Fertilize cherry laurel in spring: when should you do it and which fertilizer are suitable?

Whether as a hedge, privacy screen or wind protection - cherry laurel is an evergreen shrub or small tree that blooms in spring. The performance of cherry laurel in the landscape depends, among other things, on frequent cuts and fertilization. How should you fertilize your cherry laurel in spring?

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Below you will find information on the fertilization of a cherry laurel shrub: These fertilizers help you to maintain a beautiful plant!

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Cherry laurel enriches the landscape in different ways. These plants tolerate drought and full sun to partial shade very well. In addition, cherry laurel plants resist a variety of vermin and diseases. However, they cannot tolerate over -fertilization. In order to prevent the roots of cherry laurel trees from being seriously damaged or even burned, it is important to carefully observe all fertilizers and instructions when fertilizing. Fertilized once a year, the cherry laurel thrives splendidly. If you fertilize your laurel cherry once a year, your green leaves and the many white, fragrant flowers remain. In order to satisfy the needs of acid -loving, evergreen plants such as the cherry laurel, the fertilizer should generally release acid to the ground for evergreen plants. The fertilization of the plant promotes its growth.

Cherry laurel fertilizes in spring: which fertilizer use?

Give your bushes and trees a long -term fertilizer in the spring that ideally contains iron and/or sulfur for intensive greening in order to maintain the deciduous color, to promote growth and to ensure their general health. Another option is to use an organic, natural plant fertilizer.

Laurel cherry pulled in pots can be fertilized with a granulated long-term fertilizer or a water-soluble all-purpose plant fertilizer, which was specially developed for container plants. Read the application instructions on the label carefully.

When is the best season for fertilization of cherry laurel?

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The first time is fertilized in spring, shortly before the start of the growth period. The cherry laurel receives all the nutrients it needs to recover from the strict winter and grow healthy. The rapidly growing shrub may need more than fertilizer, even if long -term fertilizers such as compost or horn shavings are used. Therefore, you have to supply the plant again in early summer, around the end of May or early June.

If you want to avoid the new wood of the laurel cherry in winter, you will no longer give fertilizer in the second half of summer and autumn. So the plant can survive the winter months without training new shoots.

Mulch after fertilization

Only fertilize on damp soil. Only fertilize when the floor is well moistened. A smaller amount of fertilizer is preferable. Sparing nutrients such as compost, crap and others. After fertilization, cover the soilAround the cherry laurelWith mulch. When using grass section as mulch, it is important to take precautionary measures to avoid putrefaction.

Bone flour while planting

Bone flour is an organic, natural fertilizer that should be mixed thoroughly with the floor before planting a new laurel hedge. With just one kilogram of bone flour, you can plant a fifteen meter long hedge.

Laurel cherry fertilizes with horn shavings in spring

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When the floor is moist, work the fertilizer with a hoe. Horn shavings are an excellent fertilizer for the soil for planting young laurel cherries, as it is almost impossible to overestimate it.

Read too:Use sand in the garden: Helpful tips and ideas that you can try out this spring!

Use blue grain

Nitrate (s), phosphate (p) and potassium (K) are the three elements from which blue grain, a mineral fertilizer, consists. Compared to other fertilizers, blue grain is both cheap and effective. However, the fertilizer does little to improve the soil quality, since blue grain does not contain any organic substance.

Fertilize the cherry laurel by incorporating the blue grain into the damp soil and then watering the plant well. To avoid over -fertilization of the floor, you should be careful when dosing blue grain. The soil structure worsens when nitrogen gets into the groundwater as a nitrate.

Cherry laurel hedge fertilize with coffee grounds

You can also fertilize your cherry laurel with coffee grounds. This natural remedy is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and attracts earthworms.

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