Pruning privet: How and when should you trim your hedge into shape in summer?

Privet hedges are a beautiful addition to any home. Whether used to demarcate properties or as a privacy screen, they should be maintained regularly to ensure they stay in good shape. If you do it right, you'll soon have a beautiful, dense hedge. Here's how to prune your privet to get the perfect hedge in summer.

Cutting privet: How to create the perfect hedge

The privet is fast-growing and tolerates summer pruning well. It blooms in spring with small white flowers, which later produce red fruits that attract birds. However, this versatile hedge plant tends to become a little sparse in summer. However, if you want to create a privacy hedge, this can be problematic. We give you some tips on how and when to prune them to thicken them and increase their appeal. Regular trimming can help you maintain an opaque, wildlife-friendly border for your garden.

When should the privet hedge be cut?

The privet should be cut twice a year - in early summer and late autumn. This promotes growth and makes the plant more resilient for the winter months.

Be careful that topiary is a little more difficult in June as the valuable flowers that attract pollinators could be removed. In addition, major interventions are not possible because many birds like to nest in the branches.

Remember that radical pruning is prohibited by law from March 1st to September 30th, only maintenance pruning is allowed during this period.

If your privet hedge is overgrown and needs radical pruning, do so in early spring. Pruning too late in the fall is not recommended as this will weaken the plant before winter.

Below we will explain to you how to properly prune your privet in summer.

What to cut the privet with?

Low, young privet hedges can be trimmed with hand hedge trimmers. However, an electric hedge trimmer is better suited for a larger hedge. If you use hand scissors, be careful not to cut off areas of the leaves that look unsightly. Whatever device you use, make sure it is in good condition and the blades are sharp.

When using an electric hedge trimmer, always think about your safety and wear safety glasses and gloves.

Sommerschnitt der Ligusterhecke

Privet is one of the fastest growing hedge plants. Therefore, it is important that you trim it regularly to keep it looking fresh and well-groomed.

Hedges that are less than 1 m high should only be cut vertically. You should rejuvenate taller hedges by starting the cut vertically from the top at a 45° angle.

  • First, remove any dead, diseased or damaged branches with sharp secateurs to achieve the desired shape and size of your hedge. Cutting old branches also prevents them from damaging neighboring plants and people. By removing these branches you will also encourage the hedge to bloom.
  • Prune back overgrown branches carefully, keeping an eye on nesting birds and wildlife.
  • Then determine how tall you want your hedge to be. Get a few stakes at this height and carefully insert them into the middle of the hedge. Tie a string between the stakes. Then cut along the top of the string and diagonally down the front of the hedge. The hedge should be narrower at the top than at the bottom so that sunlight can reach the lower sections and growth is not affected.
  • Brush off the clippings on the top of the plant to encourage developmentto prevent fungal diseases, when the cut leaves decompose.
  • Do not cut more than a third of the privet or it will have difficulty growing back. The goal of summer pruning is to improve air circulation and promote healthy growth.
  • Continue to trim the privet hedge regularly and never allow it to grow more than 30cm beyond the desired size and shape.