Climbing roses decorate pergolas, archways and are a great eye-catcher on house walls. If you want to plant the flowers, there are a few things to consider: planting time, location, proper care and pruning. Below you will find the most important information you need.
Before you plant climbing roses, it is important to find the right location for these vital plantsClimberto find. Like all roses, climbing roses like sunny, warm places, but the sun should not shine directly on the plants all day long. A sunny to partially shaded location should therefore be selected. Don't forget that the flowers need space to grow. They still prefer an airy environment so that the rose petals can dry quickly after rain and dew. So, ideal for climbing roses would be a south-facing house wall to which a trellis is attached and where air can circulate freely.
It is best to plant climbing roses in autumn, around October, so that they can properly form their roots over the winter. Before planting, the roots should be well moistened - leave them in water at least overnight. Also plan the spacing between plants to allow them to expand properly. If you want to cover an entire house wall with dense greenery, the planting distance should be rather small - around 50 cm. Mulch protects the roses from the low winter temperatures. Provide the plants with sufficient water during their growing period. In summer, watering is best done in the evening. In spring you can support the growth and prosperity of the roses with fertilizer.
The plants always grow towards the sun and need a stable trellis around which the shoots can wrap. With young plants, it is important to direct them in the right direction at the beginning while they are still thin and easy to bend. After that they are too thick for that.
To ensure that the roses maintain their strength and beauty, they should be cut back annually in spring if possible. Then the roses will bloom in their full glory in summer. At this point it is also easy to see which branches survived the winter.The right time to cutYou can tell by the fact that the flowers thicken. Use sharp scissors to avoid tearing branches and twigs.