A few wild plants bring country house charm to the garden. However, if they multiply rapidly, it becomes annoying for the hobby gardener. Because weeds in the lawn, in the flower bed or between the joints crowd out the other plants. An environmentally friendly home remedy can help in the fight against greed and co. We explain why potato water is particularly effective against weeds.
Hot potato water works faster than vinegar and salt
When it comes to controlling weeds in pavements, there are very few options to choose from. Many commercially available weed killers are banned and the use of household remedies such as salt and vinegar on paved surfaces is also punishable by a fine. Potato water is an environmentally friendly alternative that works faster than vinegar and salt and permanently removes weeds.
When cooled, the potato water is not harmful to plants and soil life and can even be used as fertilizer. Hobby gardeners often water their houseplants with potato water in winter to promote growth in spring.
Why hot potato water helps against weeds
However, things are different with hot potato water. It penetrates the soil and can damage the roots of wild plants so much that they die.
Since hot potato water can injure other plants and animals, it can only be used between stones and in joints. Boiling water has no place in the flower bed. However, if it cools down after a while, then that's itPotato water for plants, soil life and insects are no longer dangerous and you can add it to the irrigation water.
It is also said that the starch contained in the potato water clogs the pores of the weeds and thus effectively kills them. However, opinions differ on this point - because these stomata (the pores) of most garden plants are actually located on the lower side of the leaf, where the potato water could only reach by specifically spraying the surface of the leaf. However, grasses are an exception - they have stomata in both the upper and lower end tissue.
To really achieve the desired effect and permanently remove the weeds in the joints, proceed as follows:
- Peel 500g potatoes and cut them into small pieces.
- Place the potatoes in a large pot and cook without salt.
- Strain the water and pour it directly over the plants in the joints.
- The above-ground parts of the plant will die off in the next few days. This means that stems, flowers and leaves will yellow and wither and can then be easily removed or plucked without much effort. The roots are so weakened that they too will die after a few days. So it doesn't matter whether you have removed the entire plant including the root ball.
- You can then use the remaining, cooled potato water as a liquid fertilizer for houseplants.
For the best possible results, the water should be around 99° Celsius. In principle, this method is one of the most effective. On average, you have to repeat the process a maximum of 4 times a year to permanently get rid of weeds. Other methods are much more laborious - when combating with steam, up to 10 treatments are often necessary,until the weedsis completely destroyed. Burning weeds also poses risks – above all, there is a risk of fire. Therefore, these measures are strictly prohibited.