You did everything right. You have thePlanted tubers in autumn, loosened the floor and the root zone fertilized, but the crocus does not bloom. There are several possible reasons for a lack of bloom. These include incorrect soil conditions, plant errors, animal pests or they simply didn't get good onion tubers. We will examine the possibilities and find out how to make a crocus bloom.
No crocus blossom? These are the possible reasons
Next tosnowdropAnd Winterlingen are among the most popular early bloomers ever. As real spring messengers, you can show your beautiful flowers even with snow and frost and remember the coming spring. But what if you plant crocuses in autumn and wait longingly all winter, just to see an empty field in front of you in February, March, April and until May? Or maybe your crocuses bloomed perfectly in the first year, but now they find it difficult to bud and bloom? Even worse, maybe the tubers pressed spiky green leaves out of the ground, but no buds have been added. Each of these scenarios can be frustrating, so we have identified some possible reasons here that could prevent their crocuses from blooming.
Crocus does not bloom because of false earth
If you have planted the crocus tubers in unsuitable earth, this can prevent their flower from in the late winter. The hardy onions need loose, well -permeable soil to get through the upper layer of soil and show their impressive flowers. If the floor is too heavy and sandy or too thick and loamy, the spiky leaves may not push through the earth.
You can do that now:
Mix the top floor and compost in a medium -sized container in a ratio of 1: 1. Put on your garden gloves and carefully lift the first two or three centimeters of earth over the onions with a trowel or fingers. Try not to dig the onions themselves. Then work the mixture into the ground. This should create a loose soil that absorbs water well and derives. The crocus leaves should now be able to push through the loosened floor and to turn into bright flowers.
No flower due to rotten onion tubers
Sometimes a rotten tuber is the cause of their crocus problems. Therefore, you should always check the onion tubers before planting for signs of putrefaction by clamping them between the thumb and index finger. You should feel firmly instead of soft and mushy or dry and scaly.
You should also plant the onion tubers as soon as possible after purchase. If you wait too long with it, the tubers can rot, which leads to a lack of bloom.
Animals in the garden can prevent the crocus blossom
Mice andSquirrel in the gardencan be responsible for the fact that your crocus does not bloom. The rodents can dig out the planted tubers from the ground and eat them. Even if not all crocus tubers have been eaten, the early bloomers cannot form roots without contact with the ground and do not flower. In order to protect your bulbs and tubers from mouse frames in the nearest season, you can plant them in a special plant basket. A wire mesh over the bed can help against squirrels and other above -ground animals.
The tubers were set too deep
Even when planting in autumn, you have to be careful not to put the crocus tubers too deep in the earth. Just like other onion and bulbous plants, crocuses cannot form buds if they are too deep. This can cause the onions to rot or form leaves, but no flowers, since they have used a lot of energy in the development of the tubers. But it may also be that the onions just take longer to open and to be patient.
You should also avoid planting the tubers too flat. A rule of thumb says that the plant hole should be three times as deep as the onion is high. If you do not plant your tubers deep enough, they may be exposed to large temperature fluctuations in winter because they are not isolated through the ground. In addition, as already mentioned, they are susceptible to pests.
Crocus does not bloom because of climate change
One possible reason why their crocuses do not bloom could easily be a change in the weather from the last year. Climate change requires a shift in planting dates from the early flowering plants so that they can root well. If the tubers are put in a soil that is too warm, it can happen that they drive out too early and then freeze to death, which prevents flowering in spring.
Climate change can also shift the flowering period of the early bloomers, so that they only blossom in March instead of February. Since crocuses can survive cold and snow, you should be patient and look for the bright flowers that sprout from the earth.
If you have excluded everything else with crocuses that do not bloom, it is time to remove the tubers. Boys and onions grow over time. This means that they produce many other tubers and the planting area is finally overcrowded. Dig the bed, separate the tubers and plant them individually in prepared soil.
The first step to ensure flowering is to select entire tubers that are free of diseases. Select the healthiest and robustest to ensure a nice bloom.
Follow the instructions on the floor preparation and fertilize the root end of the tubers when planting. Leave the leaves in place so that the tubers can collect energy for the formation of the flowers of the next season.