Whether as a cleaning product, as a nourishing natural cosmetic for the skin or for cooking: potato water has many uses in the household. But it is particularly suitable as a fertilizer for houseplants. In today's article we will explain to you why potato water is being used more and more frequently as fertilizer for orchids and what benefits this brings.
Don't throw away the potato water, use it to strengthen your plants. The home remedy contains important minerals and micronutrients that are good for orchids.
- Phosphorus is particularly important for flowers because it regulates their metabolism and transfers energy. Phosphorus promotes flower formation and bud setting. The main signs of a deficiency are very dark green leaves that take on a reddish tinge over time.The orchid growsSo very weak, it produces fewer flowers and develops fewer roots, then this shows signs of a phosphorus deficiency.
- Potassium regulates and promotes metabolism and increases the plant's resistance. Orchids that suffer from a potassium deficiency stop producing leaves and grow very slowly.
- Calcium is also important for the growth of the plant, especially after the end of the flowering period. The trace element primarily promotes root formation.
- Potato water also contains zinc, iron and some fiber.
Is potato water toxic to flowers?
If you want to use the potato water for cooking, you should peel the potatoes. However, if you want to use the water for the orchids, then clean the potatoes and boil them with the peel on. The peel contains important minerals and trace elements, but also solanine. The substance is a weak poison and harmful to humans and animals. However, you can water or fertilize the orchids with it without any concerns.
Use potato water correctly as fertilizer
If you want to use potato water for your plants, proceed as follows:
1. Clean and wash the potatoes and remove any green spots.
2. Do not peel the potatoes, but place them directly in a pot. Pour enough water into the pot until it completely covers the potatoes. Do not salt the potatoes and do not add salt to the water. Salt water cannot be used as fertilizer and is harmful to plants.
3. Bring the potatoes to a boil over medium heat and cook for about 30 minutes. Then take the potatoes out of the pot, peel them and use them as desired.
4. Remove the pot with the potato water from the heat and let it cool. Then strain the water and pour it into a bottle. Refrigerate and use next week.
5.Lime-free tap waterMix with potato water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and dip the orchids in the water.
6. For particularly exhausted flowers that are barely growing: Give the plants a dip in potato water every two weeks.
7. Alternatively, you can use the potato water as irrigation water. Water the orchids from below, the water should not fall on the leaves and stems.
Potato water for orchids: when and how often to fertilize the plants?
First of all: The orchids are weak eaters. That's why potato water is so good for the plant because it doesn't contain too concentrated nutrients. In addition, the salt concentration in potato water is very low, which is of great importance for the sensitive exotic. Basically, it is sufficient if you fertilize the orchid every two weeks during the growth phase. You can stop fertilizing completely during the resting and flowering period.
After the flowering period ends, the new growth phase begins and the plant needs energy to form new leaves and stems. Then you can cover the increased nutrient requirements not only by regular watering (once a week), but also by fertilizing.
The orchids are often repotted after the flowering period has ended. In this case, you should wait a while for the plants to recover. The new substrate also contains everything necessary to cover the nutrient requirements in the first few weeks. Additional fertilizer applications can then cause more damage. After 2 to 3 weeks you can start fertilizing again, gradually increasing the fertilizer doses.
In summary:
- During the dormant period (varies by variety, but for most orchids in late fall and winter): do not fertilize
- During flowering: do not fertilize
- Immediately after the end of the flowering period: fertilize, gradually increasing the fertilizer application. Fertilize every 2 weeks.
- If the orchid is repotted after the end of the flowering period: stop fertilizing for the next 4 weeks.
- During the growth phase: Fertilize the orchid every 2 weeks.
The orchids are weak feeders and do not need strong fertilizer even in the active phase in summer. A home remedy - potato water - can prove to be a good alternative to chemical fertilizers. It is rich in trace elements and minerals. Now is the right time to start fertilizing. Care for the orchid immediately after flowering. Pour them with the potato water orgive her a dip.