Drive away cabbage white butterfly: Home remedies to combat the caterpillar

The caterpillars of the cabbage white butterfly are among themost common pestsin the home kitchen garden. They attack various types of cabbage and eat their leaves. If the hobby gardener does not recognize and combat the infestation in time, the plant can die. We explain how you can get rid of the cabbage white butterfly and fight its caterpillars.

1. Drive away cabbage white butterfly: profile and general information about the pest

The small and large cabbage white butterflies belong to the subfamily “Pierinae”. The two species are widespread in North America, Europe and Africa. When it comes to appearance, they are very similar. The Lesser Cabbage White has white wings with a yellowish undertone, while the Greater Cabbage White is snow white. The two species can be easily recognized by their black markings on the tip of the wings. In the article we will take a close look at both the large and the small cabbage white butterfly.

1.1. Cabbage white butterfly profile

  • Cabbage white butterfly eggs:light yellow when laying, then change color to dark blue shortly before hatching. The butterfly lays all of its eggs together on the leaves of the cabbage plants.
  • Cabbage white caterpillars:green-yellow in the small cabbage white butterfly and green-yellow with a black head and dark green dots on the body in the large cabbage white butterfly. The small caterpillars stick together in the first instar and attack the cabbage leaves together. In the third stage, when they grow up to 4 cm long, leave the leaves of the crops.
  • Cabbage white pupae:The cabbage white butterfly reproduces two to three times a year. The pupae that have to survive the winter can be found on walls and house walls. The caterpillars, which pupate during the warm season, remain on the stems of crop plants.
  • Cabbage White Butterflies:with yellowish wings, grow up to 6 cm long. Have a black marking on the edge of the wing and black spots. Pollinating insects.
  • Recognize cabbage white butterfly infestation:Typical characteristics of a cabbage white butterfly infestation are: large holes in the cabbage leaves. Completely eaten cabbage leaves are a sure sign of a severe infestation.

1.2. Fighting cabbage white butterfly: The most important questions about the pest:

1. Are cabbage white butterflies poisonous?

The cabbage white butterfly caterpillars were long considered poisonous. This is because the caterpillars absorb certain pollutants through their food. They have few enemies in nature as they are considered inedible to most birds, wasps and beetles. They are not poisonous to humans unless consumed in very large quantities. You can also touch the caterpillars and eggs by hand. However, it is not advisable to consume the affected leaves.

2. When does the cabbage white butterfly pupate?The first caterpillars hatch in May. Over the next three weeks they eat cabbage leaves and then pupate. The butterflies that fly in mid-June lay eggs in July-August. The second generation of caterpillars are active from around mid-July to early September. Then they pupate and don't hatch until next spring.

3. How long does the cabbage white butterfly fly?In Central Europe, the cabbage white butterfly reproduces twice a year, and in good weather - three times a year. The first time is in spring (late April or early May), the second time is in mid-summer (late July or early August). In warm autumn weather, a third infestation is also possible.

You should not use pesticides in your home garden. If you decide to grow organically, you are doing something good for the environment and can enjoy organic vegetables at the same time. But what could you do against pests in the vegetable patch?

2.1. Drive away cabbage white butterfly: Simple preventative measures:

Collect the eggs, caterpillars and pupae. Although this is a tedious task, the results can be seen quickly. Don't forget to check the plant leaves once a week. It is also worth removing the plant stems and plants at the beginning of springJoints of natural stone wallsto check for dolls.

Attract natural enemies:Bird feeders around the vegetable patch will attract goldfinches, sparrows and skylarks. All three bird species eat cabbage white caterpillars. Around the vegetable patch andbetween cropsyou can also plant buckwheat and cornflowers. Their flowers provide food for the parasitic wasp, which lays its eggs in the caterpillars of the cabbage white butterfly. The wasp larvae then emerge from the caterpillar of the cabbage white butterfly. She lives on for some time, but can no longer pupate.

Insert vegetable protection net.It is best to collect all eggs and caterpillars at the first sign of an infestation. Then drape the vegetable protection net over the plants and bury the ends of the net. This means that the butterflies cannot reach the plants to lay their eggs.

2.2. Small cabbage white butterfly: Get rid of the caterpillars with home remedies

Steinmehl:At the first sign of an infestation, lightly dust the plants. It's best to do this early in the morning.

Garlic powder:While the stone powder removes the liquid from the caterpillars, the smell of the garlic powder keeps the caterpillars away. It's best to dust the plants early in the morning before the caterpillars come out.

tomato leaves:Place 500 g of fresh tomato leaves in a plastic bucket and pour 4 liters of tap water over them. Allow the leaves to soak for 24 hours, then pour just the water into a spray bottle and spray the plants liberally.

It is not always possible to use only the caterpillars of the cabbage white butterflyCombat with home remedies. If nothing else really helps, you can use a biological spray. Products that contain the bacteria Bacillus Thuringiensis are effective. They only attack pests that feed on the vegetable leaves.