What does sustainable gardening mean? This is the application of gardening practices that do no harm to the earth and its inhabitants while attempting to improve it. Through sustainable gardening you practice good stewardship of the environment.
Gardening sustainably: What ideas can help?
Here we offer you a few ideas if you want to garden organically so that you can design your garden correctly and in an environmentally friendly way. Because it should be of utmost importance for every gardener not only to grow plants in their garden, but also to live up to the environmentally friendly principles of nature conservation and ultimately enjoy a healthy harvest.
Compost food waste and yard waste to garden sustainably
Through composting, which is the conversion of organic material into onerich soil conditioner, you can make your own natural plant fertilizer, which is great for sustainable gardening.
Composting improves garden sustainability by:
- Reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers.
- Reducing the amount of garden waste ending up in landfill.
- Improving the soil in your garden.
- Compost retains moisture in the soil and thus saves water.
Simply save all organic matter from your kitchen, except meat scraps, as well as all weeds and leaf clippings from your garden. Put them in a compost bin or pile. Once your compost has aged for a few weeks and looks dark and crumbly, add it to your garden. The compost provides the minerals your plants need, so you don't have to add synthetic fertilizer or plant food.
Be selective when choosing plants to ensure your garden is sustainable
Another sustainable gardening method is to choose plants that are native to your region and adapted to the local climate.
In addition to choosing plants that are native to your area, you can also choose plants that are pest or drought resistant. These plants require less care, water and pesticides, thus conserving resources and energy.
Choosing plants that get along with each other is also a good idea for green gardening. Choosing companion plants can help you conserve water, deter insects and improve growth, making your garden more sustainable.
Garden sustainably: Use recycled materials as garden accessories
Recycling is an important part of a sustainable garden because it helps keep items from ending up in landfill. Before you head out to buy mulch, weed killer, or anything else you need for your garden, consider what you already have and what you can recycle. (You can too with this green gardening tipsave a few euros).
Tips for recycling in your garden:
- Make mulch from shredded newspaper or fallen leaves from the garden.
- Place cardboard between rows to reduce weed growth.
- Use egg cartons or empty toilet paper rolls as containers for your seedlings indoors.
- Turn plastic bottles into watering cans.
Saving and recycling water for a sustainable garden
Water is a valuable resource and should be treated as such. That's why one of the best ways to make a garden sustainable is to only water plants when they need it and recycle water that would otherwise go to waste.
Unless the weather is hot and dry, you may only need to water two or three times a week. To save even more water, you can use collected water to irrigate your garden.
A rainwater collection system is a great way to save and recycle water in your garden. If you do thatCollect rainwater, you can store it until your garden needs it and then you don't have to turn on the tap anymore. If you don't have space in your garden for one of these, there are many other ways to use this sustainable gardening method.
Other ways to use recycled water in your garden:
- Place a bucket in your shower while it heats up and use it to water your garden.
- Use water from unused water glasses and water bottles to water your plants.
- Install a gray water system.
Protect nature by tending your garden by hand
You can reduce your garden's environmental impact by tending it by hand, without the help of gas-powered machines or chemicals. Using machinery or chemicals in your garden releases harmful gases into the air or soil.
Instead of cultivating your garden with a machine, do the job with a shovel, a rake, and some elbow grease. This sustainable method of gardening costs you nothing except a little time and maybe some sweat.
You should set aside a few hours each week for weeding instead of using chemical weed killers. Weeding by hand is better for the environment and means you don't accidentally pick up chemicals when harvesting your vegetables.