Why do tomatoes burst on the vine? Possible causes and what you can do

Why do tomatoes split open on the vine, often even before they are ripe? There are several common causes and of course preventive measures.

Why do tomatoes split open on the vine? Changeable weather

Tomatoes are very sensitive to changeable weather. If it suddenly rains for days after a long heat wave and dry period, the fruits quickly burst open. By the way, this applies to both ripe and unripe fruits. The reason for this is very simple. The tomato plants had adjusted to little water during the dry phase. However, if it rains for a long time or heavily, they suddenly absorb a lot of water through their roots. Normally the excess water evaporates through the leaves. However, this is not possible if there are frequent rainstorms. Ultimately, the roots of the tomatoes become saturated and direct the water to the leaves and fruits, which split open.

Overfertilization as a possible cause

The nitrogen fertilizer promotes growth and is therefore given to the tomatoes during the growth phase. After this phase ends, the flowering period begins. Then you should first stop fertilizing. Otherwise the plant will bear fewer and smaller fruits.Over-fertilized tomatoesBy the way, they often burst.

You have overexploited the tomatoes

Excessive austerity can do more harm than good. TheTomatoes do bear fruit, but they form new leaves and sprout at the same time. No wonder the fruits often burst - they are the last to receive nutrients and energy.

The tomatoes were watered incorrectly

Tomatoes can also burst open in the greenhouse. This especially happens when they are cast incorrectly. The rule of thumb when watering is: it is better to water less but often than less often but extensively. Anyone who has made this mistake should adjust their watering accordingly to save the harvest.

How can you prevent it?

Regular watering during dry periods is recommendedTomatoesabsolute must. If you missed the time, you can at least provide rain protection for the plants. In some cases, incorporating sand into the soil and improving drainage also helps. In other cases, transplanting can save the tomatoes. However, this is only worthwhile if there are still a lot of green fruits.

If most of the tomatoes are already ripe, you can harvest them even when it rains. In this way, damage and losses can be kept to a minimum.

Can you eat the burst tomatoes?

As long as there is no disease or pest infestation and the tomatoes are harvested as soon as they open, they are safe to eat. However, it is recommended that you boil them down or use them to make a sauce and of course cut off the damaged areas. If the tomatoes stay on the vine for longer, they are often affected by fungal and mold spores and are inedible.

Cracked tomatoes in the vegetable garden, greenhouse or container are not uncommon. The reasons for this are different: weather, incorrect watering, incorrect fertilization, too much foliage removed when thinning out. In some cases it could also be an illness. To identify them, you should also look at the leaves and stems. However, the problem can often be solved with simple care measures and the harvest can be saved.