The correct timing of fertilizing your oleander is crucial to ensuring it grows vigorously and blooms beautifully in the summer. If you are just now taking the plant out of its winter quarters, then it is time to start spring care. When is the right time to fertilize? Which fertilizer is the best?
There Oleander (bot.Nerium oleander) is abeautiful Mediterranean shrub, which thrives best in pots and containers in our gardens. The plant is not hardy and cannot overwinter outside, so it is not worth planting in the garden. Fertilizing at the right time is crucial for optimal care.
When do you fertilize oleander?
The oleander embodies the Mediterranean spirit and beautifies every terrace from May to September with its beautiful flowers in white, pink and red. In order to be able to fully enjoy this remarkable floral display, the plant must not only be provided with the right fertilizer, but also at the right time. So when exactly should you fertilize the oleander? As a rule, fertilization begins from the plant's growth phase, usually from the beginning of March to the end of September. Then the shrub's dormant phase ends. At this point the leaves should become stronger and have a nice dark green appearance. This means that the shrub now needs nutrients to start the growing season with a boost.
How often?
Since the oleander is a heavy feeder, it has high nutrient requirements. Depending on what you fertilized with for the first time, subsequent fertilization should take place every 2 to 4 weeks. After applying a long-term fertilizer for Mediterranean plants in spring, it is sufficient to supply the plant with liquid fertilizer once a month during the growth phase. If you do not use long-term fertilizer, fertilization with liquid fertilizer in irrigation water is necessary twice a month.
How can you recognize a nutrient deficiency?
If your plant shows slow growth, it will lose its leaves andit does not form buds, then the oleander most likely suffers from a nutrient deficiency. This is another sign that you should fertilize the Mediterranean shrub now.
Fertilize oleander – with what?
When it comes to choosing fertilizer for oleander, you have two options: commercial chemical products or natural fertilizers. We summarize these for you!
Commercial fertilizer
Liquid mineral fertilizers are the most popular choice for fertilizing flowering shrubs. They are added to irrigation water and typically used once every two weeks. The liquid form allows the roots to absorb the nutrients quickly. There are also special fertilizers for oleanders, but a normal liquid fertilizer for balcony plants with a high phosphorus content will also cover the plant's nutrient needs. Be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions and wear gloves when handling the fertilizer.
Fertilizing oleander with home remedies – what can you use?
More and more gardeners are choosing to avoid chemical fertilizers and make their own fertilizer. This cost-effective method naturally provides plants with nutrients and helps reduce waste, which in turn benefits the environment. Here are four organic ingredients that usually end up in the trash but make excellent fertilizer for your oleander!
Banana peels
Oleander loves banana peels as fertilizer because they are rich in potassium and can contribute to abundant flowering. I have used this method several times on flowering plants. Here's how to do it: Cut the peels into small pieces and bury them at the base of the plant. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will decompose. Alternatively you canMake banana waterand water the plant every two weeks.
wood ash
Anyone who has a fireplace has plenty of wood ash. What many people don't know is that wood ash is a very concentrated and powerful organic fertilizer. It is important to use them sparingly so as not to burn the plant. Wood ash supplies potassium to plants and promotes their growth. Apply a thin layer to the base of the oleander and lightly dig it into the soil.
Also interesting:Which plants like wood ash as fertilizer?
coffee grounds
The coffee grounds are a good fertilizer for oleanders as they promote growth and flowering while deterring pests. Sprinkle a thin layer of the brown powder on an old newspaper and let it dry for a few days. Then spread the powder over the potting soil and work it in lightly. Use coffee grounds sparingly, about once a month, to avoid acidifying the soil.
cooking water
Did you know that you can use the cooking water from rice, potatoes or pasta to fertilize plants like oleander? The water should only be unsalted and definitely cool before you water your shrubs with it.
With these natural fertilizer options, you can also give your oleanders a strong start to the growth and flowering season without having to resort to commercial fertilizer.