Creating a place to sit in the garden with a windbreak is the only way to quietly enjoy a cup of coffee outside in the fresh air. But you should know that every garden windbreak has its own characteristicsDesign and functionalitydiffers and one may be better suited to a particular environment than the other. However, there are some tried and tested methods to provide your garden seating area with wind protection. In this article you will learn what they are and how to find the best solution for your garden among them.
Seating area in the garden with wind protection: What you should consider
Carefully examine the location to determine the type of windbreak as well as the size and placement required for the protection.
Typ:To be effective, windbreaks should be semi-permeable and ideally filter 50-60% of the wind to reduce its force. Solid barriers are unsuitable as they create damaging wind vortices on both sides.
For the terrace and garden, the windbreak can be live or artificial. Living windbreaksplanted trees and bushesare the most attractive and long-lasting, but artificial plants provide immediate protection. Artificial windbreaks can be used alone or in combination with live windbreaks to provide protection until they become established.
Solid fences are not suitable for slowing down the wind, but any fence with 50-60% air permeability, such as B. Fences made of willow or hazelnut are effective. For home gardeners there are woven or extruded plastic nets, but for umbrellas over 1.5m a professional heavy duty plastic tape such as “Paraweb” may be required.
Size:A windbreak reduces the wind on its leeward side by ten times its strength. The windbreak should be wider than the area to be protected or extended on the sides to prevent the wind from entering over the sides.
Positioning:In general, windbreaks should face prevailing winds, but in some situations protection from damaging, cold northerly and easterly winds may be given priority.
The location of the terrain (topography) influences the wind direction and should be taken into account. Hilly locations may require protection from multiple sides as wind can move up the hill and cause gusts on the sides as well. The wind can also be directed through depressions, rows of trees or tall buildings, creating what is known as a “wind tunnel”.
Tips on how to create windbreaks for your garden
Creating a microclimate for relaxation in a wind garden
See if you can find parts of the garden, e.g. B. in the lee of the house or garden shed or behind hedges that already have a warmer “microclimate”. You will be protected from the prevailing winds. When everything is exposed to the full force of the wind, you should create a protected area in your garden. Set up a garden bench where you can enjoy your morning coffee in peace.
Filter the wind in the garden for protection
Filter the wind without completely blocking the view by using trees, hedges, plantings or open fences. But be careful: solid walls deflect the wind and create vortices that can make the problem even worse.
In the most exposed areas, you can erect a temporary windbreak fence to help the hedge establish itself. In gardens where the wind blows, consider planting extremely hardy trees and hedges such as hawthorns and pines.
Create a garden room in your yard
You can use hedges and fences to divide your wind garden into different “rooms”. Create shelters for different seating areas in the garden depending on which direction the wind is blowing.
Creating a sunken garden to protect from the wind on the patio
You can also create a special and intimate space by digging into the ground and creating a sunken garden, also protected from the wind by the different levels.
Seating area in the garden with wind protection: Choose trees and shrubs
Planting and maintaining living windbreaks requires site preparation. Deciduous shrubs and trees are best planted from autumn to early spring, evergreen ones in spring. Buy small, young plants that tend to establish well. Plant shrubs and trees relatively close together: a distance of 30 to 90 cm between most plants in a row is appropriate.
In deep shelterbelts, plant the tallest trees in the center and shorter trees or shrubs at the front and back. Keep new plantings well mulched, watered and weeded until they are established. Rows of trees and hedges can be pruned annually to maintain their density.
Choosing Plants for Living Windbreaks
Deciduous plants, whether rows of trees or trimmed hedges, create permeable barriers capable of slowing wind speed. Here are some you could choose:
Trees:Field maple, black elderberry, Norway maple, silver maple, sycamore maple, poplar, white willow, white elm, mountain ash, American linden, small-leaved linden, Siberian elm
Shrubs:Canadian blueberry, cornelian cherry, hazelnut, medium hawthorn, blackberry, elderberry, lilac, berberis, dog rose, Scottish rose, tamarisk
Evergreen hedgescan provide good protection in the garden all year round. However, be aware that a dense row of evergreen trees can act as a dense barrier and cause problems with wind turbulence. Rows of evergreen and deciduous plants alternate in the protective belt. Here are some evergreen plants to consider:
Trees:Incense cedar, Rocky Mountain juniper, Norway spruce, lodgepole pine, eastern cedar
Shrubs: Rabbit bush, Chilean bamboo, Common juniper