, uprooting and digging are often the most efficient methods of management.

How should you properly dispose of ragwort?

Since ragwort can still produce seeds even after being dug up, it should be stored in a sealed container or bag (preferably made of paper so it can be burned). An important part of ragweed control is the safe and effective disposal of the plant to reduce the risk of further spread. The disposal decision depends on factors such as the amount of ragweed to be disposed of, the accessibility of local facilities and the availability of local resources.

St. James's weed can be disposed of safely in three ways: by incineration in a controlled environment away from buildings and animals, by rotting in a compost bin or similar covered container. You can also dispose of the weeds in the green organic waste bin. If there are small quantities, you can put the leftovers in the black residual waste bin.

How to remove groundweedfind out here.