Salmon as an immune system booster: The fish contains these vitamins and minerals!

The salmonis a true immune system booster. The fish contains important minerals and vitamins that strengthen the immune system. Researchers and nutrition experts from the USA have listed the most important ones.

First and foremost, salmon contains vitamin D. Very few foods can provide the valuable vitamin D and fish is considered one of the main suppliers. A fish fillet (200 g) contains 815 IU of vitamin D. Nutrition experts recommend getting at least 800 IU from your diet. Therefore, people living in places with little sunlight can consume salmon daily.

The fish is also rich in vitamin B6. According to the Cleveland Clinic, vitamin B6 regulates the biochemical reactions of the immune system. The fatty fish are good sources of B6, regardless of whether they are boiled, simmered or grilled.

Salmon is also rich in omega-3 amino acids. DHA in particular plays a crucial role because it can lower cholesterol. The omega-3 amino acids are responsible for the structure of the cells in our body, they also take part in the processes of hormone production and are important for our heart and lung health.

The fish provides the body with magnesium, a mineral that is considered a true immune system booster. With 200 g salmon fillet, 150 g brown rice and an avocado you can cover half of your daily magnesium requirements.

Salmon can also contain harmful substances, so you should pay attention to this when buying

The salmon itself is healthy, but depending on the fishing area it can also contain pollutants. There are also a few things you should consider when purchasing farmed salmon.

Salmon may contain polychlorinated biphenyls. The rule applies: the more fat the fish has, the older it is and the more harmful substances it can contain. Organic farmed salmon is an alternative for those who cannot find wild salmon in the supermarket. As a rule, wild salmon is considered harmless. However, the European Food Safety Association (EFSA) advises that pregnant women and nursing mothers avoid wild salmon from the Baltic Sea region to be on the safe side.