List of orange flowering perennials with care tips and information

Now is the time to look for the missing plants for your garden design. If you would like to beautify your garden with a few more perennials, you can opt for hardy perennials in orange. The plant species are usually very easy to care for and are perfect for different areas, so you can decorate a shady as well as a sunny spot with them. Maybe you already have some pretty onesflowering perennials in pink, blue, yellow or white in the garden, but would like to add an accent color? Then orange flowering perennials are just the thing! The list of different perennials in orange will make your choice easier because you will not only find out the ideal location and care conditions, but also their size.

Orange-flowering perennials with clove root (Geum)

The evergreen carnation root is beautiful, which not only applies to the flowers, but also to the reddish stems that adorn the garden even in winter. With its 40 cm, it can easily decorate the front areas of the bed, provided they are in partial shade or sun. The flower has no special demands on the soil. Flowering occurs between April and June and impresses with a delicate apricot color. If you want, you can also plant these orange-flowering perennials in a pot and use them to decorate the terrace.

Bulbous milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa ssp. interior)

This hardy perennial prefers sandy-loamy soil that is very well-drained and rather dry. The soil is wonderfully dry, especially in full sun. So if you have a free space there, this is perfect. They are medium-tall orange flowering perennials with a height of around 60 cm, but this can vary. The attractive and bright orange flowers appear between June and August.
Warning: poisonous plant!

Garden Sun Bride (Helenium)

You get perennials in orange-yellow with the garden sun bride, because this plant combines both colors in its flowers, which appear between July and September. For this purpose, you should find a sunny location for the summer perennial with normal soil conditions and normal watering. Garden sunflowers are orange-flowering perennials that grow to a height of 80 cm and can also be used wonderfully as cut flowers.

Giant Montbretia (Crocosmia paniculata) for orange-flowering perennials

The orange-red flowers of the giant Montbretia are really very unusual and attractive and quickly transform into a real eye-catcher in the garden. The flowering period is between July and August. With their stems up to 150 cm high, orange-flowering perennials like this are well suited for the back areas of the bed. Prepare a sandy-loamy and well-drained soil that is dry rather than moist. Also provide the plant with sufficient nutrients.

hawkweed (Hieracium orange)

The flowers of the hawkweed, which delight the eye between June and August, are also orange-red. The perennial loves a sunny location and does well there even in dry and permeable soil. There it then magically attracts insects. Keep in mind that once planted, hawkweed spreads quickly and widely on its own. The 30 cm height quickly creates a large carpet of flowers.

Himalayan spurge (Euphorbia griffithii)

Perennials that have orange flowers are also these attractive specimens, growing between 60 and 80 cm high. The orange to reddish flowers grace the garden between May and June, while the red stems and interestingly colored stems also look good the rest of the year. A slightly moist, but also permeable and nutrient-rich soil in full sun or at least partial shade is ideal for the plant. They are actually hardy, orange-flowering perennials, but winter protection is recommended in the first winter to be on the safe side.
Warning: poisonous plant!

Oriental elecampane (Eastern ring)

It should also be sunny for this specimen. The drought-loving plant is otherwise very undemanding and easy to care for. These are yellow and orange flowering perennials that bloom between June and July and can then also be used as cut flowers. They reach a height of 80 cm and are therefore suitable for the middle areas of the bed, but can of course also decorate any other area as long as you fulfill all your wishes there.

Kokardenblume (Gaillardia x grandiflora)

The cockade flower presents a mix of warm colors. Different color mixtures are constantly created in the flower bed through independent sowing and propagation. The 70 cm high perennials are ideal as cut flowers and require nutrient-rich and permeable soil in the sun that is watered regularly. The flowers appear between July and September.

torch lily (Kniphofia cook)

On the whole, the torch lily always consists of at least two flower colors that blend evenly into one another in an attractive way. This can be from red to orange or from orange to yellow. Sometimes all three colors can be seen at once. This perennial also owes its name to this play of colors and the shape of the flowers. The stems and leaves are reminiscent of reeds. The torch lily is a heat-loving plant that prefers a sunny location and dry soil. In winter it needs winter protection such as brushwood or leaves in order to survive the cold weeks. It blooms relatively late between July and October, grows to a height of 90 cm and can be used as a cut flower.

Sun Rose 'Bronze Carpet' (Helianthemum) for perennials and orange flowers

This sunflower is perfect as a ground cover as it only grows to a height of 30 cm. So feel free to use the perennial indoors tooRock garden or gravel bed, because the sunny location suits you very well. The soil there should be permeable and dry to normal so that the plant can thrive and develop its pretty flowers freely. The flowering period is between May and July. So it's abouta summer bloomer. It is also good to know that it is a wintergreen variety.

Tall Garden Gold Sheaf (Achillea x filipendulina)

Although thesePlants tend to be yellowor red tones, there are also varieties that allow you to use them as orange-flowering perennials. Again, this is a sun-loving plant that prefers dry to normal soil. The orange-red flowers appear at a height of 60 cm between June and September. The perennial, which is suitable as a cut flower, is also practically snail-resistant.

Tall gold pea (Lathyrus aureus) for orange-flowering perennials

The ideal soil for the flat pea should be calcareous, humic and nutrient-rich and dry to slightly moist. Also choose a location that is in partial shade or, even better, in full sun. This type of sweet pea is an orange-flowering perennial that grows up to 80 cm high. It blooms between June and August or September.
Warning - poisonous plant!

forest poppy (Meconopsis cambrica)

The color of the poppy flowers is more towards orange-yellow. But there are also completely yellow varieties. The flowers can be expected between June and September and are reminiscent of the beautiful, bright red poppy (hence the name). The soil should be normal to humus-loamy and permeable. Partial shade is the best location. With a height of 25 to 40 cm, these are very low-growing, orange-flowering perennials that enhance any garden and make it more attractive.

Oranges Fingerkraut (Potentilla)

Cinquefoil comes in numerous colors and color combinations, including orange and orange-yellow. This means you can quickly find the right specimen for your garden. The flowering period is between May and July. A location in the sun supports flower formation and should be accompanied by fresh and well-drained soil. With a height of only 20 cm, the plant covers the ground. But there are also varieties that can grow up to 50 cm high.

Lilies (Lily)

Lilies are also perennials that offer orange flowers. But this is just one of many possible color variants. Depending on the variety, flowering occurs between June and September and impresses with its unique beauty. A sunny location with well-drained soil is well suited for lilies. They also need a lot of humus. With a height of up to 150 cm, these are tall, orange-flowering perennials that you can use to create the background in the flower bed.

Italian arum (Italian arum)

The Italian arum is also called the veined arum. It not only impresses with attractive, strong orange flowers, but also with beautiful, patterned leaves. If you are looking for orange-flowering perennials for shade, you are making exactly the right decision with this specimen. But the wintergreen plant also feels very comfortable in partial shade. After flowering between April and May, red berries are formed that are poisonous! Reserve humus-rich, permeable and fresh soil for the plant and expect it to grow to a height of 30 to 60 cm.

Chrysantheme (Chrysanthemum)

Of course, chrysanthemums as garden classics cannot be missing from our list. The easy-care plants are available in many different colors and with a wide variety of flowers. Orange is one of the most popular variants. These late bloomers begin their flowering period in late summer or early fall, but usually at the end of August and then decorate the garden until the first frost. These are very easy-care, orange-flowering perennials that love a sunny location and well-drained soil. Due to the abundant flowering, the plant also needs plenty of nutrients. The perennials, which are suitable as cut flowers, smell wonderful, which makes them even more popular for the bed. Planted near the terrace, you can enjoy the scent particularly well. Chrysanthemums usually grow to a height of 70 cm. However, this depends on the variety.

Orange flowering perennials including the iris (Iris)

The orange iris has a delicate and pale orange tone. There are varieties that are even fragrant and impress not only with the beautiful appearance of the flowers. The flowering period is between May and June. The plant requires sunny and dry to slightly moist soil. Dry periods should be avoided. Irises are available in many other colors, so that beautiful combinations can be put together in the garden. Irises, as orange-flowering perennials, grow to a height of up to 80 cm.

Trollblume (Trollius chinensis)

The globe flower is actually a yellow flower. However, you can get an impressive shade of orange with the varieties 'Golden Queen' and 'Orange Globe'. Both varieties feel very comfortable in both sun and partial shade and require fresh to moist soil that is nutrient-rich and loamy-humic. Globeflowers bloom between May and June and have extremely pleasant and fragrant flowers. While they are completely open on the Golden Queen, they are more reminiscent of florets on the Orange Globe and are slightly closed. Both are orange-flowering perennials that you will fall in love with and will wonderfully enrich your garden.

peony (Pioneer)

The beautiful peony is also a classic and can be found in almost every garden. You probably already know that this beautiful perennial comes in a wide variety of colors and a variety of flower shapes. This also includes the variety in delicate apricot, with which you can get orange-flowering perennials and decorate your garden in this warm color. The flowers appear between May and June. It is not without reason that the plant received this name. It prefers a sunny location with fresh soil and requires plenty of humus and nutrients. Peonies grow 70 to 80 cm high.