Tomatoes don't turn red! Why and what can you do if they stay yellow or turn brown?

They are part of the menu all year round, but they taste best in summer. But anyone who has grown tomatoes in their own garden or on their balcony knows the problem - sometimes they simply don't ripen and instead remain small and yellow. And sometimes they even turn brown. Your tomatoes aren't turning red? We'll tell you in the article why this could be and what you can do about it.

Why aren't my tomatoes turning red? That could be it!

When the tomatoes bear plenty of fruit, the hobby gardener is happy and can hardly wait for the harvest time. The ripening period lasts between 14 and 21 days. During this time the fruits gradually turn red. The taste also changes: theripe tomatoesare aromatic and sweet. The phytohormone ethylene plays a crucial role so that they are ready to harvest around the end of July - beginning of August. The plants produce ethylene themselves, but they need sufficient heat to do so. At the same time, the weather should not be too hot.

Allow green tomatoes to ripen

  1. Temperatures too low: Green tomatoes will befor example, not red and ready to harvest when temperatures exceed 30 degrees or fall below 10 degrees Celsius in late summer and autumn. Possible solution: Move the tomatoes into the greenhouse or transplant them in late summer.
  2. Growing period too long:In addition, tomato plants tend to invest a lot of energy in forming leaves. Only cut off the shoots growing at the bottom, close to the ground, to encourage fruiting.

Allow tomatoes to ripen on the vine

  • Cut off the new leaves at the end of the season. The formation of leaves uses too much energy, which the plants urgently need for the fruit.
  • Cut off fruits that are too small. Early to mid-August is already too late to produce new fruit. It is best to remove all small tomatoes so that the others can ripen.
  • When temperatures are high, either move the tomatoes to a shady location (if grown as potted plants) or shade the plants.
  • When temperatures are low, move the plants into the greenhouse and place ripe bananas near the tomatoes. The bananas will produce and release ethylene. The hormone will determine the ripening time of theTomatoes on the vineshorten significantly.
  • Pick the ripe fruits regularly.
  • Varieties that produce small tomatoes, such as cherry tomatoes, will ripen significantly faster than varieties with large fruits such as oxheart tomatoes.

How do tomatoes turn red faster?

Especially at the beginning of autumn, when the weather gets colder and the tomatoes don't get enough heat, the next trick can shorten the ripening time. Adjust the watering. When there is drought, the plants put all their strength and energy into the fruits. They do not form new leaves anddon't grow any further.

You can also cut off the shoots with green tomatoes and hang them upside down in a sunny place. However, the fruits should have reached a certain size and be at least partially red.

Why do tomatoes turn brown at the top instead of red: brown rot

Tomatoes often fall victim to brown rot. The first signs of the fungal disease - small brown spots on the leaves and shoots - often go unnoticed until it is too late. The fruits do not turn red at the top, but brown and are then no longer edible. Possible care measures include: Sprinkle the plants with rock dust and immediately cut off the diseased shoots, fruits and leaves. Then dispose of the affected plant parts with household waste and under no circumstances compost them or use them as mulch in the garden. You should harvest the healthy fruits as quickly as possible, even if they are not yet ripe.

Installing a rain cover can also prove helpful. Also make sure thatno soil when wateringis washed onto the lower leaves. You can transplant potted plants. If the disease is particularly severe, you can use fungicides. Always get information from the garden center before buying and treat the plants alternately with different fungicides.

Tomatoes stay yellow: green collar

Unlike brown rot, green collar is not a disease, but rather a condition that is promoted by incorrect care, location and temperatures that are too high. The signs of green collar are green rings around the base of the stem. The fruits cannot ripen but remain hard and the pulp has no aroma. They are still edible as long as you cut off the green parts.

Why don't the balcony tomatoes turn red?

There are many possible reasons why the balcony tomatoes do not turn red. Most of the time it is not due to a disease or pests, but rather a lack of nutrients. The potted plants therefore need regular fertilization. In addition to various organic fertilizers from the garden center, several types of clover are also suitable for green manure.