Moles are not welcome guests in the garden. Not only do they destroy your lawn, but their holes can even uproot plants and cause subsidence in the pavement. To combat the problem effectively, we will first explain why they live in your garden and then give you two simple and effective methods to get rid of the mole, using just a few plastic bottles or vinegar!
Why do moles live in the garden
Moles love beetles, baby mice, and all sorts of other creatures that live in the soil. So if you have moles in your garden, it also means that there is healthy soil life in your garden. The animals like to create their dens where there are as few obstacles as possible. For example, there is plenty of space for moles under a smooth lawn - this is where they like to dig. But since they have to get rid of the earth that they remove when digging their burrows, they regularly push it over the ground. This is how a molehill is created.
Drive away moles with a plastic bottle
Since moles can cause a lot of damage in your garden, it's only logical that you want to keep them away. To achieve this the natural way, use this plastic bottle trick! Moles are very sensitive to any kind of noise. So, if they are regularly disturbed, they will quickly look for a new area to settle.
- Get some plastic bottles and cut off the bottom with sharp scissors.
- Place the bottle with its neck in a mound of dirt or in a mole hole.
- The wind blowing into the bottle will create a whistling noise in the corridors, which the moles cannot stand and will soon look for another place to move to.
- Distribute a few bottles around the garden, approximately every two meters, to completely drive the animals away from your property.
Notice: Moles are also sensitive to smell, so we recommend that you combine this method with the next one to enhance the effect. You'll soon find out how you can get rid of a mole with vinegar.
Chase them away with vinegar
The inhabitants of your garden not only have sensitive ears, but also sensitive noses. Use this to your advantage by using vinegar to get rid of the mole. That's how it works!
- Soak a cloth in vinegar and then place it in the opening of the mole passage.
- If you have multiple molehills, place a towel soaked in vinegar in each opening.
- Re-soak the cloth every two or three days until the mole finds a new territory.
Notice: Instead of vinegar, you can also use lavender or peppermint essential oil. These are also smells that drive moles out of your yard.
Other pet-friendly methods you can use to get rid of moles include:can be found here!