Which flower bulbs to plant in autumn? Here are 10 of the most beautiful early bloomers

Nothing enhances the garden like flower bulbs - they add a splash of color before most perennials, trees and shrubs get going, and signal the start of longer, sunny days. With a little planning you canfrom February to Mayenjoy the colors of the beautiful early bloomers.

Spring-blooming bulbs are planted in fall. They can be planted directly in beds and also thrive in pots, making them ideal for patios and smaller gardens. As a rule of thumb, the onions should be aboutplanted twice as deepshould behow high they are. Planting depth is particularly important when planting flower bulbsusing the lasagna methodplant.

Green onions generally needSun or partial shadeand a well-drained soil. If your soil is very heavy, consider incorporating some lawn sand when planting.

Plant as many spring bulbs as you can afford or have space for - they really look best when planted en masse, whether in beds or pots. Some of them are thriving toogood under treesor in the lawn and form a natural-looking carpet of color.

Flower bulbs – what to do when they fade?

Most spring onions areperennialand bloom year after year if the conditions are right (the exception is tulips, which can bloom for a few years but are best replanted every fall). Leave that aloneLaubalwayscomplete diebefore you remove it – this will give the bulbs more nutrients for next year.

If you like the spring bloomersin potsIf you want to plant, give them one after floweringliquid fertilizerto nourish the bulbs for next year. Keep the pot in one place in summercool Orton. Alternatively, you can dig up the bulbs after flowering and replant them in the garden.

Which flower bulbs to plant in autumn?

1. Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)

Snowdrops are the first flowers usuallybloom in February,and are often celebrated as the first sign of spring. They bloom in all weathers – even snow. Snowdrops thrive in moist, well-drained soil in partial shade - they look particularly good under shrubs and trees. Snowdrops can also be grown in pots andFlower boxes pulledbecome.

Height x Width: 10cm x 10cm
When to plant: October or November
How deep to plant: 8 to 10 cm

2. Winterling (Eranthis hiemalis)

The cheerful yellow flowers of winter aconite areBeginning of Februarya welcome sight. They look best in masses in a natural setting under deciduous trees or shrubs and combine beautifully with snowdrops. They are somewhat difficult to establish, but once established they spread on their own. Ideally, the location should be sunny in winter but shady in summer, as winter aconites do not thrive in dry soil.

Height x Width: 10cm x 10cm
When to plant: October and November
How deep to plant: 5 to 7 cm

3. Net leaf iris (Iris reticulata)

Iris reticulata are fabulous bulbs for small pots, window boxes and raised beds as well as other sunny spots in the garden such as. B. the front part of a bed. They bring inFebruary and Marchthe much-needed color in the garden, and their mostly blue-violet flowers have a beautiful, delicate pattern. They are very popular with early bees.

Height x Width: 10cm x 5cm
When to plant: September to November
How deep to plant: 8 to 10 cm

Tip: If you forget to plant netleaf irises in the fall, you can buy them blooming in small pots from garden centers in late winter and early spring.

4. Crocus

Carpets of small purple, yellow and white crocus flowers are fromLate wintera highlight in the garden. The early bloomers also provide a much-needed source of nectar and pollen for pollinating insects just emerging from hibernation. Crocuses are easy to grow and work well when grown in pots or in the front of borders. They like a sunny location. Read our article for growingCrocuses in pots.

Height x Width: 10cm x 5cm
When to plant: September and October
How deep to plant: 6 to 8 cm
Tip: For a natural look, toss the bulbs in the air and plant them where they land.

5. Daffodils (Narcissus)

Daffodils brighten up our gardens in spring. There are many different varieties, some of which are already availableFebruaryand others firstBeginning Maybloom. Daffodils grow between 10 and 45 cm tall and come in a variety of colors and shapes. In addition to the usual yellow, the flowers can also be white, cream or lemon yellow, with trumpets of contrasting shades. Some varieties of daffodils are fragrant. Daffodils thrive in pots and look good in borders.

Height x width: 10 to 45 cm x 10 cm
When to plant: September and October
How deep to plant: 10 to 15 cm
Tip: Do not cut back the foliage after flowering, but let it die back naturally.

6. Hyacinth (Hyacinthus)

Hyacinths are strongly scented spring bulbs that grow in...March and Aprilbloom. They come in a variety of colors, from the traditional blue, soft pink and white to modern colors like dark purple, magenta and even light yellow. Plant hyacinths at the front of a bed or near the patio. Also read our guide on how toHyacinths in a glasscan move without soil.

Height x Width: 25cm x 10cm
When to plant: September to November
How deep: 5 to 10 cm
Tip: If you forget to plant the bulbs in the fall, you can buy hyacinth bulbs early in the winter.

7. Traubenhyazinthen (Muscari)

Grape hyacinths produce inApril and MayFlowers that look like a cross between grapes and mini hyacinths. They are known for their bright blue flowers, but there are also white, pink and purple varieties. They look good at the front of a bed, in the lawn or under deciduous trees and spread easily. If you don't want that, consider growing them in pots or window boxes.

Height x width: 15cm x 15cm
When to plant: September and October
How deep: 6 to 8 cm
Tip: If you have planted grape hyacinths in the garden, you should cut off the flowers in good time so that they do not self-seed and spread.

8. Tulips

The beautiful flowers of these showy bulbs come in almost every color, from pale pastels to bold, rich tones, and also in a variety of flower shapes, from simple goblet flowers to showy, ruffled blooms. They are ideal for...April and MayBring spring colors to the beds and grow very well in pots. Tulips are actually perennial, but years of breeding to produce the most beautiful blooms means that many varieties only bloom reliably for one year. Many gardeners plant new bulbs every fall to ensure maximum blooms. If you want to grow tulips in pots, you will need to plant new bulbs every year.

Height x width: 60cm x 20cm
When to plant: November
How deep: 8 to 12 cm
Tip: Wild tulips, such as the Tarda tulip and the Turkestan tulip, have smaller flowers but reliably come back every year.

9. English Harebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)

The English Harebell, also called Atlantic Harebell, flowers fromApril to Mayand offers a spectacular sight in forests. The bluebells also thrive in a shady garden or under deciduous trees. The English harebell should not be confused with the larger Spanish harebell (Hyacinthoides hispanica), which was introduced as a garden plant in the 17th century. This has caused problems for the native harebell, which could eventually become extinct due to hybridization.

Height x Width: 15cm x 10cm
When to plant: September to November
How deep: 10 – 16 cm
Tip: The harebells take a while to establish themselves.

10. Allium, ornamental onion

Allium blooms inMay and Juneand perfectly bridges the time between spring and summer. The beautiful pompom flowers on tall stems are very popular with bees and bloom not only in shades of purple, but also in pink and white. They look fantastic in a bed - plant as many as possible for the best effect. Plant alliums in moist but well-drained soil in full sun. Read our full guide toPlant alliums.

Height x width: 1 meter x 10 cm
When to plant: September and October
How deep: 10 to 15 cm
Tip: Plant alliums among low-growing perennials that will hide their unsightly, strap-shaped foliage after flowering.

Tips for buying green onions

  • Where can you buy flower bulbs? You can buy spring onions in the garden center from late summer. However, you can find the largest selection online.
  • Popular or highly sought-after varieties can sell out quickly, so order early. Some online flower bulb suppliers allow you to create a wish list, which will then be sent out as soon as the bulbs are available.
  • Store your bulbs in a cool, dark place until you are ready to plant them.
  • You can buy ready-made flower bulb mixes that bloom one after the other or complement each other.