Pruning lavender in March: basic rules and tips for correct pruning in spring

We love lavender outdoors. It adds exoticism to any garden and smells wonderful. However, over time, the lavender bushes become unsightly and overgrown, and the number of buds decreases. Pruning can restore its former beauty. In this article we explain how to cut back lavender in March.

Foto: New Africa / shutterstock

In early spring, when the young shoots begin to grow, they appear at the base of the bush, just above the ground, and on the old branches, especially at the ends. We need the shoots at the base.

We remove the branches that still have last year's dry leaves (even if they are sprouting new ones at the top). With this cut, even fully grown lavender bushes look young and fresh despite their size.

A word of warning:
Do not perform radical pruning in winter or spring before new foliage begins to grow. Otherwise, the plant may suffer greatly and even die (you may cut more than you should, and various unforeseen factors may play an unfavorable role).

Also read:What can you do with lavender flowers? Versatile health uses (+ simple recipes)

Why cut back lavender in March

Photo: Irina Shatilova shutterstock

Many newbies in floriculture face the dilemma of whether to prune lavender or not. Yes, you should. Regardless of whether it is a houseplant or whether it grows outdoors. This is not only an agronomic measure, but also a hygienic one.

Here are just a few of the reasons to prune lavender bushes:

  • Pruning gives the plant an aesthetic, compact appearance with lots of flowers. In addition, the green mass can be given any shape.
  • It is in the leaf and flower mass that the largest share of useful properties is concentrated, so the correction is carried out in connection with the preservation of productive greenery. As a result, the plant is characterized by abundant flowering and the absence of immature branches.
  • As the flowering shrub gets rid of the old woody shoots, rejuvenation occurs and bare tree-like branches appear less frequently. In addition, the apparent looseness is reduced and the flowers are at an optimal distance from each other, so that the bush gives the impression of an even color.

Also interesting:Lavender woody: What to do to avoid baldness

Basic rules of pruning

According to general rules, correction of bushes is carried out in the second year. It is better to leave the cut on the grassy part of the trunk. It is not recommended to touch woody shrubs, as the green mass from them will not disappear.

A notice: Mature shrubs that are at least 10 years old should be drastically cut back so that only tree-like segments remain 7 cm above the ground. With the arrival of spring, the lavender will be lush green.

How to do the pruning

Foto: Natallia Ustsinava / shutterstock
  • The cut should be made from the rootstock. Do not pay attention to modest forms, with the arrival of spring the shrub will acquire a more lush volume.
  • To achieve abundant flowering, it is recommended to shorten the top of each bush to three centimeters in early spring. In this case, the flowers appear not only at the tips, but also along the entire length of the bush.
  • In spring, all unwoody parts are removed so that they are 10-15 centimeters above the soil surface. It should be noted that a few leaves must be left for the formation of new cuttings.
  • To ensure that the entire shrub is well lit, it is recommended to remove up to 6 branches below the base each spring. This also serves to filter the air masses around the tree.
    When pruning, be sure to form a circle or semicircle.

Note: It is best to use grass shears or small pruning shears with a special thin blade. This way you get thin and clear cuts.

Also read:Lavender dries up, can it still be saved? Yes, these care measures help!