Planting potatoes in September: These are the advantages of sowing in the fall and how to do it

Potato sowing usually takes place in spring and more precisely between April and the beginning of June at the latest. However, the Irish have a different method: they use September or early autumn for this and achieve great success. Are you wondering what else you could do in your garden this month? Then you could definitely consider growing potatoes. We would like to explain to you what the advantages are of planting potatoes in September and what you should consider.

Benefits of sowing in early fall

Have you already sown or planted the winter vegetables, but there is still a bed that is free and offers enough space for a few more plants? Then you've made exactly the right choice with potatoes (and who doesn't love potatoes?). Because, as Irish tradition proves, there are some benefits to planting potatoes in the fall.

  • Planting potatoes in early fall is easier

In autumn the ground is no longer as dry because rain falls more frequently. This moisture is wonderful for the freshly sown potatoes and you therefore don't need to water the potatoes as often. This ensures that they establish themselves at their location quicker and easier.

  • The future potato plants are being prepared

The buried tubers can form plenty of roots thanks to the good moisture. At the same time, the weather becomes too cold to develop an above-ground plant. For this reason, the potato waits until spring to do so. Once the ground warms, the potato plant will grow. Since the tuber has already settled in well, you don't need to worry about the weather or whether you started too early. The plant will do this on its own as soon as the time is right.

  • Plant potatoes in the fall instead of buying new potatoes in the spring

Of course, we understand that you want to harvest potatoes as early as possible. For this reason, many also choose to plant them in three phases. This means you get consistently early, medium-late and late potatoes. But how about adding a fourth harvest? If you plant potatoes in September, you will be able to harvest them even before the early potatoes, as they will not waste any time developing roots. They already did that last year.

  • The wireworm has no chance

The high moisture in the soil during fall reduces the chances of your potatoes being attacked by this typical and common pest.

Until when can you plant potatoes?

Late planting ideally takes place between September and October. Then the big heat wave is already over and the tubers still have enough time to develop strong roots before the ground starts to freeze.

Planting potatoes in September – this is how to do it correctly

Which varieties are suitable?

It's best to choosea type of new potato, if you want to plant potatoes in September. Since the effort required for root development is greater in autumn and winter, you should also opt for larger tubers. Once you have obtained these, you can prepare the bed.

Choose the right location!

It shouldn't just be any bed in your garden. Especially in the cold winter months, the potato tubers planted in autumn benefit from warmth and they are best preserved in the sun. The potato bed should therefore be in full sun, because the harvest will not grow in the shade. Ideally, you have not grown any potato plants in this bed in the previous four years.

It is also important that the soil is nutrient-rich. For this purpose it should have been well fertilized the previous year. However, if you have missed this, apply fertilizer at least four weeks before sowing. Ripe compost or dry leaves are ideal for this. Do not use the material sparingly, as the layer can be up to six centimeters thick.

Prepare the soil

Regardless of whether you still need to incorporate fertilizer or can start sowing straight away in nutrient-rich soil: the soil needs to be loosened really well and deeply.

How to plant potatoes in September

After these steps you can start planting. The soil should still be loose at this point so that the tubers or roots can develop freely. If it is already dry, even better.

Now form narrow wells with a depth of 20 cm at the deepest point. WhoPlants potatoes regularly, knows this is deeper than usual. The tubers have to be deeper when planted in September because they overwinter in the ground and are a little warmer. Now place the potato tubers in these hollows at a distance of 20 to 30 centimeters from each other.

Then cover the potatoes with soil,pile them upand cover them with bark mulch – another cold protection measure.

What do you do in spring

In the middle of winter, the layer of mulch must be removed. Just as it insulates the tubers from the outside, it naturally also behaves from the inside out. This means that it would prevent the earth from warming up early due to the warm rays of the sun and this would slow down sprouting. If a sudden cold spell occurs again, you can protect the potatoes from freezing with the help of garden fleece or newspaper. Remember to weigh down the edges so that stronger winds don't blow away the insulation material.

When are potatoes harvested?

The potatoes should be ready to harvest in early spring.