It is evergreen and produces numerous beautiful white flowers and red berries that provide food for pollinating insects and birds: the Mediterranean firethorn is much more than an eye-catcher in the garden. The ornamental tree is perfect as a hedge plant and is very easy to care for. We explain what you should consider so that you can enjoy the rose plant for years to come.
Mediterranean firethorn: This ornamental tree is perfect for wild hedges
Origin and uses in the home garden
As its name suggests, the evergreen shrub comes from southern Europe. The wild plant is heavily thorny, the cultivated plants have significantly fewer thorns. The shrub can be described asSolitary tree in the small gardenstage in the garden, is perfect for the bee pasture and can be combined with other hedge plants if desired. However, if you want to show off its wild beauty, group several plants of the same variety.
Growth and height
The Mediterranean Firethorn is a good choice for wild hedges. Its upright, densely branched growth makes it the perfect privacy plant. In the home garden, depending on the variety, it grows to a height of between 150 and 200 cm and increases in height by around 30 cm. All varieties tolerate topiary well.
In contrast toother Mediterranean plantsPyracantha coccinea is a hardy plant. Its white flowers open in May and fade at the end of August. They give off a slightly sweet aroma and are rich in pollen, providing food for bumblebees, butterflies and bees. The dark green leaves are small and elongated.
The fruits of the ornamental shrub are inedible for humans and animals. Although they are not poisonous, they have a sour taste and are therefore just a decorative addition to the garden picture in winter.
The firethorn prefers a location in the sun. Although it can thrive in partial shade without any problems, the flower production decreases significantly. Its foliage is particularly sensitive in winter and can burn on sunny days. The yellowed leaves fall off in spring and the bush forms new ones.
Soil texture
The Mediterranean firethorn prefers moderately fresh soil. Good drainage is an absolute must, otherwise the fine roots of the rosewood can rot. Allow the soil to dry before watering the plant. The ornamental tree is very adaptable and also copes well with barren, nutrient-poor soil. The pH of the soil doesn't matter.
When is the right time to plant Mediterranean Firethorn?
Firethorns are sold all season long in nurseries and garden centers. The early young plants can be planted in spring and summer. Before planting, you can incorporate humus or organic compost into the garden soil. Then dig a 70 cm deep hole with an auger and fill it halfway with sand. The minimum distance between plants is 30 cm for a hedge and 50 cm for individual specimens in a flower bed. Then place the root balls in the soil. Water the plants well.
Suitable planting partners: Other trees with similar location and care requirements. These include, for example, maple and dogwood. A suitable variety is, for example, “Red Star”. It reaches a maximum height of 180 cm and has attractive red berries.
Proper care is crucial for rapid growth
The shrub can easily thrive in heat and can cope without watering in summer. In regions with a mild climate and a rainy garden season, you do not need to water the tree. During very long periods of heat, you can water the hedge plant as needed. Allow the soil to dry out a little before watering the rose plant.
So you don't need to fertilize the soil regularly. It is sufficient if you provide the hedge plants with a slow-release fertilizer at the start of the gardening season.
Is a cut necessary?
A cut is not necessary. If you plant a wild hedge, you can trim the bush once a year after the flowers have withered, if you wish. The tree also tolerates topiary pruning. In order for it to recover from this, this should be done 1-2 months before the end of the gardening season. This way you can avoid frost damage later. However, try to remove as few new shoots as possible. Because these will produce flowers and bear plenty of fruit next year.
The firethorn is a beautiful tree that is primarily used as a visual andWind protection in the gardenfinds an application. It can also be grown in pots for the balcony or terrace. Its dense growth, snow-white flowers and red berries make it a real eye-catcher.