Passionflower doesn't bloom: How can you get it to bloom and propagate it with offshoots despite the lack of bloom?

With its large, delicate flowers, the passion flower is a real eye-catcher. But if it produces few flowers that wither quickly or even stops blooming completely, then the question arises: How can I get it to bloom again and extend the flowering period until autumn? And what can you do in this case to propagate passionflower? Your passion flower is not blooming - we also list the possible reasons why.

Passionflower not blooming: Possible causes and solutions

Passion flower blossom fails: The wrong location

Passionflower thrives best in sunny and warm locations. However, it has difficulty withstanding heat, rain and wind. During prolonged periods of heat, you should remove the flower from the strong onesProtect from midday sun. However, make sure that the flower is in the sun for at least 6 hours a day. Too little sun can also have a very negative effect on flower formation: in shady and semi-shady locations, the exotic plant does not produce any flowers at all.

Young plants need more time to form flowers

You were given a blooming passion flower in a pot as a gift, but now it doesn't want to bloom anymore? Then you can rule out age as a possible cause. Plants that are currently blooming should continue to be able to produce new flowers. Young plants that were brought forward last year, on the other hand, need time to form flowers. The climbing plant needs between three and four years to develop its root system. Old plants shouldn't have any problems with flower formation; as long as they produce new shoots, nothing stands in the way of magnificent blossoms.

Diseases in passionflower that affect flower production

Problem:If the plant is neither too young nor too old, then you should look for another reason why flowers are not forming. Focal spot disease or anthracnose is often to blame. Fusarium Oxysporum is the cause of a fungal disease (Fusarium wilt), which can delay the flowering period. The mosaic virus has a similar effect.

Possible solution:Take a photo or describe the clinical picture in the garden center or garden school.

Use low-nutrient potting soil or over-fertilize the passionflower

Nutrient deficiency problem:The passion flower is not a heavy feeder, but it still requires regular fertilization when grown as a pot plant.

Possible solution:Water the plant from below so that the water does not wash away the valuable nutrients. Place the passion flower in a place protected from rain.

Overfertilization problem:If your planthas only a few flowers, but has formed a lot of leaves, then over-fertilization could be the reason for the lack of flowering. The wrong fertilizer can also be to blame. Nitrogen fertilizers are often the reason for the lack of flowers.

Passion flower doesn't bloom: pot too small

Problem:If the passion flower produces a few small flowers, then it could be due to the size of the container. If the exotic has no space in the pot for its roots, you should repot it.

Possible solution:Repotting and thinning out. Especially if you grow the passionflower as a climbing plant in a pot, you should cut off old shoots at the start of the gardening season (and during the flowering period).

If the houseplant is attacked by pests such as thunderbirds and aphids

Problem:If the potted plant has to withstand the rain outside, it will be weakened and susceptible to pests such as aphids and storm creatures. An infestation can disrupt flower formation.

Possible solution:You should regularly check the plant for pests and then act quickly at the first signs of an infestation.

Water passionflower correctly

Problem:Passionflower needs regular watering, but too much of a good thing can also have negative effects. It's not a problem if you overwater the flower once or twice. However, you should regulate the amount of water really well and work sand into the potting soil to prevent waterlogging.

Possible solution:Good drainage is an absolute must. If there is too much water and rot, only repotting helps. Place the plant protected from rain.

Passionflower is not blooming, how can I propagate the plant?

You can easily propagate passion flowers from cuttings. Even if the flower doesn't produce flowers. The most important thing is that it is not sick and is not attacked by pests. You need several 15 to 20 cm long branches with leaves. Remove all but 2 or 3 leaves at the very top of the branches. Mix potting soil with compost and fill the substrate into growing pots. Then insert themCuttings in the potsand place it on a sunny windowsill. You can cover the pot with a plastic bag for the first few days. Remove the bag morning and evening and ventilate the plant.