Good neighbors for zucchini: These are the perfect planting partners in the vegetable garden

Zucchini is one of themeasy-care vegetables, which can be grown without much effort. The seeds can be grown in the greenhouse or in an unheated room in the spring; after the ice saints, the young plants are planted in the vegetable patch. But then the question arises for many hobby gardeners: Which plants are good neighbors for zucchini? We offer you a list of herbs, fruits and vegetables that go well with zucchini.

Zucchini is a plant in the cucurbit family. It produces small fruits, but it has a spreading habit and grows both in height and width. A plant can spread over 2 m². Therefore, it is not necessarily easy to find suitable planting partners. Actually there are a number ofvegetables and herbs, which go well with zucchini. These include, among other things, herbs that form flowers. The herbs have a decisive advantage: their scent keeps pests away and attracts bees to the kitchen garden.

As far as vegetables are concerned, the main ones are low-eating speciesin partial shadethrive well, good planting partners. Because the zucchini is known to grow tall and has broad leaves that cast shadows on the low plants. Herbs such as peppermint, dill or lemon balm are also among the most popular planting partners for zucchini. However, you should be careful not to plant too many herbs together, as this can cause their aromas to mix and change their taste.

What to plant next to zucchini? Tips for mixed culture in the garden

Below we list several plants that are good neighbors for zucchini.

Peas and zucchinitaste very tasty in dishes. But they are also good planting partners in the vegetable patch. The garden pea is a deep-rooted plant and, like zucchini, can grow very tall. When it comes to location, it is very adaptable and thrives in both full sun and shade. Well-ventilated locations prove to be optimal. The sugar pea prefers deep, humus-rich soil and can be fertilized with compost at the start of the gardening season. Water requirements vary depending on the location. If the pea is in the shade, it needs significantly less water than if it grows in full sun.

Runner beans and zucchinibenefit from each other. The zucchini needs the nitrogen that the runner beans produce. The climbing plant needs climbing aid, which the tall zucchini can provide.

Dill and zucchiniare the perfect planting partners in the vegetable patch. The aroma of dill keeps mosquitoes and pests away. The garden dill prefers a location that is in full sun in the morning or afternoon and in the shade at lunchtime. It requires at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily to grow well. A humus-rich, loose and permeable soil offers the best conditions for rapid growth.

A mixed crop of corn, zucchini and runner beansoffers many advantages for the hobby gardener. On the one hand, the corn and the zucchini get along quite well. On the other hand, the two types of vegetables offer a climbing aid for the runner beans. The runner beans provide the planting partners with the nitrogen they need for photosynthesis.

The marigoldfulfills an important function in the vegetable patch. Similar to dill, marigold can also keep pests away. That's why many hobby gardeners plant marigolds in the vegetable patch to protect the crops from snails, wireworms, etc.

The Rote Beetis a popular planting partner for heavy feeders such as zucchini. However, the plant does not get along with runner beans, so you should not plant them together in the vegetable patch.

The nasturtiumprotects the crops in the vegetable patch from pests. The flower is often attacked by aphids and caterpillars. Since it attracts the pests, the other crops are well protected from them.

The leekkeeps aphids away from the vegetable patch. Although leeks get along well with zucchini, runner beans, peas and beetroot are not suitable partners.

There Borretschis a flower that attracts pollinators such as bees, bumblebees and butterflies while keeping away pests such as wireworms.

The carrotsfeel very good in a vegetable patch with zucchini. Both crops have similar soil and location requirements, which is why they are suitable as planting partners.

Good neighbors for zucchini: This is how you can put together a mixed culture for the kitchen garden

Would you like to put together a mixed culture with zucchini? Then you should adhere to the following rules:

1. Plant leeks and borage at the edge of the vegetable bed. Both keep pests away.

2. Plant heavy feeders such as zucchini in the middle of the vegetable bed. Leave enough distance from other plants so that the zucchini has enough free space to grow.

3. You can plant crops for partial shade under the zucchini.

4. Peas (in partial shade) and runner beans also grow very well near the zucchini.

5. Plants such as nasturtiums, which attract pests and thus protect crops from infestation, are also placed in the middle of the vegetable patch.